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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Obama came in to office with the BS of open and honest government, he was going to be the president for all, instead he went on a apology tour and gave away the farm, doubled the debt and doubled the food stamp program, more free programs just to buy votes, Oh and ruined our health care system. yeah I'm not worried about Mr. Trump.
  2. I will not be let down by Mr. Trump he is not Obama, he is a business man, Obama never created a job or earned a living other than giving away other peoples money, Mr. Trump has done both earned a living and created jobs/wealth, he understands the problems we face, Obama lives in a world of rose colored glasses, Mr. Trump is surrounding himself with best there is, Obama surrounded himself with everyone he owed a favor, you cannot even compare the two, it will be you who will be sorely disappointed when the Donald makes good on his promise to make America great again, because of Obama we been not very great at anything other than giving away our country. So let's put on our big boy and big girl panties and go to work.
  3. Well before you dismiss what will be the best time in recent memory, Mr. Trump has not even been sworn in yet, but is doing more than Obama ever did has in what is good for the country and not his friends like soros and the welfare recipient, go head speak poorly now, you may be right but I suspect you will live to eat your words.
  4. There are things that Trump ran on that I thought he would moderate on, but for the liberals to now claim he is somehow destroying free markets because he persuaded Carrier to keep some jobs here in the US is pure crap. I also think that he is trying to get support from the other side, nothing worse than being a sore winner, winning is great, but unlike the liberals and democrats have done, rubbing the losers face in it, does no good. I also believe is trying to unite the country, if the losing side sees that he is not as bad as they thought, they might think about getting onboard to help fix things, something that Obama and his crowd never thought about doing, they won and then stuck it to everybody because they are self centered and selfish, and only care about themselves and their pals, unlike Mr. Trump who I truly believe loves this country and wants nothing better but the best for all of us.
  5. OH these liberals make me sick, Trump saves jobs from going out of the country, you think that all would agree that is good, nope, not the liberal, now Trump is messing with the free market system ???? what the f***. China manipulates it's money and that is Ok, that is not screwing with the free market ??? save some American jobs and now your messing with the markets, if Trump sh** gold nuggets and gave them to the US to pay off it's debt the liberals would find something they don't like about it.
  6. If your responding to me, call me, there is a lot of work right in Marion and Glade Spring. David 678 428 9651
  7. Be nice, she is just a sweet old lady that just happens to let people die needlessly, constantly lies and blames everyone for her failures.
  8. I told you all this months ago, but little miss union backer said I made it up, that is why coal went south, they needed the price down so they could sell it to the third world nations, destroying coal had NOTHING to do with the environment.
  9. No ride no more since dude decided to use my side of road to take corner faster on his way to work, forgetting that I might also be using my side of road, hence trip to hospital and week out of work and few more stitches added to the collection. Tried to makes excuses, head on with bike on wrong side of road, really ????
  10. Yeah they show up but do they really want a job, We need drivers in our area, no drivers, tow company that parks in our yard, sold some trucks, no drivers, go around town help wanted signs everywhere, no help, owner of restaurant we go to working tables, what's up I ask, no help, but I go down to DG and stand in line behind you know who and wait while they punch in the free bee code on their EBT card, don't need no stinking job when you get free sh** I'm told, thank you Mr. free sh** Obama. State of GA. gave KIA all kinds of free tax breaks and what ever, but KIA built a huge auto plant and thousands work there, why can't we build what china does and do it here. of course the unions would have to mess it up and claim that the people could not live on the wages they offer but some how live on welfare for less ????
  11. Maybe just maybe, they really don't want jobs, maybe they just want to sit and complain it is everyone's fault but theirs that they cannot get a head in life, maybe they are just failures to begin with and that's why they all huddle in the cities looking for that handout, but then the liberals would call me all kinds of bad names if I thought that, but ???? I cannot think of a excuse for not putting up a factory to build toasters in the city other than no one really wants a job. the plant could be built on a very small plot, multi story, Ok liberals why has this not been done, is it that you know that the minorities don't really want a job ??????
  12. So Carrier is staying but Ford is sending the Focus to Mexico, but that choice was made long ago, now for 8 years Obama has been on his apology tour and jobs have steadily left, Trumps is not even in office and he is running the country, Obama is just doing his time and can't wait to leave, have not heard a word from Trump about how bad it is and how it's Obama fault, not like when Obama took over and it was all Bush's fault, I think he even blamed him for bad weather, Oh and Ford is keeping the Lincoln thing here. Now China get's it's pants in a wad because Trump speaks to some new guy, claiming there is only one China, I think Trump planned this perfect, he just sent a bullet whizzing over their heads, you see China needs us more than we need them, Obama was not smart enough to deal with them, Trump is already getting them primed for more bad news,, So China get's pissy, we are their biggest importer of their junk, how about we go to any inner city, find some vacate land, see plenty when I go through, condem a few more and build some inner city factories to build the same crap China dumps on us, toaster ovens and the like, now inner city kids get jobs, welfare people get a job, economy gets better, this is win win, of course the liberals won't like it, you will have give companies some sort of tax break to build factory but so what, land is vacate anyway and now you get tax from the wages and less welfare, Hey how come I have to think this up and the liberals didn't, build a plant the Bronx, lots of unemployed workers, Costco is just down the road to store the toasters and sell them back to the people that made them, less China junk more US junk and more JOBS, more tax base, less welfare ??????????? This could be done in any large city, lots of workers and lots of vacant land, there is nearby rail and water for most and the market is right there, the raw materials come by rail or boat, finished product can go straight to stores, less long haul trucking, don't even tell me this cannot work.
