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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Push the red knob in ???
  2. Very funny
  3. Amen
  4. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH let's pictures of Hillary Biden and Obama, bet that would be OK
  5. How come no one posts the year, AI is emissions, so it would have to be pre 02-
  6. union driver ???
  7. The left news had to reported that some scum bag that Obama had at the White House was photographed at the embassy invasion in Iraq last week, funny how Obama's pals are still wishing America well.
  8. MOAB
  9. I got our LEDs from the chrome shop in Wildwood FL, love them.
  10. It was like 70 here in GA. today, tee shirt weather
  11. I don't think that anyone has a problem with legal immigration, it is those that bypass the the law that most people except liberals have a problem with, it's the law and it seems that the left has a problem with all our laws because even the leaders can't follow the law. Trump maybe weird, different or ??? but that is what the US is made of people that are different but because he isn't a Government approved thief they want him gone, and if he wants to investigate Biden all the more power to him but when it leads right back to Obama then wait for the real shit storm to hit, the left will go off their rockers, Obama is a Chicago politician and there has never been any politician from Chicago that was not a CROOK.
  12. Up to 02 were still good trucks just makes the market small, we look for trucks every day, 99 to 02 macks are really hard to find, at least in a condition you would want to buy, If some one would come with a ELD for mech. motors I think they would sell great, just because it is a mech. motor does not mean speedo and tack are not elec.
  13. And if you have run with a ELD you really would never want to go back to paper, why would any want or need to work more than 70 hours a week, if your business plan is so piss poor that it requires more hours than 70 maybe you should look at a career at Mickey Dee's, I bet we are lucky if we can get 50 in and some days I think that is to much, my motto " cheap freight moves fastest" gotta move fast to move more, not much profit in that and trucking is a business and profit is what you strive for not lifestyle, buy yo what do I know.
  14. So for the left that never seems to get their story straight, Ellis Island was better known for it's deportations than it's immigrants that passed thru, seems our left leaning friends (not mine) forget that Ellis Island sent back to their home country 120,000 people which in the early 1900s was alot and that 3500 people died while detained at Ellis Island, 2% of the people trying to get into the US when their was no real immigration policy were returned ??? So when the left says that we have always let people in they are dead wrong, 3500 dead people wrong. If lefty's were to ever stand back and listen to them selves their heads would explode from insanity that they spew, that is the problem they never think they just regurgitate what they were told by their mindless leaders and follow along like hapless sheep.
  15. You lock your doors to keep the bad people out, you close the border for the same reason, if vetted and you are found to be a good person we can let you in, no immigrant has a RIGHT to come to the US, Rights are for people born here and those who are given it by the Government after entering legally.
  16. Have not seen one yet which sucks because we use ELDs and it would be nice to use some of the older nice trucks coming out of CA.
  17. you lock your doors but not the border ???? see you cannot even debate your stupidity.
  18. If the drivers were to pay for their #*%$ ups they would end up owing you money.
  19. Like the spring under the cab.
  20. Still waiting to know if liberals lock their doors, would be a hypocrite if they do.
  21. News media suck
  22. Do liberals lock their doors at night ???? why ??? shouldn't they wish to invite anyone that wishes to enter their home ???????? same old liberal shit, NIMPY Not In My Back Yard, Liberal used to come up to NH and hike all over our farm leave their trash and then go back to their postage size yard, OK for them to crap all over our land but step one foot on theirs and they call the cops ???? once again, Liberals have a mental defect.
  23. We the taxpayer are paying for the wall like we should, the wall is to keep out people who do not belong here, Trump has no problem with legal immigration nor does anyone else but why should the taxpayer support people who did not come the legal and proper way, just like they did on Ellis Island, people did not sneak in they were processed in with papers something you liberals forget or just prefer to rewrite history to your liking. If liberals think there way is best then why don't they double their tax payment and put their money where their mouth is ??
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