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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Yep end the misery buy a fuller, spend have the money, last longer and shifts much nicer. LKQ 18 fuller new out of the box just over 6k, I spent 6k just to repair a Mack trans and still hate it, plus clutch and install, all in around 9k , screw your Mack trans.
  2. The piece of crap that was in the White House last said you would never seen unemployment down where it is today, also said that those manufacturing jobs were gone for EVER, EVER he said, really what happened, we have a President that grabs a little Volvo, better than grabbing a Weiner, calls out Rocket Man, tries to find out who really screwed up the election (Clinton) brings back oil, has really lowered unemployment, is really trying to fix the southern border problem (less warren/sanders voters) if the guy pooped out gold bricks and cured cancer the America hating left would still find something to impeach him, how about we impeach THEM, how about we declare the Democrat party a Terrorist group, they really hate America and really try to harm us, all the left talks about is about everyone else in the world and what they think, who cares what they(any other country ) thinks, how about we the working people of this country think, do you live by what others think or what is right for you ??? Impeach the Democrats and declare the them Terrorists.(not the NRA).
  3. Isn't it funny under Obama we could spend bunches of money to buy gas for our cars and trucks and it was all imported oil, but 3 years under Trump we produce so much of our own oil that we are now having layoffs in the oil field for having to much oil??? Just one more example of the treason Obama committed against the American people that gets covered up, Trump wants to investigate corruption in Ukraine and the Obama team (Liberal Democrats) want him gone??? And if you think that Obama did not sell out American coal for the benefit of third world nations your a moron, he screwed us to help his baboon farmer nations have cheap energy while we got stuffed with gas, and NO it was NOT about clean air it was about helping other nations at the expense of the American tax payer. Warren/Sander will bankrupt this nation and that is the plan, to make us no better than any other nation. Our new national slogan will be, America just another shit hole.
  4. Towards the end before we sold out we had gone from Mack to Kenworth and ended up at Western Star, what a change, instead of no, it can't be done and any other negative view, we went to it can be done or we will work on it and figure out how to do it, If I ordered a new truck today it would be a Western Star, completely different attitude than the other truck builders.
  5. Keep voting for liberals and you will know first hand what is like, when you declare the NRA a terrorist organization and Hamas is not ?????
  6. The door handle.
  8. Runs good and no other problems ?? fix the frame, don't listen to the poo hoo that it can't be done.
  9. Wish we could get Man trucks in the states, I think they are great and liked the Renault Magnum with Mack drive train, just good stuff.
  10. Yep, that's what was on the Superliner I sold to Jimmy Rymes who then sold to Jeremy Hitlz which now is a show truck and to this day no has noticed the Peterbilt mirror loops that are so much better than the mack ones ?? work on any R/RD Mack
  11. Went to the yard this morning to find a Sid Kamp lowbed in my yard, and no, did not take a picture, got a new calendar though, not often do you find a Kamp lowboy in GA. but Kamps nephew came for a visit, got what he wanted and went home happy.
  12. Went to the Bronx last week to deliver a piece for the subway, went in at midnight, there were dirt bikes going up and down the Grand Concourse, no lights, no reg, no helmet and of course on one wheel light to light, cops look shrug and keep munchin on donuts ???? I asked job foreman about bikes, said why bother, can't catch them and if you do they never come to court, place is a zoo and needs a wall put up to keep the animals locked up, need observation towers so we could go watch the show. you want to see how low humans can degrade, you need to visit the sh t hole at night.
  13. Quite popular in the 70 and 80s, Ritchie never new how much dope went through the auctions.
  14. Now we are all bad, saying the AKs better than our finicky overpriced home grown assault weapon, bring back the Thompson, that was a real gun.
  15. Well I like Australia too, but you do drive on the wrong side of road.
  16. Gotta love it.
  17. My local jobber sells the Chrome shop Mafia seats for like 750 and regular Bostroms a lot cheaper, you can but from them and they will ship it.
  18. Put a Mack back in, best thing he ever did was take the Mack out, just needs to find out what he messed up, maybe a underdrive now he is in direct, or .83 and had a Mack 5/6 speed never said what trans he took out, could be running 5. something ratio and a Fuller with direct or ? would give him no roadspeed.
  19. I stand for what is right for America, I support our Vets, I support giving help to those that really need it, not some lazy slob, and I support those that came here legally and your right to defend your home with a gun of choice but a 12 gauge is better in close combat than a AR, most of the civilian AR owners never saw action and it's just a cool thing, In Iraq the AKs worked better in the sand anyway.
  20. no replies
  21. another Mack trans problem ???
  22. There is neither right or left, it is right or wrong, open borders and making working people pay for health care for people who broke the law to come here is wrong, are we to be the only country on earth with no border protection, I got arrested and deported out of the Ukraine, I waited for my paperwork (visa) to be corrected in Kuwait, I had to have a visa to go to Ghana, why then is travel into this country to be any different ???? I got no problem with drugs but when you OD you die, why should I the tax paper pay to fix your drug problem, you smoke, you die, drive like a idiot you die too. I believe it self control and taking care of my family not every one else's, want Government to run health care ? they do, it's called the VA and it's a horror show , what makes you think they care can take care of you and me, they can't care of some vets. you believe we should pay the blacks for being in slavery, how about making those who sold them into slavery pay (Blacks) you think the climate is really changed by man, how many ice ages did we go through before man even existed, who caused that ??? get real, the modern day liberal democrat is not only wrong but a danger to this country, yes it's not perfect but there is no place better, so why make like the rest of the sh t hole places. TRUMP 2020
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