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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Rust bucket, real rust bucket. been for sale on side road forever, right over by Donovan spring
  2. love it
  3. Don't know how I did this but it can go away
  4. So Trump runs for president and every bimbo they can find to say he groped them comes forward, then disappear and no one even checks their story, turns out they were all BS. then comes the big liberal donor for the left wing and no wants to cover the story, Clinton and Obama both took his money, heard a word from them ??? now NYPD is looking at crimminal charges, did trump get charged, NO because the left claims of his actions was/were/is BS. OK leftwingers where is the outrage, where is the concern for the victims, OH that's right the acussed is the victim just like Clinton was the victim of a young 20 something girl, she was never accused of molesting before but Clinton was, but somehow he was the victim, along comes Mr. winebag and he too is a victim of all these young woman looking to forward their career by having sex with this pervert. Really, you can believe that BS, you gotta be brain dead to go for this crap. I'd hang him public.
  5. david wild


    Came across 1998 CH613 350, vmac ll, 2180, 40 rears on Hendrickson air 4.42 ratio, steel wheels (might have enough alum, for outside) 24.5 240" factory daycab, single exh. has all gauges, rears, trans, nice clean truck, 83,000 real miles, where you can you find a non eld, non egr clean ch with 83k, pics as soon as we can get them up, offers ???? truck started life in CA. presently in NM.
  6. Put up a number on value ?? not a museum piece, will sell to highest offer. Your all mack guys you know the value,
  7. We have had more screwdrivers ruin seats than wore out.
  8. someone stole the drivers seat, that is a granite seat, they do that in our yard, truck comes in they see a seat they like and poof it's gone, putting end to that, tow trucks are going back to the junk yard, that will end the garbage and swiped parts. Ecm reading is in pics. all # match.
  9. Air power divider too.
  10. Yeah but it is great find, can't turn great finds, played with the idea of keeping it, but then I thought about a driver other than me, and then the DOT, and then more BS, quit trucking for a reason, reasons are still there, but the truck will make a great piece for someone who is still trying, what's better a 98 that will run and is cheap to repair and buy or 150k plus and it doesn't run ??? even have video of it running but don't know how make it upload, but could e mail to prospective buyer. Make offer no secrets here. even has onan diesel genset on back right now, power for your camper. Also have Chrome Shop Mafia seat that would look killer, matches interior color, no red seats in black cabs ??? seat came out of orange Superliner we sold a little back, went out with oem Mack seat.
  11. Here are the pictures.
  12. Weatherford bought truck, went to job sites, truck ended up in Farmington NM. just did not get used much, oil pan is spotless, pto has normal drip with dirt buildup, both window knobs broke off, normal stuff, interior is very clean, engine is spotless, slight ding in passenger fuel, not bad at all, tires are good, just a great find, bought it because it was to good not to but don't need it as we farm out all our hauling. have meeting later today an Manf. will try to get pics. out soon. David
  13. even has cab mounted beacon lights on stainless mounts, personally never saw this many gauges in a CH, my CL did not have this many and at the time I thought it was loaded.
  14. Came across 1998 CH613 350, vmac ll, 2180, 40 rears on Hendrickson air 4.42 ratio, steel wheels (might have enough alum, for outside) 24.5 240" factory daycab, single exh. has all gauges, rears, trans, nice clean truck, 83,000 real miles, where you can you find a non eld, non egr clean ch with 83k, pics as soon as we can get them up, offers ???? truck started life in CA. presently in NM.
  15. Yeah them Cats are great, buddy in Texas just spent 32k for inframe plus the turbos some place else, so now he is out like 35k and the oil field slows down.
  16. Kinda thought it look like the perfect Mass snowplow, it can sit on the side of the road, watch it snow and collect money with out having to move, put a condo sleeper in the bed and driver could stay out all week, work in Jan. get paid in June.
  17. Hate GM, took Government bail out, declared bankruptcy then crowed about how they paid back the money, Pure BS. Oh and screwed the small investor who got nothing but bailed out the union, real American heros that bunch are, and Obama blessed the deal because they backed him, should have gone broke. Pure BS.
  18. Lucas oil, great for old engines, does not look like water, not the add, the oil, use the add. to. mystic oil in trans and rears.
  19. Seems funny that some people never learn about turning up engines, which we have been doing longer than some of our freinds have been alive, 237 Mack would run forever, spit oil, leak water, smoke and whatever but they would keep running, the more power they have attempted to pull out of that engine the lower the life expectancy has been, 350 and 400 run forever now, but getting 500+ is going to really shorten your engines life span, also no one has brought up the 460XT gremlin, run great one day and run like crap the next day, we had 2 one suffered from day to day and the other was not so bad, Mack said it was in the software ???? Next problem and this what bothers me, our freind lives in FL, FL is flat, how much power do you need to run a dump truck in FL ????? we ran dumps in Mass. with 237s and had plenty power unless you need to run 80 miles per hour, at which point you don't want to hear my comments on stupidity.
  20. So some call us not to debate what has happened, yet the left politicians have come out full steam for outright gun bans but us the voter should remain quiet ??? Ms. Warren is full steam ahead with her agenda, I read the CDC said that 3536 people drown in swimming pools or 10 per day, so in 5 days 50 plus will die and I have not heard one word about banning swimming pools, and children are the bulk of the victims ?? even more reason to ban pools, there are millions of gun owners who never break the law or kill someone yet let one wacko and the all gun owners are branded killers, maybe we should have the left leaning liberals be silent and take the wack jobs off the streets and not innocent gun owners. I am sure that Clinton is doing her best to somehow tie Trump to this, and speaking of Clinton notice her husband the cigar man does say much about Trump ?? Hard to condemn when you have done worse. Bill keeps his mouth shut, Hillary is to stupid to know any better.
  21. Maybe swift and the like could have that installed on their trucks, most of them can barley go forward never mind back up.
  22. The only reason lefty's and the left news have not jumped on this as a terrorist attack even after Isis has taken claim is because then they would have to admit that Trump has been right all along, and the left does not have enough combined spine to do that.
  23. Of course it happens here, all the bleeding heart liberals here pander to the nut jobs, Isis claims Paddock converted and he was one of theirs, we should send them a few of ours, Moabs that is, see what they think of that, and don't blow up some cave in the desert, I want it right downtown where the Isis headquarters are, they kill innocent people so we take out few innocents of theirs too, if you don't condemn you condone, if you're there then you're one of them. Then Rocket man might get the message and calm his crap down too, If the world does not like us then they should fear us, they understand strength and respect it, we have been weak to long, Trump needs to exert strength and teach those that harm us a lesson.
  24. You forget we are making so much money that buying new trucks that don't run, continue to break down way more often than the older maintained trucks is better for your wallet. If you purchase a newer truck with all latest EPA mandated crap then it will spend more time in the shop, that in turn means that you pump money into the repair shops pocket who inturn can hire more people to work on more trucks that spend more time not running. It's a ponzi scheme, and while your spending all that extra money you made from Obama's great recovery you will helping our polluted enviroment and the polar bears will ice cubes to float around on. I think that's how it goes.
  25. 100% I Agree.
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