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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. So how do you feel about the Postal Service handling the vote by mail idea ??? last thing I trust is some union liberal being trusted to deliver my vote, I'll bet the liberals are already printing ballots cast for Biden and that more Democrats will vote than are registered, and when Trump wins again they will claim it was rigged.
  2. Went to Perris CA. Ritchie Bros. Deputy that I spoke with thought the whole thing is a farce, it was the local people that said cops were warning people to wear their mask, Ritchie wanted masks in their yard ??? but out in Palm Spring everything fine.
  3. Drove to CA. to pick up Pete cause airline said I needed to wear a mask from the time I entered the airport till I leave and that includes all the flight time, that ain't happening, cops in CA were pulling people for driving and not wearing mask ?? back in TX now and the Speedway in Fabens requires mask to enter somehow I got in without one but when I went back for receipt and my card they had a meltdown, I won, got card back and receipt and went back in, Rudy"s is serving, left Monday hit first Rudy's on Tuesday and every day since, will go through Dallas tomorrow and that will be end of Rudy's, I bet Pelosi and crowd are having grand gala events that we don't know about because they have just about screwed this country into the ground and yes this is a Liberal BS power grab, when 470,000 people can die from cigarettes and no one gives a damn but we can ruin peoples lives over a mere maybe 100k deaths due to a virus which if people kept themselves in good health would most likely not been that bad then we are mislead, lied and totally abused by the fear monger liberal left, you cannot even print the real words I would use describe these low life scum holes.
  4. Agree 100%
  5. 14 foot boat ??? not here, maybe yard full of Helicopters that do float (ex coast guard) to busy selling repurposed Mack trans as anchors to have a boat.
  6. And Volvo wonders why people are buying others brands, we bought Internationals for along time till they stopped building parts for a 10 year old truck, no Internationals here and soon to be no more Macks, if you cannot support the older stuff and only want to sell new crap you will have to find new customers and as we know theirs one born everyday.
  7. Trump went along with this hoax because the young are to stupid to know this no worse than any other thing that has come along, remember Y2K the world was going to end, it's all BS but Trump had to go with flow because the smart people are out numbered by the stupid, he knows this is a joke and is just playing the smart card.
  8. WHAT a Mack trans that doesn't like to shift, what's new ?
  9. Al Wheeler was a Mack dealer in Las Vegas he told horror stories of trucks coming from CA. he said some did not even have oil in the rears, he had a yard full of west coast F models when he died they scrapped them all, very sad day not only losing AL but the F cabs too, I was able to get his inventory log for Mack Western dated August 12 1975 which has orig. paperwork for the Cruiseliner and all the Mack Western trucks available that day, book has pages and pages of unsold inventory build sheets. just looked at book and it has all the Western Macks located in the US not sold. paper works say's it was sent out by Garner L. Davis.
  10. I like Mack trucks but there are just some things that you get wrong and that's it, when your wrong your wrong and should quit while your ahead, since Mack does not build manual trans anymore I guess they figured out you can't beat the guys that just build rears and trans. great little engines, cheap to run, we had a couple E9s I wasn't impressed but they did the job and then moved on to someone who thought they were better, we ran Big cam 4s and had no problems keeping them cool and others could not get across town, we had L9000 fords they held up great and the steering was the best, had Marmons they were great, hell we had a Astro, was like driving a go cart with the screaming jimmy under the cab so I have thoughts on what works and what does not for us, and that is my point FOR US, might be fine for some others but not for what we did in the past, I started with a Diamond T then on to a B61, 673 turbo and triplex and bought first new KW in 77 so we have been there, now we haul mostly high and wide and prefer not heavy only because no one pays for weight and the permits cost way more for weight and not so much for just oversize so my thoughts are based on my experience.
  11. Shifts better if it was behind something green or silver and screams/drips, god forbid unlike a fuller which will shift at any RPM you try to low ball the RPMs you'll look like a idiot. on another note boat anchor biz is going strong .
  12. Geez my engine brake works great, 98 not E tech ??
  13. Of course any nitwit knows this joke is over the top and why try and defend ultimate stupidity.
  14. Notice the Liberals have left us, they used to take a swipe once and while but they sure seem quiet or have moved to a site more their Liberal liking ?
  15. Good for you guys
  16. Bought in Friday's auction, filter is a add on and just unbolts, just a ripoff so CA. could collect some fees so you could truck a little longer, I like the Mega Flow mufflers and run them anyway and the chino cut pipe so even if it did have a stack it all would come off anyway. and I thought I might get into the boat anchor biz, just repurpose Mack Transmissions ???
