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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Went home depot by the time I left I told the lady at the checkout I hoped they went out of business, lines and masks which I will never wear, looked like a bunch left loons at a stupid convention, so I don't understand we are so worried about some people getting the virus and dying, the nit wit on TV said being fat, high blood pressure and heart problems are the most liable to die, wonder how much smoking adds to that, I can't go out to eat but joey brain dead gets to puff away on his cigarette that we know for 100% kills people and joey gets to wash it down with booze which adds to the health problem when abused (alot) and yet not one word of getting rid of the things that puts this very same person at risk from the virus, ??? if you can smoke and die then I should be able to go to the waffle house and eat with my buddies and screw the lying left media and the hoax BS.
  2. Well boys if you ever go out on a paving job or any job that requires you to be spot on then you would understand and appreciate the DM series of trucks but since most steering wheel holders can not back up anyway then you are right why bother with the off set cab, they were made when drivers had to back into places that drivers today would not even attempt but was everyday and all day. and that is why grasshopper.
  3. You packed it and delivered to post office, pay someone to pack and deliver to post office and let's see your costs
  4. What, a weak point in a Mack trans, how can that be those things are like the best thing since sliced bread and sex ??? never break easy to shift and real quiet, man I musta got into some real good drugs somewhere, save yourself some money and piece of mind, pull it out and put a fuller in, and if you miss the great 4 reverse gears buy a 2 speed aux (at1202) you will be way ahead.
  5. And let me add that some people that complain about costs having gone up our the very same people that voted for the morons that enacted laws that forced the prices to go up. ??????
  6. just trying to be understanding to hard working women, always have been impressed by hard working women no matter their profession. after being around some greedy women I tend to lump most of them together, either those that take cash or those that take houses and cars.
  7. speaking of hookers it must tough to do your thing 6 feet apart ?? went to 5 guys in Florence on my way to Prescott AR, had to order by phone, pay with credit card over phone (no infected green backs) then delivered food to a tub in closed area, close door upon which I could enter where tub was and retrieve my food, motel makes you use night window in middle of day, wow the left media should be proud of themselves for such good work.
  8. Mr. Clarke will have to resort to street hookers and not high dollar escort service hookers with his 35% cut in pay.
  9. Call AL Gore and complain to him about the global warming is not getting spring here fast enough, speaking of global warming if the oceans do rise and NYC was under water then maybe all the virus carriers would get washed out to sea, silver lining to all bad things.
  10. Stop living in the past, you have any idea of the cost to ship any small package, think of ll the people it took to get your package to you, order taker, picker, boxer, trip to dock, truck driver another truck driver , maybe a plane ride and all these people have health care cost that have soared, truck prices and insurance cost have rocketed out of site and you complain about shipping costs ??
  11. We are going for a trip moving a building from GA to AR. so it will be interesting to see how it goes, coming back from WY was great, even got to sit in restaurant and got served in NE. it is only until we got to the stupid states that things went south. but it looks like the joke is coming to a end and then we can get back to work.
  12. I want to know what happens if you don't have paperwork so you can stay at a motel ?? sleep in your car ?? this is foolish.
  13. I don't have PRS I have RPS Restless Penis Syndrome, and on another note had to fill out paperwork for the state of GA so I could go to a motel last night, then to go to shipper had to sign more paperwork that I have not been in China or where the virus is hot ?? now I go back tomorrow and sign more paperwork, think I will fill in questions with all yeses and I was in China.
  14. Do the same with a truck if drivers didn't set out to destroy them from day one, could never understand why they need carve their name on everything, or drill 20 holes to mount one radio and stickers all over the dash ??????? like why does a driver need a convex mirror inside the cab ??
  15. Wait till you get RPS, some get it and recover and some I guess just die I've had it and it's been a burden to bare but you must carry on.
  16. Maybe the drivers could have slowed down, oops that's right we are talking about a driver doing something intelligent, never happen.
  17. Been on the Badger
  18. 2017 40,000 plus died on nations highways, Cigarettes killed even more, cancer killed even more, murder, suicide and just plain get old and die didn't see us shut down the country for that ??? I don't get it, here in GA. the State Patrol is about useless, they can't pull over the Blacks because that is racist, they don't stop the trucks doing 80 mph plus, pretty much no inspection of any kind so there may be many new cars but the old ones are unsafe and nobody cares, cars go around the super loop (285) at 90 and the cops just watch yet one little bug comes along and the ??? comes unhinged, what is really funny is watching the nitwits ride in their own car with mask and rubber gloves on, like I have said I traded snow for stupidity.
  19. Yep, chump change in price compared to hummer that doesn't run, will last longer, cheaper to operate, Trump needs to have them built here and shit can the Hummer disaster, and now along comes johnny weekender that just loves his Hummer , would not be so happy if he had to hike back to camp from some crap hole desert cause his Hummer quit for the hundredth time.
  20. I like to tell it like it is, some dudes gotta have a long hood to make up for lacking in the package dept. big joke around here with the big heavy haulers, they run around with the 4th axle down even with a D5 on, empty trailers with yellow lights and oversize load sign on, then wonder why no one pays attention to warning lights, we like to play dumb and have the know it all give the big talk on their big load, even had drivers tell us about the big load in the yard and it was ours ?? there is those that do it and them that wanna.
  21. Because if it ain't got a super long hood that will make your drivers penis bigger than it has to ride rough, drove many cabovers that rode just as good any hood, buy the MR and make some money and don't worry about hood mania.
  22. Complain in private but do not show any weakness, ever heard the comment you never let them see you sweat,
  23. Good place for them
  24. Rocks lotsa rocks great for guys that do blasting, Derry paving used to blast and guy named Arthur Mc???? at Busby we did our own, I think i wore out a couple rock drills or maybe the other way but we shot rock all the time, owner sent me to Dupont blasting classes, lotsa fun.
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