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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. We bid on crane and transport for new stadium in ATL. we had lowest bid, did not get job, had to go to minority owned company (black) then they ask if we can help with some problems because contractor was not qualified and was having issues, being from New Hampshire I answered in my good old New England fashion, they have not call back.
  2. And who runs everything, bleeding heart liberals, go to any government office and what do you see ?? try and register your truck in ATL. forget it, nothing but BS. work or starve that's my motto. Maybe I'll try and get some free stuff, can't do that I'm white and married to woman, I'm privileged, I pay to support people I don't even know, and then hear I don't do enough, screw you libs, you wanna feel good feeding the lazy then you do it and leave me out.
  3. Maybe if they don't like here they can return to the homeland ??? but then the libs will add in that they were brought here against their will, the jews were moved through out Europe, they went back to their homeland, why can't the blacks, oohh that's right there is no welfare or free sh*t there, having worked in Africa, both Ghana and Tanzania, those people work and work hard and don't complain they didn't get there check on time. Most blacks here are trash, the one's in Africa are no way related to the ones here. The blacks in Africa that I worked with said they were not impressed by the actions of Black Americans. more of team Obama's supporters.
  4. You sure are being nice to the scum who did this, more money has been spent on trying to bring blacks forward in this nation then any other cause, it has all been but wasted, you cannot train your dog to speak and thinking you can reason with a stupid black is beyond their ability of comprehension. There are many blacks who are fine people and we all have friends that are black but the majority are not far from their tree swinging relatives, before they were sold into slavery by other blacks (something they forget) they lived in the wild like animals, they were not civilized, are not civilized and it will be some time before evolution can do it's job. We lowered the standard of education because the blacks could not catch up, we give them free housing, food and medical and even phones so they can make drug deals and still they claim they are the ones who are discriminated against, how about they get a job, support themselves like the rest of us and stop having kids by the boat loads. Don't give me crap about poor them, they are their own biggest problem, it is time for them to put on their big girl panties and start helping themselves, until then I don't care if some cops shoots them all, maybe not all, but the scum is fine by me, and it is easy to figure out which ones are scum, man with a job does not have time to be out protesting ?? They are their problem and they need to fix it instead of looking to us.
  5. I listed them back in Nov 13 but I cannot find the old listing ??? They are Red Dot
  6. I still have 1 OEM brown cab (new) AC unit for in side the cab, there are pics. some where on here from when I posted them. ??? Came from Wheeler Mack in Vegas after AL died.
  7. Freightliner
  8. Been working on project last 6 weeks, 2-300,000 vessels in PA. going to AL. was to ship 4th quarter now put off 1 year because of uncertainty of election. ????? Thanks to the no vote of confidence and once again no work thanks to possible liberal interference. They just don't get it, until we are all on welfare they won't give up.
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  9. Just go to show people are tired of being told by the losers how to run their lives.
  10. Just like Iraq, don't shoot or you will be in trouble, count you ammo at the end of the day and don't be short, let the men on scene decide, I was lucky in Iraq we did not need permission to do anything, we did as we pleased but very few had that luxury and it got men killed, we can't even fight a war without being second guessed. What we need is a few Dirty Harry type cops and presto the bad players would think twice, but then some puke would get a hole in him and the Sharpton's of the world would be out again with there BS. You want to steal my lawn mower or shoot up a night club then you need and will die, yes that is right steal a mower and die, you know you don't belong there, you know your stealing and your on my property where you don't belong then you can die. Smoke that you limp libs.
  11. The liberal left does not want you to be able to protect yourself, they want you to rely on the police (Government) but they always show up too late, kinda like some fire depts. that show up to cool off the cellar hole, Most cops don't want to be shot at, and they are not there when things are going bad, but a armed person on site would and could stop some of this crap. Obama said you don't what it is like to cross a street and hear all the car doors lock, well that is a learned response from all the black thugs that car jacked people, same with Muslim, when all you see is another middle eastern looking person involved in terrorism then you assume that is who you need to watch more closely. Both true in my book.
