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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. And they are not white ???????
  2. So now because the election did not go their way we need to change the rules, little states then get crap, CA, IL and NY get to run the country with their candidate, all of whom would be failures. CA,IL. and NY are run by liberals and they are broke, The working people would then become slaves to the welfare recipient, how about the working people run the country, welfare is made not to be a career, and work becomes a good thing and not another bad four letter word which it has become under Obama. Clinton's message of global economy and open borders does not set well with most, that's why she lost, late term abortion, dope smoking, Obamacare and letting 4 men die just because you don't care does not sit well with people either. If the news media had been honest Clinton would never have made it past the primary, she is the failed candidate, she has way to many issues that do not go with american values. The Democrat party is the party that represents the selfish, self centered, self serving and those intent on the moral decay of this great country, look at their candidates and what they stand for, unions only care about themselves, yet under Clinton more jobs would have left, kinda of like shooting your self in the foot and smiling about it, more dope ??? late and I mean late term abortion , more welfare and Muslims running our country, yeah tell the american woman to put a bag on her head and obey her husbands every command ??? so much for women's rights, education system under liberal control now is a total failure, they planned it that way, create dummies then tell them how your going to help them, in fact if I keep going on I could make a case the the democrat party is a subversive terrorist group from within and should be outlawed.
  3. Better a clown than stupid ****
  4. Isn't wonderful all these people that didn't/don't like Trump are now all experts on what he will do next ??? and as far as the protesters go, you know I was going to waste my time and write something but instead I'm not going to waste my time. WE WON get over it.
  5. Yeah, you assassinate Trump and you will have a civil war, and I will be on the front line.
  6. Our Military can wipe out Isis if allowed, let's hope they are allowed.
  7. Me too, in 08 we did 4.5 million in revenue in just coal plant work, last year 0 the year before 0 the year before that 0, I really miss coal.
  8. God that was good !!!
  9. Yes and I too travel to many other countries, and up till lately I have not felt unsafe, no thanks to the liberals and mostly Obama, Americans abroad have a target on their backs, other countries have all ways admired this country for what is has done and those it has helped, but mostly it has been our power both military and financial, they under stand that, they respect it. but with Joe kiss ass in the WH that has gone away. Trump was my first and only choice, look at that big RED map and don't me the people have not spoken. Bush relied on a CIA that had been all but destroyed by Clinton, and as far no WMD, we flew out over 400,000 lbs of yellow cake, and it wasn't Betty Crocker either, what do you think that is used for???? Does anyone have Whoopi or the other ones addr. 2 men a truck are ready to move them to their new homes in Canada
  10. Thomas Jefferson was president when first bankruptcy laws were passed it was under George Bush that the law was overhauled to stop abuses.
  11. John Deere went bankrupt, GM , Chrysler in fact millions use bankruptcy as a fresh start every year, if you hold that against Trump then change the law, but I'll bet bankruptcy was most likely a Democrat sponsored law to begin with, Trump hates Women ??? funny until the very end were they able to dig up some bimbos to accuse Trump of groping, there headliner was a failing porn star, why did those women come forward sooner ?? they would have been paid off years ago, It's almost a insult to question Trumps ability to make money ?? and yes Government is a business and should be run like one, and Democrats are sore losers, you see them protest, get a job you would not have time to protest or need to. Trump was not the lesser of two evils, he was and is the right choice because he is best suited to fix the the mess, the people have spoken, when they , the people chose Obama some of us did not like it but we got up and went to work well they (the people) figured out they made a mistake, they have now fixed that mistake, now put on you big boy pants and lets go to work, there is alot to do and Trump is the right guy at the right time.
  12. Notice how nice they are all being to Trump, yesterday they would spit on him, today his farts are sweet as a flower, he has the power and the people behind him, this is not a Trump victory, it's a every day working person who has been victimized by the left victory and the left is scared turd less. They now sit and wonder who will go to prison and who will lose all that they stole, really bad day for the corrupt left, Americans have finally stood up to the big bully and put them in their place, out the door. those who made a career of welfare maybe should start looking for a real job, I have no sympathy for Clinton or any of her goons, they went low, really low and should reap what they sowed, all eternal damnation. We don't need to be nice, no one was nice when the IRS was targeting Republicans ?? or Clinton getting a free pass on breaking the law or 4 fine men who died because she just did not care. I hope and pray she gets exactly what she deserves. There is no way to spin the results, Hard working Americans have spoken and loudly, things must and will change.
  13. They put the rear of another truck up to it and welded together, most likely not Mack rears
  14. Isis has a new problem.
  15. My lets Grope tee shirts will be on sale next week.
  16. Let me gloat, ah it feels so good, now like Michelle Obama I too can feel good about America, I supported Trump from day one, defended him, argued for him and prayed for this day, I feeeeeel great, I don't feel we need to work with the other side, they never reached out to work with us, they shoved Obamacare up our ass, now the left calls for working together, really?? better idea, bend over you gonna like this. Time to put this country on the right track, if the now gray states go red then the left has been sent a message, we (Americans) don't like your direction anymore. .
  17. Praise Allah, oops I mean Obama, the man can do no wrong, Oh maybe I am wrong, maybe he is Allah ????
  18. I can agree to that
  19. Yeah, I like my weiner it has given me a lot joy over the years, told my wife the other day if she sees a vagina growing in my left hand she will need to find a job, What none you guy's have felt some of that new paint they got out, feels like velvet, our paint guy uses some stuff that is really smooth, to expensive for a truck though. oops must be on the macho website.
  20. Isn't it funny when your born they shove a boob in your mouth and at some point they no longer are to be seen or touched ????? boobs are to be admired and touched, kinda like a fine paint job on your favorite hot rod, other than boobs and vaginas, a silky smooth paint job is a pleasure to run your hand down. I like the p word better but it offends some people, but vagina is ok but sounds so cold, weiner is much nicer than penis ????
  21. Honda Ridgeline 100K on Michelin, now running Toyo on our big trucks, so far excellent, super happy and changing all over to them.
  22. Well just went and voted, the blacks were professing that Trump is going to do away with welfare and social security ???? went by Trump office in town on the way to yard, she said that they were spreading rumors that he was going to deport the blacks ????? Clinton and her crowd will say anything to win. pure trash, yes sir when they go low we'll go high, yeah higher than sh*t because you must use some really bad drugs.
  23. I like Trump, I like Newt, I hate Clinton, Trump gets elected I'm going to Trump Tower and ask to be put on the detail investigating Clinton, Holder and Obama, I used have that job way back in the 80s, early retirement, when Reagan left, I left. 100% convictions on all indictments, I'll do Clinton with my eyes closed. (prosecute) I will see that she spends as many years behind bars as possible, it will be my ambition and privilege to help prosecute her to fullest extent of any law that can be found. If not I'll just have to spend my days looking out the windshield waiting for the next go around, best part is I like trucking and that will do if it has too.
  24. Remember when the Iranians took our people the first time, we had a spineless president and a new one was coming in and he was talking tough and of course the liberals were touting world war 3, well no world war 3 and the hostages came home, Isis fears Trump because they cannot figure him out, Obama is easy another spineless turd bent on pleasing himself at our expence.
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