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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Government can fix nothing, all the losers that could not make it in the real world go get a plushy government job where they can watch porn and do nothing all day with out the fear of losing their job.
  2. Liberalism is a disease and she is infected bad, don't think she grew up on a farm, might have better attitude, better not she had joined a union she might have been sweet but now just a old cranky mad person with a warped view of the world.
  3. I feel lucky and proud to have moved 2 B25s, the one from Lake Murray SC. to the Museum in Birmingham AL. as seen on Mega Movers and recently one from Rantoul Air Museum in IL. to the Birmingham AL. Museum.
  4. If she has seen numbers they are numbers invented by those that also create the fake news, those numbers fill their wish list and are not the real numbers, road use taxes and all the rest are more than enough to have provided us the best roads in the world but the government raids the highway fund for un highway projects. and the union wage prevailing law doubles the cost of most highway projects, higher wages and less productivity. The taxpayer should get the most for it's tax dollar not prop up some ailing notion that union wages will build a better road when in fact the opposite is true.
  5. looks like up date stuff to me, like the newer parts for KW airglide, does not look like the old at all
  6. Yes free stuff, maybe we could Clinton down there to fix things ????
  7. air cleaner ??
  8. Go there all the time, never once have I heard a word about religion, very polite and good service, and good chicken, must be a southern thing, but then I'm from New England living in the south, I do know that I traded snow for stupidity, but then home isn't any better anymore. 70 union pensions have now failed, government Insurance took over supported by the non union taxpayer, makes teamster dummies nothing but glorified welfare recipients, Government says other union pensions are failing and the fund for them is going broke, maybe that's why teamster bozos don't like chicken, can't afford it. smoke that.
  9. I like KLM, learned about the banana bar in Amsterdam from one of them, flew from Amsterdam to Ghana, woke late in the evening to find a blond goddess curled next to me, first class on KLM is first class, anyway I thought plane crashed and I died then buzzer went off an goddess had to get up and help another passenger but then came back, boy I really like KLM.
  10. Need to stop a Rudy's in Amarillo, great brisket, matter of fact it's all good, west side of town and you can park on side street, there is a place in OKC that's good too.
  11. Stop at Sara's truck stop in Moriarty NM, real home fries not frozen crap, bacon and corn beef hash is good too. it is on the east side of town.
  12. More union BS, she is out to lunch
  13. So Obama had more people at his swearing in ? bet he did, all the losers without jobs, all the Blacks on the free lunch ticket, all the mexicans looking for a green card, yup I bet Obama had a whole lot more there, when you kiss every losers butt they will show up for a free lunch, I'd gone to see Trump but since nov 8th our workload has gone way up, way way up, Thanks Donald your already making a difference.
  14. If we could get MAN or a Renault Magnum that would be sweet, but instead we have to live with what the general truck buyer likes, shame those are great trucks, funny though I took a Ford LT9000 to Ireland and they all went crazy over the bonnet (hood), ended up shipping that truck to Ghana for year and then she finally came home.
  15. For over the road heavy we had kenworths, then they would not build what we wanted, Western Star came and built what we wanted and then some, trucks were great, no problem, just no resale value.
  16. Banga or Bangor
  17. I don't get the problem, Obama sends jobs, union jobs out of the country and he is hero for globalization, Trumps stops the exodus of union jobs out of the country and even brings some back and he is bad for the country ?? did I miss something ??? in the entire universe the Muslims are the top dogs in terrorism, they put people in cages and burn them alive, march gays off roof tops, rape women and Obama invites them to this country and it's a great humanitarian gesture, Muslims don't like us, why do they want to come here so badly ??? Trumps stops them and says stay in your own country and lets see if your a bad guy and Trump is some kinda horrible person for not allowing a gay hating, women hating , American hating person into this country, once again what have I missed and why are liberals and the unions against the man that is doing them the most good, are they that stupid ???????????????????????????? teamster turd wake up, your going well beyond sounding stupid
  18. I told her before she needed a hobby, I even suggested Russian roulette, but then again I like banter, it reminds of how stupid the left is.
  19. Coles was a great company and had a bunch of great people, but you would expect that from mostly northern Maine people, them and Dysarts, good people.
  20. I have no respect for Obama, I have more respect for a turd, Obama is guilty of treason and should be tried. his job was to put America number one in his priorities, he did not, he sold us out many times, he was and is a failure and did harm to the people of this country, that is treason.
  21. Why do we need more Muslims???? they don't like us, why do they want to come here ??? they don't like us, are they up to no good by coming here ??? If we are going to do something wrong than let's error to the side that is best for us the residents of this country not some other people from some other country.
  22. I want President Trump to attend or speak at CONEXPO, I want CONEXPO to ask President Trump to attend and I have sent that message to the CONEXPO management, what a better place to speak to the people who most likely backed Trump and who will be the ones to build our roads and bridges
  23. He's playing the media, and they bite every time cause there stupid, don't fall for the games. we call what he is doing the pump, feed out bad info, say crap you know is not true and see what pops up, ask any cop what's up he'll know, DA PUMP
  24. So what's he done wrong ????? nothing he's fixing the problems form turd and doing it fast, he has a plan and he's working the plan like any good manager. have a plan, work the plan, that's good management.
  25. Your trying to reason with a union baker, next thing to a brain dead drug user, your wasting your time, she more interested in getting pot legal in her state so she can sit around and puff all day, she is exactly why this country has gone to hell, but we are on the road to redemption, hang on it may a bumpy ride but in the end it's gonna be great.
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