  17. My wife says that I cannot say the things I say to people calling to sell me time shares in Thailand or new warranty for a car I don't own, the guy with time shares was great, week at no cost, half our airfare, I told him I thought this was great cause you can have sex with little kids, he kept on talking till he thought heard what he heard and asked me what I said, told him about sex with kids, he hung up. now unless your some loser liberal you know I don't have sex with kids but it is fun to try and play these people, and for you loser liberals I am the one that will volunteer to castrate you with my rusty blade when you think it's all right to have sex with children cause you wish to push the limits of your way of life, yes that's right I lump pedophiles right along with Bernie/Biden supporters, I'm such a sweet heart and enjoying the money I made off my N95 masks.
  18. have to remove filter and reinstall stack, still worth the little extra work
  19. Well you know when go to or call Mack and all you hear is how bad Volvo has screwed up the parts system and like Navistar does not support older equipment is hard to be loyal, I think you could build a new Pete from parts from any after market parts seller, you can buy any part for a 378/379 and I cannot get certain parts for my 98 Mack from Mack and no one builds crap to make a Mack any better than it is, took me a year just to find real led lights that work, there are dozens for the Pete, add that to the extra power and you wonder why people buy other brands and one more great benefit you can't get a Mack trans in a Pete ( you could maybe but that would be sick) we have had plenty of Petes and they have been good, the Western Stars were really nice the Kenworths gave us nightmares with electrical problems and the Macks are great in places where big power is not needed, in fact there is a big off road job coming up and first truck that fits the bill for that will be a Mack RD, so I can spend 10k to change trans to fuller and still have 12 litre engine or spend a little more and 10 years from now if taken care of I will get what a paid for the Pete when I sell it. these are working truck not garage queens.
  20. More than I wanted but out of private fleet, shop foreman was great, southern Cal. truck so no rust or crap, kept polished and was on front page of website, Hagel is sending records and interior is spotless by what I understand owner of company is sorta like me, no smokers and no crap in trucks which leads to really nice used trucks, I have sold the last 4 trucks to same guy down here and he wants my CH if I decide to sell, I'd keep it but then it would need a driver and I don't need that aggravation in my life, I don't like putting up with owner ops either but at least when they screw up they pay the bill not me. should be into this truck at about $28,500 in my yard. it is a 378 and not a short hooded 379 so makes it a little better, we had a short hood 379 and the cab just sits on the frame, 378 sit higher.
  21. Ritchie auction in Los Angeles, 550 5EK Cat 256" factory daycab 588,000 orig. miles and had the motor overhauled lately cause their fuel supplier dumped gas in diesel tank, nice to have insurance company rebuild your motor, Hagel bought new and only sold due to CARB, gotta love CA.
  22. Well I got to debate this with a liberal, first liberals are more whacked than I thought, I said that smoking kills 470,000 people a year yet we do not outlaw smoking, second hand smoke kills another 40,000, auto accidents 40,000+ per year then cancer from just Tobacco products kill 2+ million globally per year and I asked where the out rage was or the concern ?? the liberals explained that those deaths are voluntary, it is your right to smoke and kill yourself whereas the Virus is not, so liberals are concerned not so much about life but how you die ? abortion, smoking are of your choosing ? so I responded that if I wish to enter a deli for lunch than it is my choice to take the risk of getting the virus ? no no because someone would have to serve me and that would expose them, so i said then my server would also have the right to work or not, their choice, no no they be would forced to work ? no, forced work would be slavery, no no employers would endanger worker by allowing them to serve me thus endanger themselves ?? so you can abort, smoke, drink, drive stupid and all these things are ok but you cannot be exposed to virus that may or may not make you ill ??????? we are screwed if these idiots ever run things.
  23. I know this will really sound bad but if you live near Atlanta you would understand, went through Atlanta at 5:30 on Friday night, left jobsite by the Airport and went right up 75 right through town and up to the north side to Cartersville, this is something that you would never even attempt but we did the speed limit and never touched the brakes, this is what the world would be without minorities clogging up the highway, they all stayed home to get their check and the real working people are the only ones one the highway, man life is good right now but soon the highway will clogged with the nitwits that just ride the super loop cause it's something to do. anyway that's as nice as I could put it. still cool though
  24. Vibrators and B models works for me
  25. Failure is caused bu piss poor design
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