  13. I don't understand you people, Obama and Clinton both have said that the Muslims love us, don't you believe them, they would never lie to you.
  14. Loved it, really loved it
  15. Call your local chicken farmer and have him deliver a nice load of chicken crap, they will leave, or hog, either will do the trick.
  16. If your 800 has 24 inch rubber you will not enjoy driving it much faster than what you got, the 1202 will cut your speed by half, we run in the low side all the time, really makes a world of difference with big loads, unless your bent on going 70 mph, at which point you will need pyscho help anyway. If you were using 46 rears you could go to a DT hub, that would give you 3 to 1 wheel end reduction, that along with a 1202 and you can wrinkle a drive tire sidewall if you don't spin. we run as much as 60k+ on our tandem drives with that setup and still can spin out. 60 mph cut in half by 1202, now cut that by 3 with DT hub, you can move 750k on site with one truck, 500+ on the road. we pulled that nasty hill coming out of Farmington NM, 440k one truck with 1202 and hubs, slow but no problems.
  17. You're white, pay taxes and have a job. You have no freedom of speech.
  18. Thanks for the PROOF guys.
  19. Well I guess you have never stood under the wing of a Antonov 225, the largest plane in the world, and gazed upon the pyramids outside of Cairo, or seen what was once the hanging gardens of Babylon, dipped your toes into the Volta River, smelled the sweet smell of homes being heated with peat moss in Ireland, better yet, Saint Paddys day in Middleton Ireland where they make you guessed it Irsh Whiskey, seen the cliffs of Dover, heard morning prayers in Kuwait City, smelled a herd of camels before you could see them, Been to Bob Marleys house ?? tooled around with the President of Gahana's motorcycle escorts, sailed out on cargo ships and done the pilot boat swap while at sea while under way, been up the Eiffel tower, hung out in Kiev, Aruba, Sweden, France, Holland and the rest, seen the wind mills in Crete, been to the Parthenon, seen and stood where gladiators fought in Greece, and the many more places thanks to my shitty job that I visited and not as a tourist. You really don't know why. You really have led a sheltered life, no wonder such the crappy attitude.
  20. OK you win, I 'll let your union in, I need experienced drivers that can handle half million pound loads, got any, Oh you will train them ??? really, I don't think the insurance company will go for that, have to have passport, we have a bad habit of going overseas, afraid of guns and bullets well that means no middle east for you, don't like MREs, that means no Africa for you, your intestines will be in the toilet if you eat the food down there (mostly) or at least you will come home with a tube in your butt draining the infection. overtime, whats that ??? this is a adventure you should pay us. what do you mean you can't sleep, just cause the clock is 12 hours off means you get to work in your sleep. can't sleep in a airport ?? guess you miss your flight, lay over in Amsterdam, off to the banana bar (every one likes bananas) you stay in and sleep your looking a little worn out and we are just getting started.
  21. During the last big trucker strike, weren't union members shooting other drivers ????????
  22. I like him
  23. AMEN
  24. Yep Yep Yep it will not hold up, check the input torque rating, it is very low, if your looking for reduction the fuller AT1202 is the way to go, if you want a overdrive also then you will have to go to one of the new 3 speeds and I have not seen one. your mack will eat that spicer lunch. I assume this is for your 800?
  25. OK you win, I'll let your union in. I need experienced drivers that can handle half million pound loads, got any, Oh you will train them ??? Really, I don't think the insurance company will go for that, have to have passports, we have a bad habit of going overseas, afraid of guns and bullets. Well that means no Middle East for you. Don't like MREs, that means no Africa for you. Your intestines will be in the toilet if you eat the food down there (mostly) or at least you will come home with a tube in your butt draining the infection. Overtime, whats that??? This is an adventure, you should pay us. What do you mean you can't sleep just because the clock is 12 hours off. Means you get to work in your sleep. Can't sleep in an airport?? Guess you'll miss your flight, lay over in Amsterdam, off to the banana bar (every one likes bananas) you stay in and sleep, you're looking a little worn out and we are just getting started.
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