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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Replace with Fuller and be done with the problems.
  2. You disgusting pigs, how could you degrade that poor young woman, that's somebody daughter, someones little princess, better hope the titty patrol does not find you, boy she was cute though, keep up the disgusting posts, made my day. (for you libs that is sarcasm) MAPA Make America Poor Again, vote Democrat.
  3. cheaper than a German made money pit.
  4. Yeah GA. cars and trucks don't have rust but suffer from filth, the nastiest, dirty, smelly, chew spittin (yes on the floor) people live in GA. and they make fun of the people from AL. GA. is the worst for filthy cars. It is a wonder I never killed somebody down here, first day I saw spit on the floor of a truck I went ballistic, I went right to the moon and back, ended that crap that day, you spit, you miss, your fired, normal shit for them ??????
  5. CA. or the Northwest, got one service truck on government auction from Missoula MT. real nice, like CA. cause the DOT is up their ass so bad they take care of their stuff, Some from BC and AB are not bad either, got to CLs from BC, both were great trucks.
  6. Screw the unions, they screw eveyone else
  7. Ditto
  8. I don't think they will let you tow it on live tracks, you need timken bearings and such, they have so many requirements now, I think it was to stop just what you all are proposing, We qouted the big steam engine in Athens GA. this year, still no answer, but then we qouted the C199 boxcar airplane in Greybull WY. a year ago and just got awarded project last week, anything is movable, just need enough wheels under it. love to move that engine but it's like going to a auction to haul yellow iron, they spent to much buying it and don't have any money to ship it home, that is what creates cheap freight, there are enough brain deads trying to haul bigger loads and have no idea the costs involved, we qouted 2 loads from FL to Everett MA 15' 6" tall, told we were way out range, I told him he was crazy, 3 weeks later he calls back wanting to know if our qoute is still good, load next week at our price, and gave us the second load as well. And for you Democrat fruit cups may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your nut sack, MAPA, Make America Poor Again, vote Democrat. (can't resist)
  9. Nice to see trucks from when men didn't have vaginas
  10. OAC is going to cut your nuts off, but hey it 's good for the nation, her nation of loons not yours and mine, dirty old Mack.
  11. Better hope shit for brains from NY does not catch on to the coal burned to make that train go, won't fit into her new green fiasco
  12. Brian will cut you a good deal, good deal for him, not you.
  13. Center of front axle to center between rear tandems, that is wheelbase every thing else is make you longer than you really are.
  14. We took our 98 CH with a 350 to mack and they reset it to 400 by doing injectors only, boost never goes much over 22 (like never) and maybe 800 on pyro, mpg is good but does not like hills, Watts service manager suggested BW 631GC5173AM4X ??????
  15. Showing someone drive a fuller 18 is worthless on learning how to drive a Mack 18, better shooting yourself in the head. read the book and hope you learn, and I say hope, I think a triplex or quad was easier or at least consistent, I really like the 4 reverse but the rest I can live without, and yes I drive one everyday and with bigger loads than most people and still don't like it, one good thing about the Mack 18 is when super hero steering wheel holder shows up and we let them take a spin, fun to watch them walk off talking to themselves. I 'll post pics. of loads going to Juarez MX, great fun, night time is real eye opener, 150' long and 10' wide right downtown, overhead crane beams.
  16. Had Granite, bought new did same thing 460ai, no power, fan off and on all the time, sold as soon as we could, bet it stayed around 4 months, glad it left.
  17. Should have converted to a fuller 18.
  18. Bimbo from NY does not even know we fought a war in Japan. nevermind appreciate it.
  19. 100% correct
  20. Sitting in a jail cell
  21. Just proves that there is no racism in the USA so they have to make it up, then when caught they are let go because we need to feel their pain, happened in NY and no one paid except those that were accused of something they did not do. I noticed that Sharpton stayed away from this one. good move two phony race claims and he might have been out of job, oops forgot if your a dumbocrat you need not worry about false claims, I think the liberal braindeads should all kick in and pay back the taxpayer for the waste of money investigaing Trump. MAPA, make America poor again (vote Democrat)
  22. Telmas work great, they are used in the coal feilds, lot of braking power.
  23. Gotta love it.
  24. Geez I should not say that but I can't figure which is worse a company that takes Government bailout then goes bankrupt and tells the public they paid the money back or the dumb ass that would vote someone that would let it happen, MAPA. make America poor again, vote Democrat ! Think I'll run for congress , district 3 GA. bet i'd be in the news every week as I call out the real crooks, Democrats. I'll have MAPA shirts on sale soon $8.00 still working on shipping, trying to get a amazon like deal from posatal service. just need to find the right crook to payoff.
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