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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. No, cause you will never understand, many people come by the shop and bring their kids and learn some history of Aviation, there also plenty of old trucks and buses, and no cat gets refused a home for life something you will never understand, there is a huge sharing of information that goes on, it just happens for us that we share information on Trucks and Aircraft, like I said you are damaged by years of being lied too by your union leadership and can't see past your blind trust in them that the rest of us are SCABS, the fact is you are the minority and we are the driving force behind a vibrant economy, it's people that have a common interest in making things better than those that sit around condemning everything that does not meet their twisted view, I am a believer in my Country, in freedom and the right to make the best of what I can and others to do also, not be controlled by others like a union who's only concern is greed and power to control, I come from the state of NH. live free or die state, something you will never understand.
  2. Cutting was the key word
  3. I remember right it statred life out green and he pulled lowboy for Billy Wood
  4. I never could understand why Ford wanted to change the L cab, should done like Mack and galvanized it, LTL were great trucks and the L and LT were just as good as any truck on the road at the time, dumb mistake by Ford cause what they replaced it was junk.
  5. Bought new by Belger Crane OKC, and Ford made plenty heavy spec L9000, you never saw a L9000 logger, Actually it was really good truck Hendrickson spring, moved some pretty big loads and never let us down, I got pictures of it coming across I 70 in Utah with a 13 axle trailer, coming down that last pass before Greenriver is pretty cool. that trailer on the Ford normally would have a 3 axle jeep front so figure the weight on the fifth wheel and that's how we ran it around Ghana, no problems.
  6. My Ford L9000 in Tema Ghana Africa delivering GE TM 2500 for Volta River project.
  7. Couldn't help it I think you might deserve it with your holier than thou union kool aid drinking attitude you would be surprised at the success others have had without being union, you might find that there are lot a people that are non union have done well and are really good people, until you have a more open mind I think you will get disrespected as you have sown the seeds.
  8. Fuzzy picture but it's Me in the orange and the crew of the Antonov 225 in Basra Iraq, we just had flown in from JFK (NY) at max weight and took pic to celebrate.
  9. Trucking is my parallel career, grew up literally in Air Force planes dad was Air Force pilot and then Capt. for Eastern Airlines, been flying before I could walk. don't like people so trucking was great didn't have to interact with many people, in the Heavy Haul at power plants they keep everybody away which is fine, then putting the both together was really great, we either get to fly some really cool planes or rip em a part and truck them, been a great ride and looking forward to whats next, guy wants us to move a F4 Phantom and just quoted a DC3 26'3" wide on the road, and already got a DC3 for the Smithsonian to do later this year or early next, H53 helicopter to Yuma and some Mig 21s to Yuma and hopefully the X15 moves this year, We are supposed to move the Rutan Voyager, it has only been moved by 2 other men, great fraternity, what a great non union job. (dig when i can)
  10. crappy photo but will have better when we get back
  11. 23k front 65k rear
  12. The Blue Angels is in memory of Commander Gershon who was killed in a crash,
  13. Sure sucks to be a non union loser.
  14. Cats got attitude and shop when moving in
  15. Cool Cat hanging out at the hanger, Geez I wonder if I needed a union card for instrument check ?? NO bet our union friend would not like the ride, bet she would get sick, most do.
  16. under the floor the heat shields are on the ground and will go back on.
  17. Shops a shop planes or trucks it's the space, NON UNION space, don't even know how we do it, seems there are some here that think we are all failures unless your some union drone.
  18. Don't worry I have a project for the Air Force to finish and I'm going to look at a real low mile RD888 factory built tractor and a RD 688 tractor.
  19. While you have been playing some of us having been working, Oh and I know your so better off than the rest of us we are constantly reminded, I have seen the pyramids in Cairo, what was the hanging gardens of Babylon, flown around the world countless times on the largest cargo plane, seen the plains of south Africa, been to Island of Crete been to the Parthenon in Greece, have sailed out to sea on a cargo ships and seen the coast from out at sea, have you ? NO I doubt it, so yeah there have been days that were lean and tough but in the end I have done things and been places you will only dream of, I have lived a life adventure and made quite a bit of money doing it and yes I can quit but why ?? to sit on my butt and vegetate, I run my own rescue for Cats because no one else will, I fund it without support, I get to do special projects for the USMC and Air Force that you read about and admire, I move the oversize Aircraft for the Smithsonian, not some company but me, myself that means that I get to do something you will never will do and very few will ever do and you will only read about or see on it TV so sit at your computer and be so smug but you have done nothing, I have left a legacy, I personally have done what others dream about and what have you done ? forget the money when you die it means crap it's what you done while you lived, I have friends around the world and you really have nothing but your pension and greed making you a pathetic old shrew.
  20. Once again your speaking about something you know nothing of, you can rebuild a "decades" old truck, have a better truck and more reliable truck but as a union drone you only think of a new clean ride you can ruin and not the true cost of ownership, you speak from ignorance of a employee and not a owner.
  21. MOAB the Supreme leader, that might help.
  22. But how does the average democrat voter justify supporting their party knowing that they are out to lunch ????
  23. Took my cat to the chrome shop and tried to hide the Western Star in the Helicopter line up
  24. Back in the day harry Pappas brought a few into his Peterbilt dealership and I think some ended up in the Savon fleet
  25. Fenders were nicked and looked bad easier to match cream color, exhaust was CA. legal and that was removed and new pipes from turbo back (not cheap) went with straight pipe so as to keep with obnoxious look, all rubber under hood was replaced including engine mounts and door jam (not fun) all lights replaced with LED except headlights and that will happen, square bumper will arrive and then air bags, shocks and all oils, went with schaeffer oil, might finish by fall, been working on a Kenworth W900B hate that thing and it will disappear, know of some more Macks coming up and hoping Pete goes away and makes room for the Macks. replaced interiors lights with LED what a difference and I think the fenders came pretty nice
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