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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. No more lettin the fat girls ride along.
  2. maybe that Bulldog was taking a pee
  3. I'm thinking maybe a turtle, put them in fridge, go on a trip and thaw them out when you get home.
  4. maybe no air in the bags
  5. spinner hubcaps too ??
  6. the ecm program is set to engine serial # not the truck ?? tried getting that answer out of Mack dealer today, did not know ?
  7. Here is todays question, can you install a pre ccrs engine into a truck that that had one, found new reman with dyno break in report, non AI, could you install it in a say 04/05 granite ?
  8. We butted heads for a long time now we work together, makes for some strange conversations, get the inside info to what they were thinking at the time.
  9. picking it up next week, will post pics. 460/13 fuller/46 meritor on air/ 18 front. 11383 government miles.
  10. You did not see the 03 RD 688 last week, 11,000 miles ????
  11. somebody go to Vaughan NM ?
  12. They do that to keep them from kicking up dust when sitting.
  13. You are one of a few, most companies need new trucks to attract drivers and many insurance companies do not want to insure older trucks, I too run older trucks, but there are fewer and fewer old trucks out working, If I was in the market looking for a driving job I would be driving a new what ever I want, that is the way it is, and you are right new trucks do not have the up time that the older trucks had, I too drive older trucks and look everyday for older clean trucks, hope is that I can get enough to last till I retire which after this last purchase I think I have done, but our experience with the 2180 and 3180 has been very disappointing, I am beginning to think that the problem is with the case being aluminum and it expands faster than the steel parts which then creates binding or alignment problems which leads to their demise, maybe a steel case would be better, and yes they all have coolers.
  14. There you go, "it was beat on" still works though, and yes I will agree about a 2 stick Mack but then how people are still running a 2 stick Mack in a commercial operation today, a toy is a toy, not a commercial truck used to earn money, you guys amaze me comparing your toy or part time used truck around the farm to a truck used every day running in commercial operation, look at all the people who write into BMT about noise or grinding sounds, people who trying to earn a living, if my toy grinds who cares, if my work truck grinds then it is on it's way to failure, and that costs money, not just repair but lost confidence from my customer and so on. check into reality and not Macktopia.
  15. If it is a Mack transmission you need to find the nearest dumpster and rid your self of a problem and replace it with a smooth shifting quiet Fuller.
  16. Then we will see you Sunday, unless your in church which I doubt. maybe we will terrorize the road agent, we could handcuff one of the local cops to a phone pole, oops we already did that, I bet we can find something to do.
  17. Yo Cabover kings, me and Bobby French will be up this weekend to bust your nuts.
  18. like them old KWs, you guys get all the cool stuff
  19. Just a tidbit, the stack liners are 38' dia. and 50' tall sitting on the trailer, trailer is a Talbert 250 ton rated with 32 tire trunion axles, 3 inch thick flanges, never found a load to take arch out of it, Paystar has 50 ton hyd lift fifth wheel and trailer has 2 50 ton lift cylinders mounted on each side in the back, able to load like a platform trailer. we have had deck of trailer 5' in the air by lifting and blocking, I think we got pics of that.
  20. Sold out when Obama got elected, started Wild Aviation and then got serious when Trump got elected, headed to Boston (Everett) with 15'' 6" tall 13'8" wide scrubber end of week, gonna go see Rod at Donovan Spring and get new springs for CH, Big Moe in the South is not bad, but they are not Donovan. We are now part of Guy M Turner in Greensboro NC, but still do a lot of our own work, best of both worlds, I'm 61 now and don't plan on getting too crazy but enough, just finished onsite power plant job but no pics. lead contractor rules, super secret stuff ?? turbine power unit running on gas, rules are rules, got more pics. just started loading website. got a little video of us in Juarez MX, see if we can load it.
  21. oops wildheavyhaul.com
  22. With all the work being created in the Trump economy we put our website back up, you might find some pics. you like, sorry only couple Mack pics. but it's the loads moving that should be of interest. use if you want. Thanks and enjoy.
  23. Never see that around here, boy's down here need the longest big hood they can find, makes up for what they can't find in their own pants.
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