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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. that's great but not here in GA. our Mack dealer just recently learned to spell the word truck, now if they could just learn to fix them.
  2. Well you just offended all the liberals with pic of our flag, but then AOC and her hate squad can leave if it bothers them that bad. I like it.
  3. Mack makes a great truck and this is the site for people who like them, I literally grew up in Mack trucks so I keep going back to them, my first Mack was a B61 with factory sleeper, 673 and triplex, single axle with tag, last new Mack was a Granite with a 460 from the Mack dealer in Montgomery NY, Great truck no power, would have to split a gear just to make it over small rise on the interstate, it did not stay around long, this is a great site for help with problems, also great place to be reminded why you don't want to buy a new truck, I like the pictures and the stories, as much as I like the my Macks I hate the transmissions, great little motors, really well built truck just bad trans, but that comes from our experience and some others do fine with them, that's great for them. Odds and ends is great because on this site the intelligence level might be a little higher than some other places, but if you don't like what you read don't read it, reminds me of the pastor who went and watched a certain porn movie and then went around telling people how bad it was, when you find people who do not speak or debate subjects you tend find people who cannot figure out how their 14 year old daughter got pregnant, those that want to do away with threads that do not match their thoughts are the ones who cannot debate their ideas because they know they are wrong but continue to live in their own dark little closet trying to convince themselves they are right. If positive comments about Trump bother someone they should not read it, fact still remains that Trump has done a great job for this country and Obama was the worst which makes Carter feel great. If you’re a man that's grown a vagina than maybe you should get a vaginaloptomy and grown some man stuff, you might see things in different light. BMT is great, I hope those that are missing are fine, some people have problems and like to keep to themselves, some need support from others. MAPA- Make America Poor Again, Vote Democrat
  4. Put the Fuller in and then you will have the perfect Mack, no Mack trans.
  5. If they would import MAN trucks it would be all we would run, used them in Europe and the Middle East, love them great trucks. that and the Renault Magnum with a Mack engine.
  6. Boy new Autocar looks better everyday
  7. There are some new blood coming up, let's hope they can carry on and finally destroy the liberal agenda and keep us on the right track, promise of a free lunch costs somebody, there is no free.
  8. Don't get me started on the piss poor Democrat party, that thing from MN. with the snot rag on her head, or the walking cesspool from NY. that's what they got to offer, condem the US but give no better ideas. Heard Biden at the debate about wanting to bring honesty back to Washington, that moron must live in lala land, he is the poster child for corruption. 8 years O shit for brains kept telling us that those jobs are gone and will never come back, there back what happened ?? TRUMP. Government is a bussiness and we need bussiness people running it not some sleaze bag political piglet, keep hearing Trump is not good at diplomatic crap, really ? what zombie land butt wipe could think that, he's done more good for the US oversaes than anybody and he does not get on his knees and (you know) like our past loser not born here racist leader. Smoke that liberal losers. MAPA Make America Poor Again, Vote Democrat Boy I feel better already
  9. Last line was what I was hoping for. Thanks
  10. We are happy with the way the oils operate now but like the 4 H, make the best better, we look to new products that might work better and my intent was to get feedback from anyone who might have used the the 15/50 oils, if not then we try it on our own, nice to learn from mistakes, best if not your own. over the years we have learned a lot of things that don't seem like much till you ad them up and understand how much better we operate from those lessons, some would think that super heavy would get new tires, when due to speed limitations we don't heat up tires but scrub them off, a set of drives will barley get 20k before replacement, engine size is great for loads going fast, at 20 mph you would never guess at what you really need, a 460 mack will climb a hill at the same speed as a larger engine if operated at the same speeds before the climb, another words at the top the hill the mack will be close behind, we have run big engines and smaller engines and with the right gearing they all arive at same time ?? We now scour the sales for the right used equipment, rebuilding old equipment now makes more sence than ever, you can rebuild and it will run, something new trucks won't do, If a sensor of some sort goes out in buttplug NM or someplace else what do you do, not like you can just drop your trailer and run off to the nearest dealer ??? the trucking industry was forced to implement using sytems that were not even invented till mandated, using that train of thought then next year all cars should run on water, the tech does not exist so invent, that is what the trucking industry did. you who have bought new trucks have paid the price, I think we will continue to rebuild the old stuff till we run out of equipment to buy and that won't happen in my lifetime, after that i'll be dead and won't care, and no the kid is not interested, say's we work to hard, thank you liberal shit terds at college for brainwashing the younger people into thinking that WORK is a bad four letter word.
