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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. I don't care if Trump was out taken a turd in the White watermelon patch (formally the Rose Garden) he is the best we have have had in long time, I don't care if he withholds anything and everything until he gets what he wants, that's how you get crap done, unless your a Democrat you give it all and get nothing in return. (Obama legacy, give till it hurts and then give a little more)
  2. You are right, Mack 2 stick trans were the best, I like them, air shift is crap, there are spaces in the 18 Mack that at a certain rpm there is no gear to go to because there is not enough overlap, either your to high or to low and yes we move different freight, but if your going to market a trans as a heavy haul trans then expect to be trashed when it turns out to be trash, yes I too like the multi speed reverse but not enough to put up with the rest of the crap. and don't bother with the ratio page, paper is crap real life it does not work. Democrats have lots of paper to prove they are right real life they are dead wrong.
  3. Dah, they finally figured out what I have been saying, probably stop making parts too, PAI will like that ?
  4. Yep, what a waste of time and tax payer money, Trump will be President when the next election comes up and hopefully be reelected, Democrats sure care about the average person, just waste more money that WE have to pay back, I cannot even say what I feel honestly about the Democrat/liberal losers because I would most likely get banned for my comments. Relish your day you will regret it.
  5. Stupid people do stupid things, welcome to the south.
  6. Merv Townsend was one of the first ice road truckers and was based out of Hay River NWT.
  7. So they moved the first move to 12/12/19 and I had to sign off video and film rights to the Smithsonian, seems they have their own TV channel but hopefully they will let me get a pic or two ?? first move is the Douglas World Cruiser from 1924 The Chicago was one of the first planes to fly around the world.
  8. yep we were talked into a road turd clutch, it failed, still had to prove it was clutch, not truck, it was and put a real one in, don't know why these dealers insist on shoving crap out the door, but when you have drivers more interested in chrome shit on there truck and not good parts I guess it will continue.
  9. Yeah but you guys have never been around a MAN truck or a Renault Magnum for road work, personally take a MAN for Heavy Haul any day, Love the standard trans with a Torque converter ?
  10. Well now he can have his virgins. hairy legs and all.
  11. Insulation
  12. While my engine warms up i use either 4th or 5th with neutral switch and let tranny warm up too. it really helps on cold days.
  13. Amen
  14. Wouldn't you love to send one of these EPA dirt bags back in time, like about the late 60s and 70s they would have a heart attack when some big truck came just blowing coal, and that unburned fuel at night would make a nice glow, aw the old days.
  15. Do you realize how many pictures there are of people posing with dead enemies, the Indians in this country, World War 1 and 2 , Korea, Vietnam, the piles of dead Jews with people standing in front of them (Holocaust did not happen according to snot rag wearing Sudan loving dirt bag) so one guys takes pic and we need to send him to jail, I don't care if he was standing there posing doggy style who cares ?? Liberals need to get a life and grow up or do something other than prove every day how truly stupid they are.
  16. So there is Navy seal that has been getting a lotta crap lately for posing with a dead bad guy, who gives crap about some dead towel headed bad guy, I thought you always had your picture taken with a good kill, Am missing something ?? Didn't Obama run around with pictures of his great kill, every time I looked at the TV there was a picture of a dead Bin Laden and Obama, maybe the Navy Seal should say he is a Democrat and all would be well, naw probably rather get Aids.
  17. No comment, it will taken out of context.
  18. You were told Thermostat was replaced, but did you personally check it, I have a small orange grove in Fairbanks AK that does produce fruit need to sell, interested ???
  19. The ESI kit from Mack comes with all the filters, why would obtain filters from parts shop looking to hose you, we get ours from the Mack dealer and the local parts house cannot meet Macks price, maybe I have good Mack dealer but you can also look at Amazon.
  20. Got a down under photo too, up side down, Great job, hope trailer is working good for you. RD 888 made great heavy haul tractors, I will see if I can find the pictures of ours at GE in Pensacola.
  21. yes
  22. You have no idea of the paperwork , back round checks and Q and A involved, I feel violated but on the other hand it will be honor to move Aircraft that there my be only one of. this has been years in the making and I never thought back then we would ever get here, maybe the Mack owners (volvo) will appreciate a Mack moving some of Americas jewels.
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