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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Just sounds like another junk Mack trans, Mack should stick to building trucks and not trans. fullers we run till they just up and die, the macks are constantly being fixed, I have not found a 18 Mack that has held up yet, no more fixing just replace with what runs. and I will put with the low power and other things but had enough of exuses from Mack on why they shift hard, whine, growl and vibrate.
  2. Plenty fat girls in the south that like to go for rides in big trucks.
  3. This is like chicken little and the sky is falling, Trump is not going to bomb Russia, maybe Syria, Really who would want us, look at the American workforce, or I should say the younger workforce, you have not heard them complain about the 4 hrs they put in ??? how about the UAW you really think anyone else in the world would put up with there crap, and if half the country is liberal dumbocrat who would want them, I feel safe in knowing that no other country would want us, that's why all the losers from every place wants to come here, for the free ride.
  4. Well I watched the bad mouthing of the fuller trans and have to chime in, Our Mack 18 speeds are the most problematic trans we have run other than early Allisons, and the new Allisons still heat up on the job site and stop , and I might add at the worst times. you can buy a new Fuller 18 from LKQ for a little over 6k fixing the rear half of a Mack 18 with new clutch costs us 6k, I'd rather have the easy shifting, less HP drag and replace the trans every 4 years than maintain the Mack, in fact all Mack failures are being replaced with fuller trans. we change trans oil twice a year, get all updates done and have Mack make sure they are right, the fuller we change the oil and run the crap out of them, the Mack does have better gears for reverse but with a AT1202 aux we use fixes that. Mack trans are great for truck shows but we are tired of the excuses from Mack about the problems and the noise they make. But then maybe we are not loading them heavy enough and that's the problem, but I do not believe that, We run up to 500k with a single truck and after that we use a pusher, if lots of hills we add another pull on the front just for the hills. We have had not one failure with the Fuller 18, we have had 2 Mack 18 failures in the last 2 trucks.
  5. No special tools for this one, just good old American made snap on, I keep the Mig tools locked up to many people have eyed them, by the way Vlad I found the Mig tools in Ireland ???? and CHP did nothing looked around saw we were removing all the rocks, units had new tires and we put light bars on and left, 4 days of picking rocks and a big compressor to blow the dirt and cement out, got into needles at 10 pm and slid out in the morning, got more crap in OK. than anyplace else, DOT claimed we needed escorts for interstate, then finally admitted he never read our permits.
  6. Never to be out done, there is one plane left intact at Rantoul, big bad C133, we are working with client who wishes to be unknown at this time, same idea, restaurant or such, we moved a B25 out there also but the C133 is the one I really want, we will see what happens, I think it might end up in FL. maybe new home for Mickey and friends. ???? got some pics. of concrete plant that we moved from CA. to MI. and yes the old Mack went to CA. came out with OD load, so much for CA. not giving permits to old trucks. CHP even visited site before we left, more BS from people that know nothing.
  7. Rantoul, IL to Birmingham, AL Southern Museum of Flight. F-101 Voodoo
  8. Neither has Clinton
  9. I don't understand why trucks can't run like trains, genset to power electric drive motor on axle, engine keeps constant rpm thus better fuel mileage, smaller engine package for genset and you swap out drive motor setup like they do trains ???? maybe I'm dumb and don't see the down side.
  10. I would run 100 ton all day, you will never stress that trailer like they were in combat, those trailers were run hard and fast and still held up.
  11. As long as you use your 1241 for low speed work it will probably work but if you start wanting to run long distance it will grenade, I don't know which bearing it is but one of them fails, there is a shop in WA. that mills out the hole for the race and they install a larger bearing and then they hold up longer but still fail at some point. they were never built for high input torque, you can look at their input chart and you will see this, Kenworth would not warranty 1241 put into a new truck but will 1202, mostly depends on the operator, take care of it and it will work, drive like a animal and it will fail.
  12. I don't understand how this became a rape story, no matter what went on, he never raped her, rape is a something that should not be taken lightly, yet rape has now been diminished to groping ?? how do you get from grab ass to rape ?? How do you compare Cosby drugging women to 15 and 17 year olds at a party ?? I do not believe her story and bet that when the truth does come out she was put up to this. she may have been assaulted but not by the person she claims.
  13. Had them Iraq, maintain he steering and they work fine, like I said maintain the steering.
  14. I have taken plenty of BS for this but I will say it again, you vote liberal democrat you have a mental defect, this is the only way to explain your behavior, how else could you justify voting to ruin the greatest country on earth. GO TRUMP
  15. could not have said it better myself.