  11. AH but in the winter my oil temp stays down, when in a rural area both water and oil stay down, come up a little on the road with big pulls, oil is cheaper than a overhaul, so a little expense for better oil is a good investment, FYI we gross just under 500k with a single truck, and that's runing from SLC to Houston, so it's not like flat ground all the way, south of Moab has some pulls and coming out of Farmington NM has a real good pull, Found Lucas oil treatment does wonders in the rears, no more oil boiling out the breather, hard to get a real answer on engine oils, I know we don't run Rotella in old engines, looks like water and the engines clatter, I don't think that's good, been using Lucas Magnum oil in the older engines, by older engines I mean anything before 2000.
  12. We tend to work our engines a little harder and I know it's hot out, I would think the 15/50 would work better in the summer, as for fuel consumption, I could care less at this point, the work is more than covering lowered mileage, when the loser liberals take over I'll worry about MPG and then retire. 61 now, so if trump can get reelected I'll be good to go. right now we are having to much fun to quit, so push on.
  13. Now I guess it's 15/50, ???
  14. Mystic makes a 20/50 oil for diesel engines, would that not help with summer heat, I know here in GA. it has been plenty hot and I was thinking that 20/50 might work good in the hot weather ??????????
  15. I like tanks, saved my life in Iraq, I think we need a show of arms parade, let the other countries know just how strong we are. MAPA Make America Poor Again,vote Democrat
  16. I like that, just waiting for it to show up.
  17. NO it is because the high side of the trans would fail on a coal haul, I think some of you must be Jonestown koolaid drinkers.
  18. Working on it, Bigge has 2 big DMs with 80k rears they are looking to sell, 28 mph top speed. perfect for site work, look like 14:00 24 rubber, and the C5 will make money or it won't leave the yard, we don't run for the sake of running. Thanks to Donald Trump we are on pace to being as busy before Obama, MAPA Make America Poor Again, vote Democrat
  19. Leaves mon. from Alberta for home, into shop for rebuild of whats needed and out to work, allready set for push and drilled for Rockinger hitch, working on getting one of their really big RD888 they have, still waiting on final specs, but appears to be 80k rears.
  20. Like I said they are great for dump trucks and lowbeds, that is what they were most likely intended for, no trans. was built for super heavy weights or severe abuse, some of the special autos are but normally not found in over the road trucks, the Fuller is easier to shift and when you are in the middle of a shit storm the last thing you really are thinking of is the next gear being perfect because if is not then your Mack trans will have you at a stand still, no big deal with a dump but different story with a big load on. like I said before our feelings toward the Mack trans is only based on what we deal with, we don't run dump trucks we run multi axle, dual lane and either super wide and high or we are running home empty, I don't think they were ever intended for what we do, neither was the Fuller but they seem to hold up better and are kinder to drive. (if Mack trans is so great how come the 8LL is the most popular trans in the coal feilds)
  21. Maybe that is because there are 100 times more Fullers on the road than Mack, you just lost your own argument. ?????????
  22. Best since Ronnie. he ain't no asshole Obama. hope he keeps up the good work.. MAPA Make America Poor Again Vote Democrat
  23. The 4 reverse gears in the 18 is great, use 3 of them all the time, never the 4th, we back up a lot, many jobs require to back into the crane, so yep kudos for the reverse gears, you could do same thing with 4 speed aux. and since we run aux box in everything no big gain, I speak from our veiw and not that of just everday trucking, when the time comes for a repair or rebuild again of the 18 in the CH it will get a Fuller 18, Bought C500 last week with steel hood, 20 front on slipper springs and 52 lockers in back with Chalmers, hope to get it in soon and see how it works, would have been nice to have it had on Fri. but the Mack did her job and never complained.
  24. You can buy a NEW Fuller from LKQ for $6600.00, that hardly covers the bills we get to repair stupid problems with the Mack 18, plus the Mack shift like shit and are noisy, and don't give me poo about the drivers don't know how to drive them, great for dump trucks but in real heavy haul I will take the Fuller all day long. just spent 12 hours to do 57 miles in the CH with a allready fixed once 18, been a more pleasant day than having to worry that my shift was perfect every time, the Fuller is way more forgiving, I'd rather be able to focus on the bucket trucks and cops than the stupid trans.
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