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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Thought O crapo brains said the world is safer than it'e ever been, what happened he missed the boat again ????
  2. Can someone please get me a electrician to plug in my saw so I can do my job. and a laborer to carry the wood I cut, do they have nail holders to help carpenters, how would that look, little kid says to dad, what do you do daddy, oh honey I hold the nails for the man who has the hammer, ooh daddy your so important I bet betty's dad is jealous he just a doctor.
  3. Funny I have not one word of outrage from our nit wit leader or Clinton and mostly not a word from the Muslim community here in this country, condemn or condone only to choices you have. still don't hear you Muslim and Muslim lovers condemning this action ?????
  4. OK , I tell my story one more time, We are hauling GE turbine power plants into Shoreham on the Island, as I pull in there is part of a power line laying in the road, not wanting to damage it, I moved it to the side of the road (maybe 2 feet) union stopped job, had to go to some BS meeting and we all went back to work, next day, pull in, cable in road again, not wanting to touch the cable again, I found a rope, made a lasso and moved the cable, I did not touch the cable, which is what shut job down first time, that is what I got in trouble for the first time, I touched the cable, when I should have gotten a union turd to move it, problem was at the meeting the first time they could not even tell me which turd would have been the right one to move it ??? shut job down second time. We supplied the cranes for the job, they were unloaded and parked, since we rented them to GE I checked them out myself, when I was seen operating one of the cranes we stopped the job again, this time I had them by their balls, my cranes, can't stop me from operating it till they signed over the rental slip, this is right after 911, there are no cranes to be had in NY, they are all rented, here I sit with the only cranes and I get my ass kissed or the cranes go home and all the union turds don't have a job, after that they let do anything I wanted, no more shut downs and we all got along great, at least from my point of view, they were really glad to see me go home. you see union turds understand the person holding your nuts is the one who calls the shots.
  5. I don't like some people but I like all animals, life is tough enough without us making it harder, We have plenty of critters around here and it's surprising how trusting and friendly they can become, unlike some people (BLM) (Isis) you know
  6. Rattle, Rat, Black racer, milk they are all the same, part of nature that should be admired not harmed out of fear, they are a marvel to watch along with all other living things (including short skirts) (not pukes) there lives are tough enough without people harming or killing them because they are afraid of them, they did nothing to you, funny we can let the pukes do their thing and that does harm our way of life but a little snake is cause for instant death, that snake was up on that mountain minding his/her own biz, you guys came along into it's world and decided to kill it just because you feared it, it feared you just as much, you should have left it alone and you guys should have just gone on your way. very few people die from snake bites unlike cigarettes, cars, hammers, pools, staple guns, see where I'm heading, think and respect the next time, set aside you unfounded fear and let the little guy live.
  7. He would have lost to Clinton. maybe that's what he wanted. ??
  8. I agree, our flag defines our country, if you do not respect it then you should be removed, go to another country and pull that crap, you would disappear and most likely never be seen again, why are we the only nation that cannot take pride in our country, our flag and our heritage ??? Makes me sick with all this let's be nice to the pukes, screw the pukes, take pride, be proud and support our country and it's flag or don't be here.
  9. Stop worrying, sh*t for brains has declared the world a safer place since he took over even though the reports of crime are up across the board, the democrats have it all under control, part of the master plan, they even screw their own. one hell of a party there. deceit, corruption and lies, something that every voter should be proud of. How does a democrat look in a mirror and think to themselves I'm so smart I vote for people that lie and cheat but they will never do it to me ??? That is a sign of a mental sickness ??????? Thank God that b*tch from FL. is gone, that was one hell of a puke. just another crooked, corrupt and lying democrat. Bernie needs to align himself with Trump just to punish the liars and corruptors.(new word for corrupt democrat)
  10. You big tough men are scared of a snake ??? better hope Isis does not come knocking, kill a snake in the PA. gas/oil field you would be fired on the spot. that snake is harmless unless provoked, they eat rats and other rodents, you guys really surprise me. Flag burners live and you kill a poor little snake. really disappointed.
  11. Burn the flag, get deported if not born here. if born here you need adjustment.
  12. Not to worry O crap for brains has declared the world safer now than any other time ????? is this moron on the same planet as the rest of us ????
  13. Islam peace loving my ass
  14. Trumps best talent is finding and hiring the very best talent, he will surprise you and will be one of he best presidents ever because he will bring the best there is out there to help fix things, he himself he can be a total flop, it's the people he will bring to the table to make things right that will define his performance, Obama is a moron who surrounded himself with ass kissing losers, especially Clinton.
  15. Ban sex toys ??? I like sex, if my wife wants toys, i'm game.
  16. No they were sick and demented, do not confuse that with being brave.
  17. Kill Isis.com my vacation for people who like to kill things, Ammo, full auto weapons, kill as many as you can, trophy for highest head count. book your vacation now spots are filling fast.
  18. So you proved my point they are mental defects, should not be allowed to vote, need to get a job and buy a house and help America, not piss and complain about the free ride they get.
  19. The worst part is if you went to Syria and killed Isis dirt bags Obama would put you in prison for killing them ???? I think it could be a new biz venture Hunt Isis dirt bags.com, for a couple grand we will drop you off supply you with ammo and full auto rifles, kill as many Isis you can in x amount of time at the end of the year we award a trophy for the best head count. I like it, bet Obama won't let me do it, bet Trump will.
  20. You may not like them carrying their guns but the chicken sh*t black lives matter crowd is not to be seen which proves they are a coward group that shoots people in the back, let the Black panther party come to my town and get stupid, they will go home in a box, it is time that we stand up to the wimp bullies and set them strait, they are only tough when they have O shit for brains and Holder and now Lynch backing them with power of the government, some day they won't have that backing and will run scared like the cowards that they are, one on one they are scared little clingons that need a good wiping.
  21. Isis, not bad for a JV team as Ocrap for brains called them, and Clinton follows in his foot steps, what mental defect do liberals have to support these people ??? only the insane would look at what is going on and think things are OK. all this crap just proves that liberals should not be able to vote because they are mentally defective. and a President that hugs cop killer supporters ??? talk about out to lunch crazy, man needs to be locked up at the funny farm.
  22. In my book you are either with us or your not, I guess they are not and they believe in the same old corrupt style of Government we have, they won't be missed. Jeb and his brother needed to put on their big girls skirts and done the right thing. I supported George W, not any more.
  23. Well seems the JV team as Obama calls them is winning, what does that make team Obama ????
  24. You need to fly on a Antonov, pure heaven, you can even stand during take off and landings, and to be able to lay down in a sleeper when going long distance is great, only draw back is the 8/9 hr limit of in air time.
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