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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. They (liberals) defend their immigration policy by saying that bringing in these people makes for a more diverse society, well who needs diversity ? kinda funny I like my own kind of people, not a bunch of people who want to change the way I live and make me change to their way of thinking, stay where they are we don't need them.
  2. And what is wrong with Russians buying ads for whom they feel would be better for them, we the US interfere with elections all over the world, why not happen here, the US sways votes all the time, we do that to help spread freedom, so Russians know Clinton is corrupt (they should know) and someone else would be better and try to help ?? If the interference of the Russians is so bad then we (the US) need to stop the support of all the freedom fighters and pull back are forces to the US, seal the US off from the world, every time we buy, sell or do anything we are interfering with another government. and if not for swaying elections or interference Europe for sure would all speak German.
  3. If anyone in this country deserves to go to prison it is Hillary Clinton.
  4. Dedumbo is a terrorist, and Scummer is a idiot and all liberals have some brain defect and it's to bad that they only shot this scum bag in the tummy, now he can recover, stand trial, tell all about his problems, go to jail, eat special muslim food and get out in a few years so he can spread more of his crap. meanwhile 8 more Americans have died so we can be nice to people who will never ever like us, somehow the only thing I see needed to be a leader in this country is to be a idiot, even the republicans are fighting Trump on draining the swamp, that means they too have become part of the problem, funny how are leaders are so fast to sell out. They have no spine and are bad as those they claim they are better than. I hope the snowflakes and the liberals enjoy the world they building.
  5. and the rest of the story ???
  6. smother foot is needed driver, your not driving some numb brand X, your driving high performance very touchy equipment, keep at it you'll get better.
  7. That is a accurate statement, grew up in NH. no income tax, used to be low property tax, great place to live, then the ass wipes from MA. all decided to move up, they want street lights and sidewalks and schools to take their kids with handicaps, they want snow plows on call 24/7 when a snow flake may appear and a host of other social goodies, now it's a place of freebies and property taxes that people can't pay, another words NH is MA.
  8. Blame this on Obama, it's the truth even if you don't like it.
  9. Don't bother to call mack in Atlanta, they no nothing other than Mack starts with the letter M, I don't even by parts from them, we have them shipped in from KY. or NH. Boost sensor not picking low pressure reading ?? don't run new engines would not know. Good luck.
  10. Don't let the liberals know, they'll want to take them away.
  11. well she is home and well liked, have not seen it myself, on job in MD. but all want to keep her, kinda like pets, whats one more.
  12. So my buddy wanted to go out to NM and retreive the CH, I had Bruckners in Farmington pick it up and do a service, it was just down the road, anyway I get a call in the moring and of course you know what your going to hear, problems and more problems, instead he say's it looks better in person and runs great and he really wants it ?? that means he likes it and I should finance it, a quick call to bruckners and the service manager Eli confirms that every thing is good and it runs great, Bruckners did great job, so now she is rolling toward GA. and hopefully good fortune holds out and she should be home in a couple of days, starting to like Farmington, second truck out of there and last one was great, long wheelbase KW W900B with Cat, now long wheelbase and the right make, maybe it will stay around.
  13. They are protesting that blacks who commit crimes get shot, whites get shot too but that does not matter, they say blacks get shot at more, but they forget that blacks do more of the crimes, and yes the truth is blacks commit more crimes no matter how you try to twist the numbers, blacks commit more crimes than any other race of people in this country.
  14. Clinton,(both) winebag, Obama just a wonderful bunch that love our country and did everything in their power to destroy it.
  15. Many people spilled their blood so these pukes can make their little sissy protest, why is it that they (blacks) look to white people to solve their (black) problem, why don't they (blacks) spend their money if they are so concerned.
  16. drive slower, less need for jake brakes, how about coming across 70 in Utah from 15 to the Moab turn off pulling loaded 13 axle with tuned Cummins 315 with no jake, never smoked brake, Oh then go down from Moab to Farmington NM. then 550 to 25 to 40. not bragging but somehow trucks got coast to coast without jakes not that long ago, most road jockey's use the jake as a truck stop toy.
  17. I like the comments about mice versus snakes, but wasn't very shortly ago some were making pro comments about somebody posting pics. of what looked like a king snake or rat snake (dead) which both are great mouse killers but somehow a harmless snake eating mice that ruin the interior of anything left outside was better than letting the HARMLESS snake do his job, and then qouting the bible to justify ones actions ???? serpent is not a snake, snake would still fall under gods creation if you follow that believe that god created and the things didn't evolve. either way I'd rather have snakes than mice.
  18. You been to my truckstop ???
  19. You need to watch what Trump is doing, this is all part of the plan, the tweets is how he sucks them in, it's part of the plan, bad cop good cop, he is playing with them, watch him you will see how he operates, ignore the fluff, that is all show for the media.
  20. Mystic gear lube, great stuff
  21. We were In CA. putting on a set of new drive tires on a new Western Star, because Caltrans decided even though the tires were legal they would not be when we got where we were going , so we changed them out a little early, super hero truck driver heard a comment from mechanic about less than 20k on tires, driver went on tirade about Michelin tires being junk and not getting any mileage, shut up after learned truck was grossing 414k and no push truck, he should have inquired to what was going on before making comment. CH is nice truck, if no one steps up then we will start to make it really nice then it will either cost a whole lot more or it will go move airplanes, speaking of, any one ever hear or seen a F14 Tomcat mover over the road, RI to Annapolis MD coming up, update every one later on date so you can avoid route, you will not get around it, state Patrol and Navy brass will accompany, last combat ready plane being moved from storage to Naval Acad. for display., history making move moving history, you can see plane if you google F14 Quonset museum.
  22. Trump?? WW 3 ??? what tv station do you watch, you believe that crap ?? I bet you believe free speech is for liberals only ?? Trump is the only guy to be in the White House in long a time that has the spine to fix the mess created by the rest and that is why they are fighting him so desperately.
  23. I guess this means no more peeing behind a tree, Why can't males just have something that is ours, Blacks want to be white, although they claim otherwise, but they want a white women, a used whites caddy and a house in all white neigherhood, women want into every sport, every club, every locker room, surprised they don't want a starp on so they can pee standing up. what do men want, women that act like women, that would be a change, how about a skirt once in a while, that's why women have nice legs, and I don't want to wait in line behind a women to use a urinal.
  24. Weatherford truck, slow going out to job sites, are heavy trucks get way more hours than miles, figure it out, when it takes a month to get to CA. and you run every day the hours are out of whack with the miles, that is what happens when you drive 20 miles a hour if lucky.
  25. Is truck worth 20k ????
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