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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. I like it
  2. Who said anything about your teamster pension ??? Not me, and I did not see it anywhere else either. You earned it, enjoy it. Now if you want me to pay for it, then you gotta problem. Oh that's right, we bailed out GM. Still did not address the violence and other mean spirited ways in which your union and other liberals do biz. I did not see any conservatives calling for dead cops or burning down the local Winn Dixie (food store in south) or calling Rosie and Whoopi bad names (I could). I guess we have more class than that. Oh, and saying Trump's son is autistic?? Where do you get this ****, names for Obama go hand in hand with job, but liberals go off the deep end, you don't think Hillary is not behind the green party recount??? Why would they care they lost millions. Just more Clinton corruption.
  3. Funny when you lose the election you want to change the rules, Trump did not bother to waste his time in states like CA. WA or OR. he played his cards right and won, long before the election I saw all the liberal news showing their electoral vote maps with all the states Clinton was going to carry, she didn't, if she won then the system would have worked, she didn't and it still works. getting a bunch of uneducated people to go along for the free lunch program is easy, getting elected with out the free lunch program is not. The Democrat party is the party of mindless minnions for the most part. you cannot stand that us deplorable clinkers won, and we did not have to bribe anyone.
  4. Isn't it funny now Hillary has jumped on th recount bandwagon, just cannot stand losing and worse cannot understand how she lost. Well, let me see if I can explain. Hillary we don't like your message, we don't like being lied too, we don't like people dying and it's no big thing (might be someone you know next), we already pay enough taxes, even if you think we don't, we want jobs, welfare is not a job, even if you think it is, we want a GDP that grows, that means we are making money, that is what pays the bills, you would have learned that in school had you paid attention, we want laws that apply to all, not just white people, we don't want anymore terrorists in the country even if they say they will vote for you, we want jobs and companies to stay here in our country not someplace where YOU can make a buck off them, and we want women who will take care of their man and not out source the job like you, and lastly Hillary, we just don't like you, like the movie, we just are not into you, you dig ?????
  5. Why am I always a bigot, race baiter, clincker or scab? Is that the union way of treating anybody that is not of your thinking??? You wonder why people don't like unions. You all run around with your holier than thou attitude. If not for protection given to you by the government, you would be out of biz. On any given day, no company would be union. It's only because of your Gestapo tactics that you continue. Now don't throw in I'm a jew hater too, but that is the way you union people act. If you don't like the way we view your actions, try modifying them. I will admit unions did good back in the day, but you have now become something far different than what you were. You now have become the haven for all that is wrong with the American worker. If you can't hold a job because you have problems with dope, drinking, lazy, the law, then get a union job, they can't get rid of you like all the other employers would or did. Really need to get out and visit the rest of country, you might see that employers do treat their people right and most people like their employer. It isn't till union goon squads show up that there are any problems. And why do unions and dems/liberals/black have to resort to violence to get their way? Are you not civilized??? Didn't see conservatives protesting Ocrapo or your unions, did not shoot anyone or burn down the neighorhood, yall liberals did that.
  6. I agree, they should be paid for the work they did. But didn't Arrow close it's doors with back pay owed? Didn't see anyone shedding a tear for them. Oops, non-union scab company, my mistake.
  7. Well BLM will be up in arms, another black has been shot by a cop, never mind the fact that he was breaking the law, and I call for all cars to outlawed because they can be used as a weapon much the same as gun, sounds stupid ?? well that is what the anti gun BS sounds like to any normal person, And another out of the country smuck who should not have been here anyway has caused more grief, but yo he is black and I'm sure Ocrapo will defend his every action, you see, dead white people have no value, so don't fret it, just move on, nothing to see. just move on.
  8. I'm a little late to the game I thought i posted this in response to overseas competition and not the unions that closed Hostess. I never saw a devil dog or twinkie from china, who are you BSing, Hostess did not have competition from bakers from from out side the country, they did not make money the last year because their death had all ready started before the union let their strangle hold go, we hauled out of Hostess in MA. the unions killed Hostess, take credit for the damage your union has done and stop white washing the truth. So teamster you say that Hostess went out of biz due to bad management, yes dealing with a union was bad management, but is it not funny that most union members are dems, and Dems want more Government, and we all complain Government mismanagement but then they too deal with unions, soooo if the Government did not have endless money they too would be out of biz also due to bad management or unions vultures ??? You cannot spend more than you make or take in, unions have never learned that, they want to sell in a global market, guess you union people will have to take a pay cut to be competitive in a global marketplace, you cannot have high labor costs and still build a product to sell overseas, Clinton has never figured this out.
  9. let's not forget Hanoi Jane.
  10. I never saw a devil dog or twinkie from china, who are you BSing, Hostess did not have competition from bakers from from out side the country, they did not make money the last year because their death had all ready started before the union let their strangle hold go, we hauled out of Hostess in MA. the unions killed Hostess, take credit for the damage your union has done and stop white washing the truth.
  11. I will offer to send a truck, no charge maybe he can leave early ???
  12. I don't know about you guys but a month ago they (media) were warning of a depression that Clinton was going to have to deal with ?? it is kinda like the 30 million people without health insurance, no depression, no 30 million, infact Custom Built wreckers in PA. is getting bombed with orders ??? sold 3 rotators since the election, Ceres barge bombed with inquires, our phone is ringing, been so long we could not figure out what the funny sound in the office was, 8 years of pure crap and now the scramble is on to find good help, and the only thing that changed was Trump getting elected, he hasn't even took office and dark cloud over our great country is turning bright and sunny. Oh and he didn't say anything about deporting the blacks, nor about ending social security and the welfare checks are still going out ??? I thought the world was going to implode or at least grope itself ?? and lets no forget that nasty p word, which even most women use to refer to their vjj. now we got the p word, the n word, both of which I pronunce perfectly when needed. some words just convey what you mean better than others. I don't have a word for Clinton other than loser, and that was before the election, and yes the n word applies to loser whites too.
