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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Don't like to attack unions smucks but they come across as so righteous. and I agree with everything above, and Trump is right, Clinton and Obama both need to go to prison for their crimes and I would gladly prosecute them.
  2. Yep it's union workers that keep the pot holed roads in great shape and the leaking sewer, boy I would not be proud of that one, and of course all those union workers are city and state because they are the only that have a unlimited budget unlike those of us that need to show a profit to stay in biz. unions cannot compete on work quality with a non union company. that's why unions exist to keep poor workers employed. look at some states that are now farming out their road repair and plowing, because non unions companies do better work at a lower price. screw your union
  3. You laugh, that's where Obama/Clinton wants us to go, Third world
  4. And Mr. Weiner sends photos of his weiner to a 15 year old and not a word as his wife pals around with the Clintons ???? If Trump likes to chase women then women should be happy, that means he is a normal male and if women don't want to be objectified (?) then wear a burlap sack and don't smile, most women dress to draw the attention of men, so who is really to blame ??? I took my buddies really expensive Mercedes he bought on the east coast to CA. every time I stopped I had women coming up and talking to me, they don't do that when I'm in my pick up ?? so who is the whore ?? Locker room talk is just that, nothing, difference is Bill did it, trump spoke about it. Grow up little Democrats, your smell of being a hypocrite is turning to a stench.
  5. I'd like to shred her into little pieces and flush down the drain
  6. I Don't think Willie Nelson and a lot of others would agree that they cannot make you pat taxes
  7. I was told long hooded Peterbilts make your package bigger that's why the heros want them ???
  8. You are most likely right, but he says what he thinks, most people think one thing and say what they think people want to hear, I'm all ways in trouble for saying what I think, I don't care, you know where you stand with me because if I don't like you or don't like what you said I will tell you, that is what I like about Donald, Now if women don't like what Donald said about the women who signed a contract that said she would control her weight and would not act poorly then we need to shut down Jenny Craig and no more models to look at, no magazines with yummy bods, I guess women want to be Muslims and cover head to toe. I don't think so, Fly KLM they(the girls) are slim and trim and as nice as can be, only US airlines hire rude overweight b#tches to spew their nastiness, Cocktail waitresses are supposed to look good, that's the job, movie stars get jobs on their looks because god knows most of them are plain stupid. If your chunky, your chunky get over it. if you don't like people telling you your chunky do something bout it or just ignore it, I ignore a lot of people (Obama, liberals, democrats, movie stars and more) If you run for Miss America or what ever you better get used to the idea of people not liking something about you, you better develop thick skin, something Obama has still not been able to do, he get's pissy when he does not get his way. grow up and worry about real problems, like what's for lunch ??
  9. If women can not see through all the BS put out by the media and Clinton then they are not as smart as they claim they are. instead of pretending to be smart they should take some time, read up and be smart. Donald has his faults but Clintons faults overcome his by godzillions.
  10. Oh did you hear her say that she wants profit sharing ??? how about all the companies that went broke under O sh*t for brains, they get to kick in to cover losses ?? You take all the risk now she wants you to fork over what little profit there is ??? Ya I can see lotsa reason to start a new biz in this country, give till it hurts then give a little more, these Liberals are clueless to how things work.
  11. I hope Clinton takes a bath. I could smell her stench all the way into my family room.
  12. Isn't it funny when crap for brains got elected they (the folks) danced in the streets, after almost 8 years now they riot. and it's not his fault. Are Liberals and democrats that stupid ????? I think so.
  13. Looked up crap today, saw her picture.
  14. Let's hope that Donald learns from his mistakes and does better, many polls say he won, but I think he needs less knee jerk reaction and better control of his comebacks, a little calmer and sharper comments would have been better to watch. A sharper knife goes in deeper and makes a better wound.
  15. Wait for my next DOT inspection, if they find something wrong with my log book I plan telling them what's it matter that's history, I call it the Clinton defence, and if I go to court, and I'm the guy that does go, just to piss them off, I plan telling the Judge that he can't find me guilty of any wrong doing with out finding Clinton guilty too. 4 men dead is more important to me than a stupid little book that say's I work to much.
  16. Have not had a Mack that did not do this, been told it's a ground problem, I think it's just elec. engine BS
  17. I think someone has been eating to much CAT food, lota bad talk about perfectly good engines made by Cummins, and yes Cummins made plenty of cast pans.
  18. We should send more money to Iran and they in turn can send more to the terrorists, who just happen to be Muslims ???? Does Obama or Clinton get it ????
  19. Cause 4 men to die, it's OK. Pal around with Cop killers, it's Ok. Target conservatives with the IRS it's Ok. Lie to Congress, it's Ok and the list goes on, show your penis to a 15 year girl by phone, Yo it's ok if your a Liberal or democrat, but if is was you or I we would go to jail. Democrats and Liberals are corrupt and dishonest.
  20. Must have been really small bunk
  21. I was told they taste like chicken ?? They don't
  22. ?????????????? ????
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