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Everything posted by david wild
I'm lucky now, I quit trucking 6 weeks ago, sold the last truck, glad to see it go. Don't think there are any union companies I would compete against since there are not any that I know of. We have gone forward with our aircraft relocation business, something we have done part time for 15 years. We now just hire the truck because it is a small part of what we do, the dismantling and reconstruction is the gravy. Not a lot of union companies work on Russian or ex-military aircraft, (not many military aircraft civilians can own), lucky me (cool gig for dumb truck driver). Will post some great pics (Air Force One decoy is parked next to us) when we get home. I think some of you have missed the point. I am not making a point about the the police officer's color or where he comes from. I don't care. What I do care about is the reaction (or lack of) from all those bleeding heart liberals out to defend a person killed by a cop only if they are the right color for there cause. I care about the double standard. Stop the race BS, it's not about race. It's about using race to push an agenda. It's about the cops being wrong even if they're not just because of the victim's skin color. It's about the defending of criminal behavior just because of skin color. Only the race baitors and those concerned with using race as a excuse to further their cause are the ones that continue to use race. You can be a green alien from Mars, I don't care. But I do care about someone killed by accident and just because of her color it is a non-story. Where is the left media coverage? Too busy making fake news. I have worked in Ghana and Tanzania, so don't give me the race BS line. I have seen what real racism looks like and there were not many whites around. We did our best to help all the people we worked with, but the governments there were the problem, not the people. I can say that for the people in Iraq or anywhere else I have been, but only in the USA does one group use the past for its current failures. It is not racism, it's an excuse the liberals have promoted for their failure to educate and enlighten their followers. They (liberals) have failed their voters so they blame racism. That is an injustice. They run the big cities, they run the schools and they alone have failed the minorities in this country.
Shot through the door in her pajamas ??? Give me a break. Where is the concern and outrage from the people who care so much about one group but the hell with you if your white. Maybe we racist (supposedly) have a valid point and our concerns should be taken into account. Why can't white people be treated equal too? And if your not union, you're some scum bag loser??????? Really, we scum bags are the ones that pay the taxes that support your union pension when it goes broke. Maybe a thanks is in order.
OJ Simpson was found innocent because the black jurors wanted to send a message, right or wrong they will take care of their own even when they break the law, then yes they all can grouped together, according to liberals and the world of black we whites are all to blame for there problems, when a black person makes a comment to me that I owe them then I can group them together, I owe them nothing, I want them to get a education, a job and get a life and stop blaming the white world for there problems, there problems are created by them and I'm tired of hearing every time they screw up it is somehow because a white person did them wrong. I treat the blacks in our business just like the whites, probably better because I will climb on the ass of a white person acting stupid without mercy, they can't poo hoo because I'm on their ass because they are black, I'm on their ass because they are stupid, yes if hating stupidity is racist then I guess I'm racist, but I'm not I just really cannot stand stupid people white or black. But once again you have to accuse people of racism instead of coming up with constructive ways to stop the stupid actions of certain groups of people, but then you couldn't call people racist and bigot and that would give you nothing to do.
My point is not really about the Black Somali cop, it's about the lack of concern from the left media, or the ones that call for riots when it's a black person that is killed, I'm not race baiting, I am disappointed about the reaction from the public, but since it was brought up, explain to me how the President of the country can excuse one group of people for riots and damage to peoples proprety and that is not a racist act yet a person defending themselves in legal fashion is a racist and bigot ???????? all I want is equal under the law, liberals talk a great BS line now let's hear what you have to say, If your going to defend poor behavior and blame it on something from 150 years ago you need to get a life. what a black person does today has nothing to with anything other than they refuse to live in a civilized world and obey the laws we all live under. who made them excempt from laws the rest of live by ??? why is everything about they were slaves, there were white slaves too, how about them?? how about telling the real truth and then defend people like the BLM ??? can't be done, there is no excuse.
So a young white woman getting married next month is gunned down by black cop, body cam was off, cruiser cam was off, and no one knows what happened, the now dead woman is the one that called 911 to report a possible crime and ends up dead, if this was to happen to a BLM supporter then riots and mayhem would erupt but instead it happened to a white woman, no outrage, no marches or riots, instead people will wait for the justice system to do it's job, that is what civilized people do, now that does not mean that BLM supporters are animals and uncivilized but ???? any way we now wait for the MN. State Police to do their investigation of the Black Minneapolis police officers actions. and no word from Al Sharpton or any of the bunch that scream when the police screw up, I guess that what happens when it's a dead white person.
- 110 replies
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Truck is lined up anybody got a crane in the area ??? A4 weighs 10.5k, take out engine remove wings maybe 4 to 5k
Anybody have a truck in the Quonset RI. area next week, have a Douglas A4 Blue Angels fuselage or wing section needing to be hauled to Birmingham AL. Can send trucks from here but rather not. Plane located at Quonset Air Museum, we will be on site first of week. David 678 428 9651
I have a bad attitude toward drivers since I feel that they are the cause of most of the problems, no matter how big and fast the truck is it is never enough, not me does all the damage, the other guy did it, they forget to wake up and miss pick ups or del. gotta be home so truck will come back empty just to accommodate a non appreciative driver. not enough chains or straps cause they are to lazy to do their job and it does not matter how much you pay them, 75 to 90 k per year and all I heard was bitching, I'm glad they are gone.
Labor is the # 1 expense. take into consideration for unneeded repairs due to abuse, poor driving habits, lost time from work and retirement. labor will be twice the fuel cost.