  13. So let's see, our drivers start at $75,000, and that is because the union sets the wage base. NO, it's because we expect our people to work, and that is why they earn a good wage. Personally never seen a union heavy haul company. I don't think they could take the pressure. Seems they need to take lots of breaks and talk a lot about how hard they work. Less talk, more do, that is what gets you ahead. Unions have ruined more good companies than they have ever helped. In fact, the company's health does not matter to them, just how much money they can suck out before it goes bankrupt. So oh yes, unions are "really" good. NOT.
  14. Glad you did not lose your home.
  15. Pardon me, I really like working and the feeling of getting something done, standing around bragging how I ripped off the co. for another weeks wages for doing nothing does not appeal to me. and I wonder how my union would help me when working in Africa or Europe ??? Because I'm non union I have gone all over the world and done and seen some unbelievable things. and yes got way better pay than any union job. My DOD contractor pay scale puts up with the highest paid generals, GE flies me around the world on biz class. we stay at the finest lodging, even if it's a container in the Iraq desert, I get listed as crew on the largest plane in the world when flying special cargo, I have gone out on some of the finest cargo ships, infact thanks to being non union I have had a great life and feel blessed to have had the opportunities I have had. Union no way, being a brainless fart is not my gig. my father was union so I know the union life, BS someone else.
  16. Personally I liked what started this thread, but don't like hearing from out of touch people living in their bubble thinking that they are right and the rest of are wrong, unions and their members are the minority and if not for their hostage tactics would have been run off long ago. shutting down a biz to get what you want should be against the law, protest, go to court do what ever but you have no right to put a company out of biz because you want more money, if they can't or won't pay what you want then move on. Can you imagine that if I want GE to pay me for my work and they refuse, that I block their gates and stop their employees from working, I would end up in jail.
  17. Trump has beat the odds all his life, the election was just another example off how he is under estimated, He is a fresh start, right now he is playing nice, sly like a fox, give him a chance, hell the country is doing better already and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. The rep. from the barge co. we use said biz inquiry is up, looks like some heavy transport jobs are looming, in fact we bid a job in PA. and was told flat out that the job was dependent on the election, job is on. those are 400,000 lbs tanks, so Trump is already turning this country around, just give him some time, Obama was there for 8 years and did nothing but make things worse, unless more welfare, more crime and more dead cops is what you call progress.
  18. I find it disgusting for those that cannot speak English properly (dis and dat) can speak poorly of Trumps wife who can speak 5 different languages, you cannot speak about Obama's wife but it's OK to make fun of Trumps wife ?? Just a few years ago they wanted to teach ebonics because the blacks just can't grasp the English language even though they have been here for a couple hundred of years, but Trumps wife learns 5 different languages and the liberals ridicule her. Yeah you liberals your are a really bright bunch.
  19. I want the Bronco brought back
  20. Oh I see, you lose, so lets move on
  21. Been wearing my Trump sticker since the election, funny after **** for brains got elected you could not find anyone that voted fro him, I get stopped all day about my sticker and all the people standing up to be counted as a voter for Trump, amazing can't find Obama or Clinton supporter but overwhelmed with Trump voters
  22. And you thought it was your land, Thank you liberal lovers
  23. I hate worlers comp. in GA it has been nothing a ripoff, pay out the *** for nothing but cert. another Government run ripoff.
  24. Hey when you are playing cards if you get trumped that means you got beat ???? Clinton was trumped by Trump?? can we call him the Trumpster. If beating the crap out of some loser can we describe it as a Trumping ?? I can see it now, little johnny will be told to stop trumping your sister and the lefty's will think it's about groping, speaking about groping, I kinda like groping my wife, I like the way it makes her squirm, after being married for a million years (seems that way) a little groping is fun ??? but then I guess liberals would not know about that, I don't think they have sex, seeing how they react to what every normal person does, guess that's why they need their dope. maybe they put their women on a pedastal and just sniff ??? I have a tidbit about viagra, being from the North and living in the south I get constantly harressed, I ask my southern freinds if they know that viagra is not sold north of the Mason Dixon line, normally I have to educate them on what the Mason Dixon line is, I explain to them viagra is not sold north of the Mason Dixon because it is not needed. no more north and south, red and blue.
  25. Then I guess the republican Party then would have to lower their standards, the democrats have always run a dishonest campaign, they have used the media to spread lies, Trump comes along and uses their own tricks against them and they complain, in fact now I watch the liberal news and I hear and see that it was a white wash, that the white voter went out and voted against Clinton to punish Obama??? First I thought voting was something that we all could do, not just liberals, and if Clinton wants to run on failed Obama mandates and gets beat, then maybe she should have come with some of her own stuff instead of rehashing Obama's old crap. She never had a thought of her own, just pushed the same old crap, nothing new, more welfare, more government and more taxes. Americans stood up and said that they have had enough. Isn't it just too bad that white conservative people expressed their feelings and voted to send a message to Washington, shape up or you might be next. GO TRUMP
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