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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. I plan on using the Clinton defense on/in everything that comes up, works for her, should work for me.
  2. Groping, is worse than death
  3. We have rollback in the yard, been hit 3 times, once sending the driver to the emergency room, once hit by a deputy on duty ????
  4. Just now fact checked your 21 million number, 16.4 million on Obamacare, which is still far less than the 30 million people who according to Obama did not have insurance, what happened to the other 14.6 million people, the whole thing was just another government scam to hurt hard working people.
  5. I have older trucks that are insured for more than their book value, I pay more for that protection, if one was wrecked I'm sure I can fix it for less than the payout (we do our own work) you saying it's wrong to pocket the difference, I paid for that coverage, if I make money on the wreck because I can repair myself than good for me, if not then I must go to some ripoff shop like the rest. I don't believe Trump is anywhere bad as he has been made out to be, the man has still made a lot of money and understands how our country works, nobody cared about whose pants Bill had his hands so why make a fuss about Trump, infact I'm he happy he was chasing women, just think if he was gay, then the press would have had a great time. I went to Iraq, I volunteered to go, I am proud of my country, maybe not some of the dirt bags in it, I am not proud of Clinton leaving 4 men to die, it could have been me or anyone of my friends, she is hateful and dishonest and no way should she ever command a army. What she did was just the lowest scum bag thing a person could do, the US does not leave anyone behind unless your name is Clinton. He may not be perfect, he never said he was, but he is far better then her.
  6. One Government program that needs to be changed is protecting union contractors when bidding on federal road jobs, if you cannot compete in a open market you don't get the work, instead every one pays the high rate and the taxpayer (mostly non union) get less work for more money complete waste of tax dollars. We could repair and build more roads if it were not for the inflated hourly wage to protect union workers.
  7. And Clinton is lily white and pure and never lies or is dishonest. She is the poster child for all that is corrupt and dishonest.
  8. Sad but so true
  9. Well someone might be right, if it is a union pipeline job it could be poorly built, maybe the tribes just don't want a lot of pot smoking bag lappers running around their community.
  10. Sounds more like all the reason to vote conservative, peaking population, less oil consumption, sounds looks a good time to save money, build less, spend less, stop all road construction, less trains (don't tell GE) I think it's going the other way, I see more traffic, more roads being built to accomadate more traffic because of more people and the EPA up my butt more, Problem is we have been in mental depression since your hero took office and the real players have just road out the last 8 hoping that someone will come along that they can trust to help America not everybody else.
  11. Obama only helps Muslim Countries if he can.
  12. And what dope you smoking ???? Put in on a train, much safer than pipelines ???? wrong, but trains belong to Buffet, that makes it all good, he supports Clinton, you just don't get it do you.
  13. The unions back Clinton, she let's all the jobs go to Mexico, that means the unions are putting themselves out of biz ??? that is not very smart, I think they are backing Clinton in public but are telling the membership to vote for Trump in the backroom, this way they win however it turns out Term limits are great. If Trump wins things will have to improve. just think if all the smucks who threaten to move to CN. do so then the US will already be better off. Clinton and Obama could go to prison (like that idea) power plants might start up, that means jobs that pay well, oil field rebounds because industry starts using more oil because they start selling more because more go to work with good jobs. geez and the democrats cannot figure out how this works.
  14. I will be opening my new prison next week, please send all the dirt bags to me, one way ticket is that will be needed. some shovels would be nice too, or a backhoe( bigger hole, more trash).
  15. Nixon covers up a low level break in, Democrats want him gone, Clinton let's 4 men die, democrats want her for president ????
  16. Seems like the man knows what he is talking about to me, I look to Washington and see the same thing ?????
  17. Did you notice that the trucking company hauling their bags had one of it's trucks crash and blow up killing a person in their house ?? smuck trucking outfit has run illegal from day one and should have been put out of biz years ago, isn't until they kill someone that they are looked at and shut down, their office is 4 miles from ours, I never would even speak to them when I ran into them at the diner, Kill someone because you won't even try to follow the rules, ought to go to prison.
  18. This all just part of the plan to make the US not able to compete in the world market by making it more expensive to compete, another words helping us get closer to being a third world crap whole like the rest.
  19. Pinko, commie, democrat, socialist, flag burners, tree huggers, Clinton, Obama all the same to me.
  20. Your going to put a CAT in your MACK, you should be castrated and hung for the Muslims to feast on. the sin some people will do.
  21. If the only thing I wrote that ruffled any feathers was a reference to communism, then the rest must have been true ??????
  22. Democrats are one DNA strand from a communist. Single payer health, welfare, government control of everything sounds like communism to me, now remember what your mom told you, only the truth hurts, and when you call a democrat a communist they get their feelings hurt. hence the truth speaks to their real plan they just don't want you to know. Being from NH and living in the south I get called all kinds of names, I smile and let the know how much I love the south. At least they did not vote for the current idiot in the White house (not the peoples house).
  23. So our commie friend brings up Nixon who was a good president just got up in covering some crap that really was insignificant compared to what has gone on today, Clintons, Weiner, Frank god I can't list them all I'd be here all day. At the end of the day all the Democrats have to offer up is Hillary, that's the best they can dig up, talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel, So Trump as a citizen fondled a little meow, Oh my god let's bomb some turd country over it, like Clinton did every time some one brought up his cigar tricks ?? Bombing someone makes better headlines. Democrats run our major cities, most are broke, Democrats run our schools, we turn out brain deads. Democrats promise the Blacks they will help ?? 40 years later they are still waiting, in fact slavery in this country is doing well it's just got a different look, all thanks to the Democrat. Yeah Trump has some issues but Democrats have many more and worse.
  24. But someone keeps voting these jerkoffs in office
  25. If dumb and dumber get elected can we burn down the neighbor hood in protest ?? works for the blacks and no one goes to jail, how about RLM Republican lives matter and we can call for the death of Democrat lawmakers with worry about the FBI showing up at your door ??
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