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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Seen F model Macks with Allis Chalmers engines now that is cool.
  2. So we went to move the little crane this week from ATL to SAV. just a little guy 350 ton self erector anyway that means that we got to eat out every night which means I got to go out in public (they try to keep me out of public places) so I engaged with some diners and I could not find one person to disagree that the VIRUS will be GONE as soon as the election is over, so another words most people think this whole BS is a political move by the left, ain't that something, and when I mean I engage I'm like Capt Kirk to Mr. Zulu we engage, I get the whole Texas Roadhouse engaged and yet either the limp spineless leftys have no balls or they know this whole thing is a joke too. and if I had Mr. Spock been there I could got with logic too.
  3. God I hate them things as much as I hate Obama, LOUD, HOT or Really COLD when up in northen Maine in the winter, more of a human torture chamber, made a 66 R model look like a Limo.
  4. Let's see girlfreind comes for visit, need to go on a run and your ankle is swelled ??? sure it's your ankle ????
  5. I can always tell when I hit to close to home ? it all goes blank
  6. I thought the e techs replaced the E7 so how can you have a 2000 or newer E7 ??? did they make both at the same time ?
  7. And why do you persist with the chicken little hysteria, 500,000 that's right half a million will die from smoking and 850,000 babies will be chopped up for dog food or what ever and you still go off the deep end over 155,000 dead from a virus and half the numbers are inflated, I don't believe your that deft ? then again you like Biden, and somehow we are still on track for the same year to date overall deaths ??? figure that one out, we are all gonna die of the virus but yet our overall death rate remains unchanged ?????
  8. Asking FEMA to aid a city that allowed rioters to burn buildings should be a crime, if you are the Mayor and you told your police dept to not intervene then ask the taxpayer to rebuild what you helped promote you should be arrested and charged with collusion to defraud the Government. FEMA is for natural disasters not for incompetence.
  9. Did some homework this morning on the Hoax pandemic worldwide there have been 17.9 million infected and 10.6 recovered and 685,000 deaths can't find what happened to the group between 17.9 to 10.6 ?? that's like 7 million that just poofed ? in the USA we have had 4.71 million infected and 2.3 recovered and 157,000 deaths and 2.? that poofed in 2019 there were 862,000 abortions (deaths) 480,000 smoker deaths plus another 40,000 deaths from second hand smoke along with a cost to us of 300 billion, 38,880 auto related deaths 4.4 million injuries requiring medical attention, 39.773 gun related deaths of which 6 out of 10 are blowing you own brains out. So I need to wear a mask to go to home depot but can light up and die 3 times more likely and it's OK according to the liberal loons and we can kill 860,000 unborn because the liberal loons care so much about life and we can text and speed and kill 38,000 injure 4.4 million more because the liberals don't want to infringe on you personal rights, BUT liberal will shut down your business, lock you in your home, take away your way to earn a living and destroy a thriving economy to win a election and I'm supposed to believe anything that comes out of your yap, your sick and demented and your party should reimburse Americans for the damage you have done to honest hard working people. just think of the millions wasted proving Trump colluded with no one, think of the good that could have been done with that money and all you can do is concentrate on is HATE. liberal are disgusting
  10. should have said boy scout leader
  11. those goofy looking goggles really work, most days I found sand in places I didn't think it could get too, the stupid goggles from uncle sam had vents and filled with sand that's why everybody looked like they had been on bender, blood shot eyes from the sand, those came from England but were made for the desert wouldn't leave camp without them best thing next to the gallons of Tang.
  12. Funny I just dug out my Desert goggles last night that I wore in Kuwait/Iraq ready for the next round of BS, tried to toss me out of CVS the other night, my mask was on top my head like a beanie, told the youngster I was a alien and and I breathed through the top of my head, finally a manager took care of me and I was on my way, I won.
  13. Isn't that a normal work week for a union worker ???
  14. Had my Hard Hat disinfected today I feel so much safer I am going out to eat at my local jap steak house (jap is that racist) anyway food is good and the owners are Korean anyway.
  15. and talking about stupid, it was your President that gave the lab in China bunches of money so it could develop this virus to unleash on the world as a backup plan if killary did not win the election and they found no other way to stop Trump, your Russia BS story failed and in fact the only bad players in that whole BS was your people Biden and crew cleaned out the Ukrainian Bank account, but then who care as long as the left does it it is OK and that is why your party is for loons.
  16. Who gives a crap about how many people will get it, most all of us will, you are fighting something you can't win, as long as one person in the world has it it will spread, what is important like all bad things what is the DEATH rate, get over the Left talking points of how many, god you would think we are as stupid as you are.
  17. I gotta question supposedly the weight change from 73,280 was done in 1974 but I know I started driving 6/18/76 and the weight limit was still 73,280 but Pruitt truck say's 80k ? to be true to the times if the show started in 1974 then the truck would have had gvw 73280 ?
  18. Guys can you really believe that any Liberal really believes this crap, you see what is going on in the cities and you think the rest of us want to live that way, I want my house and business burnt because I chose to get out bed and work late, the only reason I have more is because I worked my ass off and I'm supposed to just hand it over because some lazy smuck say's they didn't get the same chance as I did BS BS I made my money the hard way, and of course Obama get's out there and say's you didn't build that ?? BS again, I did build that so I would rather die defending what Americans have built than roll over and let some snot nosed little puke liberal tell me I have to give some freeloader my earnings and that is what makes me dangerous because I already have put my life on the line and I'm still here so I have a penchant for winning so I guess my advice to the Liberal Loons is go ahead punk make my day.
  19. What do think of my Caboose, came out of Chesterfield police Dept training center seems some super trooper tripped and fell off and broke his leg and the insurance carrier made them dispose of it, it is actually going to our radio supplier (we do not use CB use UHF) and he is going to use it for a pool house, it is in great shape and the insides are still all there, bunks,sink and heater.
  20. This is not a RANT page this is a FACT page
  21. If they have to they will put Ginsburg on life support till after the election with the hopes they win and can pollute the court with another left wing nut job, 2 days after the election they will pull the plug and she will either die or finally retire no matter what happens cause she knows she will never make another 4 years. If Biden wins he will never make the swearing in he will lose his mind and the VP will get the seat, we are not voting against Biden it is who he is running with that will matter because that is the person that will be in charge, I still find it hard to belief the union members backs union leadership that advocates sending their jobs to China, and of course if you support Biden then you support sending jobs overseas, he did it before and will do it again.
  22. China needs our food why do think they bought Smithfield the largest pork processor in the US, if the Demodumbasses stopped giving away everything to China we would not be in this mess and China would be sucking up to us but no we have to be a global leader of give everything away, we don't really need crap from anyone we just need to get our ducks lined up and do our thing, we use to produce everything so don't tell me we can't do it again, just more liberal BS. once again put the big girl panties on or be seen not heard.
  23. Sanctions are for honest people if your a Clinton or Biden you ship what ever you want where ever you want
  24. Geez a Military whiz but I don't remember seeing you in Iraq, Oh that's right you were home promoting we blew up our own buildings. ??? and for those Hummers they suck we did better with Mitsubishi Pajeros and when all that high dollar go anyplace trucks quit they were replaced with Mack RD 888s and they did not quit and some even came home to be sold and put back to work. Funny how the union backs Biden and he will send all their jobs to China, now that's a clueless bunch.
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