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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Funny how everything Trump does they want to condemn, yet everything he does is for the good of the country, another words screw America and libs love you, stand up and do what's right for America and you doing bad ????? something wrong with that picture
  2. Trump did more good before signing in and has been kicking ass ever since, are you people so stupid to think that he can just wave a magic wand and all is good, well he is doing pretty good for a Government outsider, he's done more good in short time than O sh## for brains did in 8 years, get real. take a look at what he has done so far all good and O sh&& for brains could have done the same but he hated this country was never going to do anything good for the working people.
  3. Watched the black goons on MSNBC again, Trump's call for law and order and that is an attack on blacks because he calls for jailing the law breakers? WTF? Breaking the law is now something racial, you broke the law you idiot, you're not exempt just because you are black. Are these morons that stupid? Going to jail for breaking the law is racial??? Don't break the law and you don't go to jail, that's what white people do??? I saw a billboard in OK the other day that said I have autism if I have sensory sensitivity, I am extremely sensitive to stupidity. Can I get disability??? And no nitwits, I'm not making fun of truly disabled people, I have the most upright compassion for those truly in need. Notice I said true, not just another scam for a check. Like the local black youths around here that a get a check for ADT or ADS or some other BS they can think of.
  4. I bet that if I said I wanted to blow up the White House I would get a visit and mostly likely charged with a terrorist act, but if a loud mouth liberal does it, it is just small talk and no big deal, that bit** isn't even from here. liberals are out to lunch loons and are becoming violent and dangerous, maybe we need marshall law and round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the japs ??? sounds stupid but that's what the liberals would want done if the shoe was on the other foot. do you get it ???????????
  5. Can't impeach the president for being great. your in la la land, you need to get a hobby, like Russian roulette.
  6. Screw Obama, hope we never have to here from that loser ever again. Support America, buy American, employ American and yes make America first and great or greater again.
  7. 1. Fake news, more people saw Trump than your silly march, women want equal rights ??? you are already on a pedestal, what more do you want, be careful you might not like what you get, if you get what you think you want. 2. Turned on MSNBC, like to see what the stupid people watch, saw Sharpton complaining about our friend from AL. Sharpton does not want voter ID cards, But his kind have no problem racing down for their EBT card, their free Meds, Food, Housing and phone but going down to get a ID card is too much strain for them ??????? BS 3.You liberals should all pack your bags and leave, you don't like this country, go find one that you like better, Trump wins the election and you don't like the way we elect our president, when it works for you it's fine when it does not you want it changed ?? you are sick, sick and sick, you need mental health help, your like little spoiled children, have a temper tantrum, when your zero got elected we complained but got up and went to work and did the best we could, why don't you do the same, grow up little you pukes.
  8. Does it feel good to have a REAL president instead of a wanna be ?? Damn Right it does. enjoy
  9. Actors should not make political comments at a awards show, it is about awards not a political rally, you make it a rally you are open to comments from the other side, another words they started it.
  10. Had a Honda ridgeline, ran the crap out of it, job to job, loved it.
  11. So I thought about this last night, if the pen is mightier than the sword then handicapped or not if you are going to attack via your pen then don't complain when attacked by the sword, since when is being handicapped a excuse, most handicapped I know our proud to take on a fight and stand (or sit) toe to toe, if you want equal treatment don't run and hide behind your handicap when it so suits you, this man took on Trump, Trump responded in Trump fashion, it's a new world, want a wimp for president vote for one, I like the fresh air coming to the white house, I piss of the world because I say it like it is, I don't care anymore, in fact our website will be going back up soon and it will tell liberals we don't want their biz, we don't want their money and their BS. We want to work with people that are behind Trump and believe in America, you paly with something that bites expect to get bitten. I hope Trump pisses of a few more of these so called perfect people, remember once upon a time even your grandmother may have said things in the heat of passion that she would never normally say or you might not be here.
  12. Can we talk about all the disgusting things Clinton did in the oval office ? may I have a cigar ????? and you put it where ??? and we really elected Obama to sell out America, isn't that treason ??? damage to America for the benefit of another country isn't that treason ?? should be. Obama apology tour ?? apologize for being great, isn't that insane ??? Yeah that's Ok I'll keep Trump.