  16. Cozad ramps ? your talking west coast to most people now. very few people on the east coast know what Cozad ramps are, your 4 speed aux. should work fine, little Mack engine won't make enough power to hurt it, anything bigger and you'll being putting new bearings in it constantly, AT1202 is what most heavy trucks use, there is a new 3 speed out that is supposed to be great but when I looked at the price I went back to the AT1202. Nice looking trucks.
  17. That is the problem, runs fine, oil is perfect just sounds awful when at idle, just thought their was some cure to the noise, don't listen to radio, grew up on farm, father said you can't hear crap going wrong with radio on, 50 years later still ride listening for something to go wrong and it has, and stopped in time not to have such a big problem that I did not get home, beside not much crap on radio except for oldies stations I would listen too, even listening to the loons from the left has got to the point that I don't waste my time on their brain dead crap.
  18. So what makes this engine clank and clunk, this is the worst sounding engine I have ever owned, power is fine, oil stays clean, real clean for a Mack, never gets hot on big hills, pull the hill going into Austin NV with 90k you will get hot in July, not this dog, stays cool just clanks and clunks I had overhead run twice by 2 different Mack shops, both said it's fine and sounds fine to them, I can't stand to listen to it idle, any cure other than wear ear muffs, goes down road fine just idles worse than a old pc cat.
  19. You should always buy new trucks with lotsa gauges and dual pipes, makes girls go AW with all them gauges to look at, and you really feel special with more gauges, like a pilot or ship captain, and the dual pipes make your truck go faster, and make them point to the rear so they can help push the truck down the road, if you use a single on one side your truck will lean, if you need anymore stupid comments I have plenty, I learned them all from my help.
  20. If your a baker and you don't want to make a cake for a Gay couple you end up at the supreme Court, if you own a restaurant and a republican shows up you tell them to go home. ?????????
  21. Everyone here has gotten their passports, got Twic or renewed and pre chek or whatever so we can fly unmolested, something we didn't even bother with last so many years, how can anyone think that this is not the doings of Trump, the Fonda kids should be deported for being un-American, and the jerk off who wants Trumps kid in dog cage should charged with a hate crime, do that to Obama and see what would have happened, the liberal left is desperate, they are imploding and they know it, that explains their out of control stupid actions.
  22. I am calm, actually very happy, something I could not say during the Obama campaign to destroy America, there is work, real work not just food service jobs but work that people can use to buy homes and cars, what I don't understand is how anyone can argue about closing the border, go any place else and try and sneak in, I was detained in Kuwait while my visa was in transit, arrested in Ukraine for no visa and officially deported the next day, flying with cargo on the Antonov 225 and was leaving next day anyway, but they take their border security seriously, something the liberals don't, they see migrants as potential voters, that's because as the voter pool learns what the liberals stand for they move right and the left has to bring in new victims. Working Americans feel good, real good, thanks to one man and his different way of running the country. Pelosi and that nitwit from New York are a disgrace to this country. We leave again for Seattle, high, wide and $$$$, something we have not seen in a long time. Thank You Mr. Trump. (will try and get some pics. no cops this time)
  23. Thanks goes out to President Trump for the robust economy, for sitting down with Rocket Man and for all he great things he has done for the country. Now for you brain dead liberals that certainly hate this country, pack up your crap and move, it is hard to believe that any sane person could allow their elected official to do nothing but spend their time and therefore our tax dollars fighting the President who has done more good in 19 months than Obama or Clinton could do in a life time. Now I'll get told to stop my picking on the poor left wing nut jobs because I hurt their feelings, Really ??? their brain dead they feel nothing. or they have been denied by their partner for so long their swimmers have clouded their minds (see I included the gays) 2 years ago you could not find work today you cannot find help, our GDP is growing by the day, all the people who escort large loads are busy and hard to find to move our loads, we have work we have not had since before Obama, this is due to Trump not some BS that liberals think that Obama put in place, The nut jobs now bring up that Trump is acting like a Nazi ??? the only Nazi acting jerkoffs in this country is the out to lunch most certainly brain dead left wing America hating liberal democrat or as my favorite judge calls the demon rats, what the left is doing is disgusting and immoral and they along with their illegal friends from south of the border should be deported, If the Fondas and the rest of their sick minded followers don't like here then leave, OH that's right there is no place on earth any better, So Thank You Mr. Trump keep up the good work and continue to piss off the losers I for one will have your back.
  24. If there was truth in advertising I would have never gotten married. I do, means not that anymore.
  25. L and L truck stop @ mile post 101, 1 fuel pump, don't think it worked, lots of party's though, 95er if you were into skanks.
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