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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. I won't even bother saying it.
  2. Smoking dope on the price
  3. Why would want to put a Mack behind a Cummins ??? 18 fuller and enjoy life, call Luke at the Truck Shop in Billings MT, he will set you up right.
  4. Only problem, all the aforementioned came after Saddam was gone, he kept them in check, he was no dummy, and for his crimes against his people, they were his people, that is how they live over there, they don't understand personal freedom( lot of them) Iraq went to shit after the media showed up, we would sneak out when they were not looking, come back later and give them BS story about out riding around, my wife would tell me about what was going on where we were and I would tell what really what was going on, always was 100% wrong, made up crap to sell their point of view.
  5. I was there and I argued very loudly (real loud) that we should not turn him over to the Iraq Government, I pissed some brass off but that is nothing new, I out ranked a lot of them and I made sure that they knew I thought they were brain dead, but the really up the ladder made the call and later regretted it, he could have made a world of difference in putting Iraq back together, he was not stupid he just got his back against the wall and we left him no choice but to fight back, the whole thing was handled stupidly.
  6. Like I said we need to impeach the impeachers
  7. So Trump kills the number one bad guy in Syria and the left wing loons are mad because they were not told in advance which Trumps responds that they leak everything else so what is to make anyone believe they would not leak this also ? A leak could have possibly got our people killed but that does not matter to a Democrat, they could have hurt Trump and that is more important to them than the live or lives of out military people !!!!! Obama killed his brother Osama, which I still doubt he is dead since the dumped him in the ocean thus not being able to prove he is really dead but anyway it was funny that Obama murdered Osama just before the election, even though we knew where he was for months before but then hey when a Democrat does shady crap it's OK, I use the word murder because when you kill someone for your personal gain and not the good of the US then that's murder, not doing your job, they should have wiped him off the face of the earth the day they found hind not wait for the election. Good job Trump for helping make America safe again.
  8. Somebody's brain
  9. I have always been a believer of fixing your own stuff, if Mack did not hoard all the software downloads none of our trucks would ever see a dealer, here in GA it would be subpar work and then you would have to fix what they fixed anyway. buy tools and read books it will be cheaper then going to the dealer. run your business like a business and not a steering wheel holder. Sorry but sometimes the truth isn't sweet.
  10. Bend over and assume the position.
  11. I remember going over to Mel Clarks place in Hampton NH and looking at them and B models, ended up with a B61 from him and then got a Kenworth K100 with a 903, did business with him for many years, had a great selection of what now are collector trucks, back then these were running trucks.
  12. If Fox is comfort food for stupid people then CNN, MSNBC and the rest must be the main menu for the anti American left wing gonna destroy America crowd. I hope DJC you posted that for entertainment and that is not your belief ??
  13. So our great president offers up Doral resort for the G7 for cost or free if it can be done legal wise, but the liberal loons go off the deep end, he will get free advertising, his company will make money, oh the corruption of it all, never mind the fact that it would be free or almost and that would save tax dollars, which the left really does not care about, they will just send the taxpayer a bigger bill, Democrats do NOT care about the average person, they stick it to the taxpayer every chance they get, now Trumps business can't donate Doral because at some point he could profit, well let's see do think any one would have anything that they would need to hear from Obama if he had not been president, another words he profits from speaking to brain deads only because he was president, otherwise there is nothing that comes out his mouth that any one would want to hear.(other than I am guilty of treason) You have to be completely insane to be a Democrat,. Now AOC has come out for Bernie, a complete anti American, save the world at the cost of the US taxpayer, but he does reserve the right for himself and others that think like him to prosper but the rest of us can live in poverty, think I saw that movie, did not end well for anybody. I only need to be God for 10 seconds and I can fix this problem.
  14. We used to put them in the bumper foglights so we could see the critters in the road in northern Maine, used to be a long dark road from Bangor to Houlton .
  15. Bet I would have spent more than 100 bucks. these work great.
  16. So after putting new headlight buckets in my 98 CH they were much better, I tried to see if the new LED in a new CH would fit, got not much info so I stopped at the chrome shop in Wildwood FL last trip and of course they did not have the lights either but they could order them, hate ordering something like lights unseen, anyway they showed up today, you can play shadow animals in the middle of the day, can't wait till it gets dark, I think next jerk off that does not dim lights will be in for a surprise, already lowered beam so should not bother anyone and don't drive in the dark much anyway, lights I got are Haizer LED HB1-9004 6000 lumens and 2 year warranty. I think they were 100 bucks with shipping, well worth the money.
  17. @#$&%$ Mack Trans
  18. Spent most of my time in Aroostook County and Fryeburg , potatoe country, all we could haul back in 70s before deregulation. (produce)
  19. That would be very classy
  20. Well being from New England I am sure they will very happy you built in ME.
  21. You could be like me before I made attempt to be kinder and question their personal hygiene, some reason women really get offended when accused of not washing down there. ?? I have found when dealing with stupid people that it is better just go in for the kill and be done with it, I have better things to do than waste my time in war of mental masturbation.
  22. Fire them all and come back non union.
  23. I will agree on the 4 reverse gears but the rest I personally can do with out, but my only experience with the 18 speed trans and the old 2 stick which was fine
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