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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Time for a revolution ????? I'm game, went to Iraq and few other fun spots, shooting people (scum) does not bother me at all. all depends on how you justify it.
  2. I do not know why anyone has any fear, turd for brains and his look a like turd (CLINTON) claim everything is under control, I fear they are correct, they are most likely behind it all.
  3. Ford took bailout money ???? I don't think so. I used to wonder what help my thought when buying a GM product, they come to work, beat the crap out of our Ford PUs and service trucks then jump in their GM, then come to me because they need a ride home cause their junk wouldn't run, I told them that it's funny you bad mouth Ford, beat the crap out of our trucks then need a ride home cause your crap does not run. new or old, trans problem, engine problems seems it never ended, their excuse for GM product was the ride and how nice the interior was, even though the doors rattle and a PU should be able to haul more than a sofa with out dragging the bumper on the ground.
  4. I would not own a GM product, never have never will, really don't like them using bankruptcy to pay off their government bailout.
  5. For a real body shop this would be a great buy.
  6. I like the dual cleaners on a R model
  7. I agree and support what heavygunner said.
  8. I would like to see more pictures of your truck ????
  9. Sad
  10. I have cure for the problem, eat more pork, I call it Muslim repellant, or maybe elect Trump ??? or maybe let are Military do it's job, and not hamstring them with stupid restrictions, shoot to kill not scare.
  11. I don't care what he say's at this point, just want him elected, then we can worry about the BS he said later, because it is BS and it's what most people want to hear, not the truth, give them what they want and let's move on.
  12. And I keep asking if liberals are stupid or just have a mental defect ??????
  13. Thought all you guys were old school, for a long time all we had were cabovers and it's good to see some new ones,
  14. I don't want taxpayers to pay for abortions either, but I also don't want to pay for some mistake to sit in a institution while I pay that bill too. Too many people think there problem should be my (taxpayer) problem also, like old women having kids, a lot of them have birth defects, have babies when you are young and your baby maker is working good not when it's old. you make it, you pay for it.
  15. Only person making money when you lease on is then not you, get your own MC#
  16. We should all go on welfare, then let them see who will pay the bills
  17. Just another sicko that needed to be eliminated. congrats to the Mounties.
  18. Before all this being correct crap, there were a lot of babies that did not make it out of the delivery room, we just did not talk about it, doctors knew some babies should not make it and accidents happen and the baby does not live, that was life and it happened and you all knew it but did not speak of it, now we talk about, but we don't have the guts to make the choice, a choice that doctors made every day. it is wonderful to live in a world where every thing is perfect, but we don't, some babies are not meant to live, we breed every thing on earth to be better except humans, we breed them to be worse with each generation. I don't like abortion, but I am not stopping someone from making the choice, your religion should be your choice and not shoved on to other people, another words your beliefs are yours and not mine and I should not have to live under your beliefs, abortion is only wrong because of your beliefs, we kill everything else and it does not bother anyone, there are no cattle slaughter houses in India, ????? what makes you so right and everyone else wrong, sounds like a god complex.
  19. More jerk offs, how about when they get their heads cut off we just don't care,
  20. Just proves Rubio is a jerk off.
  21. So don't vote for Trump, let Clinton win, then what ??? 4 more years of less than shit, I don't know about you but I have had enough of playing second fiddle to the rest of the world, I don't care who he pisses off, what are they going to do other than piss and moan ??? bomb us ??? let's get real, who really cares what any other country thinks of us, do you think they care what we think of them ?? we are better by far than the rest on our worst day, that is why every one wants to come here, kinda like NH. and MA. I'm sick and tired of hearing how Trump is going to end the world, get real, he will line up the best there is at their job, let them fix the shit we are in and sit back and take credit for it, just like any good boss with good help. Problem with Clinton, she thinks she knows it all, and wont ask for any help, kinda like the shit for brains leader we have now. So don't vote Trump, but then don't complain when Clinton sends this once great country down the drain.
  22. But he least was going after the bad guys, and not you and me like he has been doing.
  23. God that is one ugly snake, I think you had run that one over at least twice and put it out of it's misery
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