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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Yep, looked them up another left wing nut job group, anti Trump, anti America BS spewing future leaders of the left thinking world. Park police should have permission to use deadly force, since the left thinks it's all right to use against the right. also did you notice NYPD out protecting mosques ?? did you see any protection around any Christian churches after any attacks or protecting gay night clubs ??? 1 Muslim dies and NYPD is out in force over here. BS BS
  2. Yeah we are lily white and never do anything sneaky either, Libs live in fantasy world, the US. has done just as many bad things as any other country, that's just the way it really goes. When and if you visit other countries you get to hear their side of the story, The US. does not sound like the most friendly peace lovers that the liberal left and the snow flakes would have you believe. I have seen and been involved in some actions that I was not really to proud of. especially in Iraq. But I have also seen the opposite, the US. has done some great things for some.
  3. 1994 KW 900B aerodyne 370 N14 10spd 8.6 mpg year to date, so much for you new 150k that does not run.
  4. Spoken by a union steering wheel holder that never had to concern themselves with the cost of running a business, easy to make comments on something you know little about.
  5. .73 or .83 overdrive is what it is Mack or otherwise
  6. Life is short. the older I get the less I appreciate some government ass wipe telling me what to do. DOT to the IRS they can all go screw themselves, cause they screwed with me all my life.
  7. Hugs and kisses foreign policy is not working ???
  8. As for me I have insurance, that does not mean that I think it is fair that I should pay 250% more because I can, Obama said all people would have coverage, those that did not mostly still do not, just another BS lie and a way to screw over those who choose to work, as for my toys I have fewer every day because I choose to do other things with my time off, 41 years in the trucking biz and I'm to the point I can't stand trucks and the drivers, mostly the drivers. as for the 225 yes there are 2 and I have been in both, the partly built one and the operational one, in fact one the proudest days was when I went from being listed a passenger to crew member on the manifest, sadly I was offered a uniform and did not feel I had earned it at that point, something I regret not doing although I did get all my shirts and ID, which I am donating to the Southern Museum of Flight. Once upon a time you could travel through out the world and no one would bother you if you were a American, now thanks to limp Democrats starting with Carter, Americans have target on their backs. you liberals own that with your hugs and kisses foreign policy. bad people only fear a few things, strength and death.
  9. Came new as a tractor, State of GA. had it stretched couple feet for tanker, shorten back to tractor was the plan.
  10. Still cute though
  11. Aw but you see I like to work and I'm not ready to retire, so while you sit around thinking about how you can give away something that's not yours while hoarding what is yours, I'm off at a airport working on some Russian Migs and some Polish fighter trainers, and of course the B25 and B17 that come out along with the L39, you know something that you get to look at from the other side of the fence. Your so small minded that you just don't get it. Have you seen the pyramids, what was the hanging gardens of Babylon, flown around the world on the world's biggest airplane (do you even know what is the biggest plane)? I could go on but I know you have done so much too. You have no idea what it feels like to load 550,000 pounds of cargo in to a plane and have it take off. In fact you will never know, so stay in your small world and convince your self how worldly you are. while those of us that can will continue to do things that you can only see on TV.
  12. like them old Rs
  13. 4 Migs down 1 to go, 3/15s 2/17s and 2 iskras and yes truck is in yard, great little truck just no time. If you're in the Delmarva area, the planes have been moving from Georgetown DE. to over by the bay bridge. going back next week to finish up with moves and then remove the engines.
  14. In recent history the only President since JFK to be shot or shot at have been conservatives, not Carter, Clinton or Obama, I personally did not think Obama would make it but the apathy on the right won out. What we should be asking is, what kind of crap would we be in if Clinton had got elected, you saw her implode after the election, how would she have handled a investigation into the crap the DNC pulled, if Trump did anything it pales to what crooked crap Clinton did. but then being a democrat and being dishonest go hand in hand. I think McCain is unhinged, McCain calls Putin a murderer, well lets remember every time the news was breaking with a new Clinton scandal Bill would bomb some obscure country, you think nobody died, You think that killing Osama was not timed perfectly before the election ?? so Trump can get along with Putin and that is bad, but Obama cozying up to Fidel is great, talk about a murderer ?? Trump is doing a great job, he has a lot to learn, he never has had to work in Government before, If the libs would just work for the good of America and not every one else then Trump would be a outstanding success and the libs. just can't stand it. PS. since most private pensions that fail do not get bailed out by the taxpayer I call for a separation of union and state like church and state. If unions are so great why do they need so much protection provided by the Government.
  15. Isn't it funny that this country was built with those little engines and others that were even smaller, yet somehow today the average nitwit needs a 550 cat in a 10 wheeler to get around town ??????
  16. Ya'll making me sick, Obama was a failure. Obamacare is and was a ripoff, Trump is way smarter than you will ever know, given the chance the liberal left will/would destroy this country. your left BS is just that BS, you live in fantasy land, if ISIS was a JV team, what was team Obama, Law Enforcement became the target off the left wing criminal, Fast and Stupid got a good man killed, destroyed American coal and the people associated with it to help some third world nation with a combined IQ of 7, Yeah you left leaning drones really got it on. Your team made a mess, why don't you shut up and let Team Trump see if they can fix your disaster. Oh and for you I have a union pension, 70+ have now failed and being taken over by a Government Insurance fund supported by us non union taxpayers making you nothing but a high dollar welfare whore.
  17. Truck is in Lagrange GA. But we are in Delaware moving some Russian Migs, Call me as I don't know when we will get done, client keeps adding to work load. 678 428 9651 Thanks David
  18. Only a liberal can find something wrong with those, you know objectifying women, gawking, wanting to reach out and have a little touch, if you don't like being looked at, wear some Muslim friendly clothing. a sack will do. women are built so that men will look, enjoy it we could ignore you.
  19. Your learning, welcome to the club, I am a charter member. law enforcement, safety inspector, all just code words for revenue agent.
  20. 1976 Ford F750 has tractor package, converted to elec. ign. all original books in glove box 5x2, 391, 65708 orig. miles, Vin F75EVA36175 $1000.00 678 428 9651 David
  21. spent a little over 11k last month on 18k truck, sold it for 20k this month, going back to antique Macks like we had before and made money.
  22. I bet if you had put the livestock on here someone would have given them a home. I would have, I go out of my way to help animals, except for the human kind, the trash can pucker up and die, world would be better off. like we need more druggies and pimps.
  23. Your first mistake is confusing a Revenue agent with a person truly concerned with safety, secondly they have the right to do any thing they want except up hold the constitution and enforce laws that are really about safety, ask em that's their story, but you did get a clean inspection and that is good for your "Safety Rating".
  24. What method do you use to preplot your holes
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