  13. We already rehashed this long ago, he never met the guy in question and his imitation was concerning something else, the media put the 2 together to make a story as was told on the right sided news media, wasn't there so I cannot really condemn him on that, but if it came from the left then I would put it in the BS basket
  14. Thought it might be time for a little review. Geez, what to say ?? Obama and the Democrats continue to implode, Trump continues to excel. Still find it strange that the left can some how complain that Trump beats up on companies that wish to leave, then decide to stay and create jobs, and the left thinks that's unfair. Or Trumps beats up on Boeing to get costs under control and that is a bad thing ?? Every dollar Trump saves is less tax dollars from you and me that is not wasted. Why couldn't Obama do that?? He did not mind waving his finger to tell us how to do everything else. It's the Russian's fault that Clinton lost?? NO, it's Clintons BS that lost her the election. Oh, and the RNC was hacked and the Dems complain that their dirt was not reported on. Geez, maybe there was no dirt. Trump was not the GOP pick, so what would you report on, that they were all against Trump and he won anyway. The liberal left is proving that they hate this country and are total loons, out to lunch, self centered and selfish losers. Four blacks terrorize a white person and it takes 2 days to say it might be a hate crime?? Say the "N" word and it's a hate crime. If some whites had done the same thing, the blacks would have burned down a neighborhood or two, and Obama would tell them it's OK to protest. Is there a possibility that maybe blacks just can't handle living in a 21st century world? Maybe evolution kinda left them behind. Maybe the bulk of them do not have the mental capacity to deal with life in complex world and need to return to a simpler life (the Jungle). Just a thought. Could explain a lot, and yes remember the black gene pool has been polluted with white blood but just not enough to raise their ability to deal with the problems we all must live with. Just a thought. I know now you're all pissed but sometimes the truth is ugly. Give me better reason why after billions spent and so many laws geared toward one group and they still fail. And please don't blame slavery. The Jews overcame the holocaust and the Japs survived the camps in WW 2, yet the black race cannot seem to fit in, and let's not forget all the whites that were forced into slavery also. Maybe it's time for some truthful soul searching, and yes I have many black friends and even they complain about their own kind. I also pick on white people too. I think young white women should be a little more (a lot more ) particular with whom they sleep with, seems young women have a self esteem problem and will succumb to any nitwit with a good BS story only to become pregnant and then end up a single parent, which all goes toward bringing down the moral fabric of our country. Can't wait for all the names I will be called, which just proves that instead of looking at the problem and finding a cure, we would rather blame people's thoughts which are result of what you see.
  15. Screw the EPA
  16. Obama or Clinton didn't do it, Trump did. Action not inaction. Thank you Ford and Trump.
  17. F model day cab on gov. deals right now in NM
  18. Enjoy the global warming ????
  19. Told me he'd sell the whole lot, just don't think that there's much left ???? was hoping he had something stuffed away in the shop ??? nope. best collection was in vegas, Wheeler Mack, but when Al died they screpped it all, I saved the build sheets from 19??, that's all that is left.
  20. Went by the old Huntingdon Motors today, has about 6 or 7 F models just hanging around waiting to go back to mother earth, fella that owns them said he ready to part with whats left, Don't think anything could be salvaged for road but lots of parts, post pics when can get them off phone or can send to someone and they can post, one still has winter front on from when they parked it.
  21. And all these people operated within the law, I'm sure there are people who have something to say (bad) about almost anybody, I have dealt with people out of needing their help, not because I liked them, did not make them bad, just sometimes biz makes strange bed fellows, Trump needs smart people to get this mess under control, maybe these are the people to do it.
  22. Like the F models
  23. I like the debate, but for our liberal freinds to keep qouting their fake news then not even admit they are wrong when the real truth comes out is shameful, Clinton is a liar and a crook, their is no doubt about that, why were the libs willing to follow her off the cliff ???? who knows. I will give Trump time to prove is ability to run the show if he fails I will comment, but he will have to do something really stupid before he can even compare to the nitwit leaving office shortly, Obama hates this country, Trump loves this country, why shouldn't he, he's made millions here, Obama all he saw was the sewer, where he hung out. I guess that would make me not like this place either, or do like Ben Carson, get out of the sewer.
  24. Come on guys, he is playing nice right now, he has to, if crap for brain really figures what trump is up to he'll pardon the whole lot, Holder is as bad as Clinton, he really needs to visit the pen, let him get sworn in then let's see if he really has changed, but he still is appointing really good people, he can sit back and just watch, a really good boss is the boss that hires the right people, I have known bosses that could not do the job themselves but knew who to hire to get the job done, that's a good boss. micro management does not work, hiring your buddy or people you owe does not work, let's see what happens.
  25. So let's review, Trump picks the man that has been suing the EPA to run it, perfect, I love it, his pick to fix the school system, perfect, Interior Dept. oh so perfect, Ben Carson, what better person to fix that problem, he lived in it he knows first hand how to get out of that trap, perfect, Mad Dog running the Military, I 'll have to sign up, volunteered for the last go around, perfect. So there you have it, and you think he will fail, OH sessions at the DOJ, don't count out putting Clinton in jail yet. You Liberals are in for a old school ass kicking.
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