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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. yep he wrecked that one for sure.
  2. December 18/19 2019 we will be in Washington DC at the Smithsonian to move the Douglas World Cruiser (Chicago) to it's new home in Chantilly VA. the new Air Museum by Dulles, this is just the first on a list we have which also has the Rutan Voyager, first plane to fly around the world non stop. and yep I'm using a Mack. (got the X15 too)
  3. gettin lazy maybe a Auto ????
  4. Bigger arms ????
  5. yeah why install crap ?? unless you like abuse
  6. We even used different clutch manf. ???? still like mounted in cement.
  7. we have changed the cable made no difference at all, put new clutch in works great for 2/3 weeks and goes right back to crap, I think it is caused by upside down forks, that is my idea with what is wrong. only mack uses and only our macks have problem.
  8. NO NO NO the cable will create some drag as it gets worn but if you have a Mack trans your gonna get stiff clutch, done mine twice, works great for couple weeks and goes right back to same crap, all the fuller trans trucks don't seem to have that problem, one more good reason to run a fuller trans.
  9. When you go to a dealership and ask for a Fuller 13 or 18 speed gear shift knob/shifter and they need the serial number then you have come across a brain dead
  10. She is kinda cute and have her for dinner any day.
  11. If Trumps son got a job anywhere and the left loons thought it was because he was Trumps son they would start another impeachment on that, but Biden"s son DID get a job only because his father was VP and the left say's nothing to see here, yet somehow if the right looks into it then that's bad, our children struggle every day to make ends meet, Biden's kid gets a $50,000 a month job with no experience and it's all OK, how do you as a left loon justify that ?????
  12. Kinda go for the milk crate, really gives'em something to bitch about, but I think there is Bostrom in mine, I think the pro ride is for trucks with a sleeper with no wall, tell your drivers to sit up and stop laying down in the seat,their knees won't hit the steering column. there's 3 good answers.
  13. OK I'll take your bait, since I work a lot in Mexico because we have freight going to and coming from there which includes us going into Mexico because of the size and our knowledge at running the trailers, not every joker can run a dollie system, ask Emmert, I think that Mexico is helping to pay for part of the wall, we never saw the Mexican Military in force like we do now, which in effect is slowing the illegal border crossings which is saving us money which is allowing us to pay for the wall and not chase illegals ? (thinking like Government person) Twitter ? who cares ? really that's a problem ? golf ? yep when the Democrats spend more time working with Trump to help Americans he won't have time for golf till then since they are only concerned with their witch hunt he has time so why not play golf, and for anybody that has worked with vets and the disabled there are those who wear their disability like a beacon of feel bad for me, but MOST do not, nor ask for sympathy, they ask for respect and to be treated as the equals they are, MOST do not see them selves as disabled, they know they are but they ignore it / deal with it and press on, it's only a select few that go on the feel bad for me tour. Now maybe you should also read the truth behind your bringing up the reporter with the disability which was a birth defect in this case, Trump flails around and the person in question does not, most what you saw on TV was as usual not the truth, so check your facts before putting it out there like it's the gospel, and as tjc transport noted I also suspect that Trump uses Twitter to infuriate the left wing loons, he probably laughs so hard he falls off the couch when he writes his lines of wit, i know I do. And yes maybe Trump was not up to speed on how bad Obama screwed up our health care system, since Obama and crew lied about it from day one how could Trump know how screwed we had gotten, Remember if you like your plan keep it, like you doctor no problem and best of all your rates won't go up, mine went from $560 per month for me and my wife to over $2000 per month and neither of us have health issues WTF, go smoke another joint and try again.
  14. To Keith S the IRS did persecute conservatives, guns did go across the border then were used to murder a border agent, Hillary did give away the our uranium for her benefit plus made sure 4 good men died because she had her head up her ass, Obama drew a line in the sand and then moved it ten times, he also paid Iran hostage money then lied about it and under Obama ISIS was born due to his being incompetent, and under Obama the 16 election was hacked by the Russians or someone, that's right, that happened while Obama was watching the store not Trump, OH and the unemployment rate was going to stay high and just get use to it, and those manufacturing jobs were gone and never to come back and we will kill coal to help the environment when it was to kill the price of coal so third world baboon farmers could have cheap electric power and we got stuffed and the environment got screwed, yes sir Obama and his crowd did great things.
  15. Someone is or they would not continue with this stupidity
  16. Well looked OP Telic codename for British invasion of Iraq, learn something everyday.
  17. Lost friends in Vietnam also, never did know why the US was there, I was involved with operation RIO in Iraq (Restore Iraqi Oil) RIO was on all our paperwork and orders ??? and we hats and crap the said OP TELIC KUWAIT-IRAQ 2003 never did know what that stood for, but was British, US combined.
  18. Did you try to close the doors yet.
  19. because they were part of British empire they drive on the wrong side of the road, most of Europe and the rest of the world road drives on the right side of the road, the Brits could not stand the idea of the colonists deciding on which side of the road we all would drive on and decided they were not going to be told how to drive, only British colonies drive on the wrong side and even some of them converted to the right side, when working with the Brits in Iraq they always bragged about inventing the wheel, I always reminded them we invented the rubber wheel and did not use stone, such a pissy bunch. As much as Canada loves Britain they went right, Bahamas I think is right, I know Ghana went right, little by little the British influence diminishes.
  20. Trash dumpster ?? then send it to DC and take out the trash !
  21. Yeah that body is no rock body but it could be house demo or ?????
  22. OH contraire some of the best rock bodies are made of aluminum, I started in dirt business too but learned hauling bulldozers did pay as well as buildings and the such, oh and the customers actually pay.
  23. you guys never hauled rocks ??? real rock bodies don't have gates, well maybe for a day or two.
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