  12. Come to ATL. if you own a dump truck and you are not black you will not get on a rated job, minorities only, that's BS. I don't have dump truck but if I did I would be suing some one, The day I can't work because I'm white is the day you have a bigger problem than ISIS. as far as union BS, I went to Shoreham to deliver a GE power plant, someone left a cable in the road, I moved it out of the way, that shut the job down because I touched a cable, I was told I needed to wait for a union nit wit to do that, next day same thing, only I used a rope, I did not touch the cable, shut the job down again, screw your union.
  13. I want to see that info broken down by race, I know of some white men who just have given up, when unqualified minorities get jobs just to fill qoutas, people get fed up and quit. You cannot find good help.
  14. Put a new cab on it, no biggy, plenty of them around, good luck
  15. Hillary say's she is woman of action and Trump is nothing but a man of words, let's see her inaction led her husband to get some action under a desk, led to the death of some fine men in Libya, death of men, woman and children in Iraq and many other nations. Trump used some money, made billions, created jobs and fathered some fine children. That really is one stupid b*tch.
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  16. You were on 85 going south with some steel ???? I think you passed me, no you warp speeded by me ??
  17. I loved hauling spuds out of Riverhead, Good luck where ever you end up, PS. really like the ferry ride from Orient Point
  18. You saw if first on BMT, I called on Obama to resign, TRUMP has now called on him to resign, time for a revolt, take back America, I know us right wingers are dangerous, but at least we believe in the rule of law and abide by the constitution, something that liberals do not do, went through ATL. last night, nothing spineless sheep driving trucks, complained there is nothing you can do, BS, stand up, vote the jerks out of office. Think I saw Other Dog in SC, smoke by me so fast, had to stop and pick up my mirrors. not much of a gay supporter but still feel bad for them and their families, Obama has the blood of the dead on his hands along with Clinton. His actions are a shame on our country, he makes Bush look like a hero, but then I went Iraq and still like Bush(don't tell, I liked Iraq) Obama wasted everything that got done there (Iraq) Obama is a total waste of flesh and a oxygen thief and needs to be disposed of like all garbage. Thanks for supporting TRUMP and saving our country from the Muslim loving left.
  19. Team Obama strikes up another 50 dead and more wounded, add that to Libya, France, Iraq and every place else. And the very first thing out of the left is we need more gun control, how bout some more Omar the Muslim control, is was not a gun that did this, it was once again a out of control Muslim, and not a word of condemnation Muslim nation, if you do not condem, you condone. This will be a hate crime and not terror because it was at a gay bar, Obama is not fit to lead this country and should be removed from office, even if it has to be by force. enough is enough, he is a flaccid turd and we need a leader with some spine, Obama has no spine or balls, only thing he worries about is what million dollar+ vacation he can send his off spring on, at taxpayer expense. Obama should resign or be taken from office soon as possible, and any liberal left winger that does like those action can move out too. SAVE AMERICA INSTALL TRUMP ASAP.
  20. Don't run Aux trans in high side with heavy load, they won't hold up, direct and under for loads, over for running light and empty, there is a bearing in there that is too light. been there done that.
  21. Why do the Liberals want a open border with Mexico ??? why are we the only country in the world that has to have open borders, if we have to have open borders then every country in the world should also. See how far that gets, it will get no where, in our area theft crime is up, why ? because the Mexican population cannot find jobs and resort to crimes of theft, if the ones here cannot find jobs then why do we need more ???????????
  22. But isn't it funny that our liberal friends get on here and call it all made up facts, but when given where to find the facts they do not bother, but go on there merry narrow minded way. Until liberal policy starts a affect liberals in a bad way, they will continue to drink the tasty kool aid.
  23. Perfect, you guys are figuring this out, the Trumpster is the only way to save this country, screw the libs. in fact if they don't like Trump or his followers they can feel free to pack their crap and leave. Except Hillary she has a new place to live soon I hope (prison) and all of those cheating, lying bastards from the Obama machine. Let's make America Great Again!!!!!
  24. Not worried about weight, trying to get rid of 24" rubber,
  25. Do 58 Mack rears come with small brakes or are they like the ones on 65s or do they come both ways ??? Hard to put 22" rubber on 65s with the big spiders. If they come with 24 rubber and small brakes then changing would just be a matter of hubs ????
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