I'll agree with macks in Nigeria, the road conditions in Ghana were not much better once you leave the city, as one of the few whites to drive down there it was like driving in the northern Maine woods without trees, once the hot top ended it was nothing but slimy red clay or super fine dust if dry, not much in between, biggest rain drops I have ever seen were in Ghana. looked like clear marbles falling out of the sky. but the people were nice, really surprised to see white guy a driving truck, I had 2 of the presidents motorcycle escorts with me at all times. poverty is unreal, those people that think is bad here need to visit the homeland.
takes stamina to keep up.
Ronnie is reason for the economy that Clinton inherited and takes credit for, Clinton did nothing but sit back play with his girlfriends and take credit for something he did not do, to say Ronald Regan was a puppet is foolish, he like Trump was so far ahead in his thinking that most people cannot understand what they were/are doing, the difference between someone like Obama and Trump is that you had a President that was not as smart as the general population and now you have a President that IS smarter than the general population, same was true with Regan and Clinton, Bush Sr. was neither, I think he was smart but not smart enough. If you think that sounds crazy go in to any truck stop and listen to some really dumb truck driver impress another dumb truck driver, dumb and dumber syndrome, same as Obama and his followers.
Fighting with the media is comic relief, he laughs his ass off every time he responds, he is playing them and they fall for it every time.
21% interest at the bank for a truck loan in 1976 and you think jimmy Carter was a nice person ?????? that guy was and is dumb as box of rocks. Iran would still have our people if not for Ronnie, when will anyone learn the Liberal Democrats all suffer from the same mental defect ???? and if you think it is not defect then try and explain why the Mayor of NYC is at a protest in another country while the city buries another police officer ???? Liberals are demented and mentally sick.
Spend a 150k no more smoke and the tree huggers will thank you, or don't give a hoot, pollute and keep on making money, I'd pollute just to piss off the tree huggers.
First, Trump did not start this BS so why should he quit. Second, media is not media when it is a political party. They do not report news, they promote an agenda. Screw them, they are getting what they deserve.
I don't know how we managed to feed ourselves.
The first slaves were in MA. They just outlawed it first. Slavery is what it was. So do we move on or do we continue live in the past? What can be done about it, it won't happen again, at least here but it does continue in bongo bongo land. So what is your point??? Is slavery the reason that after 150 years most blacks still can't figure out how to stay married, or figure out that if you break the law you go to jail??? Is that from slavery or because they just are not evolved enough to fit into society??? I said before, I have many black friends but even they cannot understand the actions of some. And what does slavery have to do with the left and it's hateful BS? Why does the left continue to promote violence? Trump was elected in a legal election. Did the right burn any buildings or ransack any businesses when Obama was elected??? NO. Maybe conservative are not Neanderthals, that appears to be reserved for the left.
Geez what about the people who sold slaves into slavery, they are proud to show you their slave camps, Obama visited them, what about the white slaves or Asian slaves, they don't count ??? how come it's only about black people, how about the fact the Muslim have killed and tortured blacks way worse but no one say's anything about that, how about womens right under sharia law ??? I don't see the left doing anything about it, nor does our union friend seem bothered by it, like I said SELFISH, if it does not affect them then who cares. Vietnam only ended in a disaster because the left fake news took away our ability to win, there will innocent victims, that is what happens in war, WW1 and WW2 had many non military deaths, but Hitler needed to be stopped, or is that up for debate too.
It's not just the vets, it's every person who has ever stood up for what is right, the person who confronted a criminal, a police officer doing their real job, wonder how she would feel if her doctor was out smoking dope all night before her big surgery, or one her relatives was killed by a person who should not be here, never here, no crime, Liberals live in a fantasy world, watch Pelosi, she is out to lunch but runs the liberal left, and they wonder why they lose elections, teamster friend you are losing every day you don't see that you are out of touch with mainstream America, or in your eyes we are out of touch with you ?? You lost you continue to lose don't you get it ????
Fruits of sacrifice is FREEDOM just in case you forgot.
Once again even your computer is infected with left wing stupidity, look up under Antifa at Gettysburg and there is plenty to read on there July 1 upcoming BS spree, why do you continue to condone the destruction of our country, you condem every one that is not like you, in fact if your not a union bag lapper then you must be some kinda piece of trash, I don't go looking to beat up on union people until they start spewing their hate and BS. You have your union, some people need union protection, it's the only way they can keep a job, but why can't respect people for going out and creating jobs for others, for what they give to the community, and what they do for our country instead of mocking every person who got off their ass and made something of themselves, your I'm union and my poop does not stink makes you come off as kinds a conceited, selfish and insecure, hooray for me and screw you, as a employer I have had to advance money, pay off bills not related to me, lend out vehicles, make sure that the people work for us get paid and are secure, who do you worry about other than your self ?? you might want to take a hard look in a mirror, you don't sound like a very nice person or at least you a have large chip on your shoulder. Many of us did for our nation what was asked, we don't need your condemnation while you sit around enjoying the fruits of some one else's ultimate sacrifice.
All depends on how it's driven
I'd bet the 9513 would hold up behind the 300 if you don't abuse it, so that means if you drive it your self you won't have any problem but a hired driver will not have such good outcome. When Jeff Garmon(student of Bruce Mallison) at Sothern Truck Parts was still there he sent us a set of injectors, turbo and pump that we installed in the parking lot of a motel, set injectors outer base, went into 89 Ford LT9000 with 300 Big Cam 4, 9513 and 4.63 rears, hooked it to GE TM2500 15 axles total, 260k plus in July out of Houston, same truck went to Europe and then to Ghana Africa and finally home, fried a few heads, scored a couple injectors but never touched trans or rears, ran 50/50 Lucas in trans and rears, engines was 500+ finally retired truck and sold to a log hauler in AL. So 9513 will stand up to the task if driven right. (Houston to Chicago x 5 trips, on first job)
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