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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. so I see you said mack CH613, check with a Mack guru, they will know if it has a split system.
  2. trailer brake light switch is sticking, you did not say brand of truck, Pete and KW both have seperate switch, have worked on both and that was problem.
  3. roto chamber
  4. Thought CA. was broke, can't fix their roads but can waste money on cleaning up the air which comes from the west all ready dirty because it blew in from China, (don't tell CA, residents that it's a secret)
  5. Just moved Grumman TBM to Mesa AZ from RI, A4 Blue Angels before that, working on a flock of Mg 15 and 17s right now, check website, it's new so will get more photos up, wildaviation.us some good pics. check youtube link, CH and CX delivered TBM
  6. So before it starts, I did not write in to beat up on the blacks, but here in GA. we get a barrage of complaints about how the blacks are mistreated and are incarcerated more than whites, yet everyday the front page of the news paper is picture after picture of black after black arrested for some major crime from murder to assaults and drug deals, and somehow this is all attributed to slavery and the poverty that the blacks are forced to live in. ???? yet I ride through their part of town and they have more $$ tied up in a set of goofy rims than a set of Michelins cost for my truck, mid day they are out cooking on the grill and having a beer party while I'm going off to get parts from the other side of town, there are help wanted signs all over town, but if you can't pass the drug test or the background check then I guess you cannot get a job. but how is that connected to slavery which ended 150 years ago, maybe the black community should take a long hard look in a mirror they might find the cause of their problems, it's not me or other white people that cause the problem, our reaction is to the mayhem that they (blacks) create, and yes we have Mexicans, guess what, there are a few bad apples but for the most part their neighborhoods are clean, well painted and the music is upbeat and friendly, something that is not going on in the black neighborhoods, so before they start screaming it's all someone elses fault why not cleanup their own act first. just my thought.
  7. Got to watch a little coverage of Irma in FL., the next morning they were showing the looting going on, gee wheez they were all black ????? if whites do just as much crime as blacks then why were there not any white looters that the TV camera could have filmed also ????? I'm sure the liberal media does not want to show just blacks looting, maybe they just couldn't find any white looters ??? as people and companies try to get past this along comes the losers and makes things worse, poverty they say they leads to crime, they all seemed to look well fed to me. maybe it's a culture thing ???? I have seen real poverty in Africa, I don't think those looters were suffering from poverty, they suffer from being told they are owed something for nothing.
  8. What is the airplane, we move a lot of planes for different collectors, some private others are not. I can put it out there, Just took TBM Avenger from R.I to AZ. check out CAF Mesa AZ. (Commemorative Air force)
  9. 60 rotator just got in from TX post pics. as soon as lettered, it will help the 40 stick boom and the little 15 from better built.
  10. I will send photos of Copperhead I put back in the woods the other day as soon as I can upload them. Beautiful creature.
  11. I did like the photos (not the dead snake)
  12. Too bad for the snake, they eat rodents, I guess mice are better than snakes, hard to believe you big burly men beat on little harmless snakes, and yes more people die from hammers than snake bites. and for the religious, they are one of gods creations ??? can't find any good reason to kill a snake other than your personal inner fear. you should admire them for being able to survive in changing world, something that some humans can't do.
  13. Nice very nice.
  14. Truck has DT hubs, 3 to 1 wheel end reduction, makes doing wheelies easy.
  15. Welcome Jack, I think we called you Jack Jr.back in the 70s, Gary Gobin was service manager, still talk to Gary every month, nice to see you found the best Mack site, enjoy and welcome. 

  16. Double ugly is the one that J&B has, The owner of J&B Jack Hodges died last week, We used Double ugly to pull some loads on site because of the soft conditions, did not even slow down, even pulled one of Neil Perkins loads in due to soft conditions, great old monster still doing it's job, so much for all the new crap that can't run off road.
  17. easier to get forgiveness than permission.
  18. If it crawls on and off it's cheap if it cranes on and off it usually pays better.
  19. Freebies are more important then preserving anything from the past. Do you not understand, if no past than nothing to compare today's stupid actions against??? And besides, all those poor people who broke the law to come here need housing and food, and we all know that is far more important than some old fire engines. You selfish people.
  20. Why do we refer to it as cheating, the law is flawed and people who use paper logs are only trying to produce a document to fulfill the needs of some paper pusher who has no idea of what's involved with running trucks or getting something from one part of the country to another, shippers/receivers should be held liable for detention, then maybe they wouldn't call for trucks 6 hours early, but then they (shippers) have learned that drivers (most) don't arrive on time, so they pad the pick up time hoping that the truck will arrive on time. My high school teacher would smile ear to ear at what a proficient creative writer I became, since I drive very little now I can make fun of the pathetic efforts of the DOT to catch me. I never had to fix my book for more driving hours but more for taking care of the wasted hours caused by other people, Personally 8 hours behind the wheel is enough, the living in a box and sleeping in a bag is what I really don't like, motel every night is the way to go, if the freight rate does not allow that, don't haul it. or find a biz. where you can bill for nights out, escorts on oversize loads get motel pay and the driver sleeps with the load. We stay at motels every night and bill for it.(plus food)
  21. McCain is a Obama bum calling himself a republican, don't like the man or his politics.
  22. Geez I'm sick
  23. Not her fault, she is a prime example of union brainwashing, if not union you are lower than dirt, ask her, but we know better and let it go because we are better than that, I just ignore her insults, I consider the source.
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