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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. You can't see the look on his face, it say's I know this is fake and so don't you so let's joke it up, yep all for the sake of getting rid of Trump and then on to destroy America.
  2. Still a political football, elect Biden and see how fast the "virus" will be old news, fake old news.
  3. Obama and the rest of his loon followers should real happy cause as much as they tried to make America a sh*t hole and it didn't work and along comes a stupid phony virus and it takes us from the best place on earth to a third world sh*t hole, put your mask on parade around like a nitwit, poop and wipe on demand and we will control everything you do, how did we get here ?? once again I'll risk being barred SCREW YOU LEFT WING AMERICA HATING LOONS.
  4. No doubt the Honda is the way to go,wouldn't buy any thing with a B&S because you know it will die way to soon.
  5. union company ??? how much of debt is pension related
  6. Well made out of the woods in WV, no phone, no internet and a motel with no AC ?? but it was cool on the mountain top so it was not so bad but now back in VA. guess what screw VA. and it's mask BS, land of stupid lemmings led by a Trump hater, what a sh*t hole can't wait to get back to GA. where real people live (except the infested city of Atlanta) gonna be here for couple days (god save me) while we pick up a Caboose going to GA. on another note I heard some of our leaders got into it with Black loons at a city meeting seems they were professing what a bunch of law abiding a honest victims of police abuse they are, after the loud mouth lard ass was informed that we have had 57 homicides in the last 5 years and 52 were by blacks and rest divided by Whites and Hispanics, the lard ass sat down and shut her mouth, can't argue with numbers like that. God don't the truth hurt.
  7. Yep it's for dipshits so it will be harder to really tear something up, I think it was made for liberal loon drivers, you know the ones you see drag racing from every stop light and wearing their Biden mask.
  8. OH you never heard of second hand smoke ?? and what does the choice have to do with it, you tell me I have to wear mask and not attend functions ?? I don't and won't wear a mask and if I want to attend a Trump rally that is my call just like your defending smoking, how do you claim there are not the same, read what you wrote one is voluntary and the other is not ?? piss on the virus and having a father that smoked all my child hood I can tell you about the shit that goes with smoking it is a vile disgusting habit and you can't say the two are any different. And as far as driving a lowered speed limit on the east coast would save lives and if the State Troopers did there job and stopped having to worry about the racial crap they would enforce the laws better cause here in GA a Trooper thinks twice about ticketing a black for fear of getting wrote up. people don't choose to get killed by a drunk driver, I get to help my buddy who owns the largest wrecker service in our area, come work a fatal drunk wreck and then spout off about drinking, you'll change your tune real quick when watch them extracting the bodies of the parents and or the children. grow up.
  9. You are 100% correct, one can only hope that the sane people come out and vote so we can save our country.
  10. Honestly I find the loon thinking humorous, there have been days I have tears in my eyes either from what I have written or the response and humor is a way to have a great day.
  11. I kinda like it when they are on here, same reason I watch fake news, nice to know what the enemy is thinking and god are they stupid
  12. Or you do like a lot of super truckers don't grease it at all then complain it wore out.
  13. I did not make the virus political the liberal left did, I did not blow out proportion the numbers others did, the number infected is irrelevant, the number that matters is the death rate and until I see the same concern about life applied to tobacco use and the insane slaughter on our highways and the deaths from drug use then I'll worry about some virus till then I find wasting my time worrying about something that is could be no more dangerous than a bad case of the flu. population in 2020 is 331+ million so divide 136,000 dead (i question that #) by 331 million and the % is .0004 and tobacco use % is .0015 read the numbers and then explain the hysteria.
  14. If you have the talent to make custom interiors I would leap at the chance I do not have the skill to do so and admire the work from those that do, please go forward I will be customer.
  15. I would invest and I'm sure there are others, no one builds anything to customize Macks chrome do dads and crap mean nothing, but custom interiors are the bomb, I believe you will look back at your hesitation and laugh when you are buried in back orders, if you need investors to cover start up and want silent partners say the word.
  16. Funny when you watch the Liberal news they still quote the Muller report as if it was true or had any shred of truth and not a word about anything that Comey or anybody on the left may have done wrong, how about Nadler and his mouth that couldn't speak the truth if his life depended on it, it has to be sad that the only thing in life your good t is lying. I honestly cannot believe that left loons can really look at themselves in the morning and believe the BS they spew.
  17. Once again you blow this out of proportion there have not been hundreds of thousand that would imply at least 200k and the count was at 136k and change, of that how many were dying of something else ?? be honest stop playing chicken little it is unbecoming, death from the virus would be reported differently under liberal leadership, underlying causes of death are the reason for death not because you got the virus, if you are dying from cancer and will die in 6 months and get the virus and die in 4 months cancer killed you not the virus, what part of that don't you understand or is your hate for this country so great that your thought process is clouded, when a person gets old and finally dies I would think that being able to die at peace knowing you did your best to be honest and fair would be important instead lying on ones death bed having been dishonest and full of hate. We will all die some day and being at peace with ones self should matter, you are not at peace, you are full of hate because you know deep in your heart you have been USED to promote dishonesty and hate and the good in you died a long ago.
  18. I just do not understand the blatant distortion of the truth and then want the lie to be the truth.
  19. Science ?? according to who the New York Post fake media, what do you troll sites till you find some nut job that spews crap you agree with, put your man in office and the virus will all but disappear, you know the left is blowing this out of proportion, just like spying on a US citizen based on false information, it is all related, the virus, spying on Carter Page and the investigation into a phony Russian collusion
  20. That is BS and you know it.
  21. So the first post was to the court case in the UK where Mr. Steele was sued for slander claiming certain people said or did something and the court found that not true and a judgement has been entered against him and one more guy is awaiting his day in court against Mr Steele also therefore the spying on a US citizen which relied on info from Mr. Steele info that has been deemed 100% false, all convictions involving the lying to Congress that were related to Mr. Steele and the information he provided should be vacated. Once again the Left was behind this proving that the Left is corrupt and should be labeled a terrorist organization for it's crimes against America and Obama did commit Treason and when Trump gets reelected you will see I am 100% correct which I said right here before that any first year law student could convict Obama, once again you want to know whats wrong ? the Left is wrong, Hitler was wrong, Pelosi, Nadler and Schumer are wrong.
  22. So the thread is what is wrong, Roger Stone gets convicted of lying to congress in bogus investigation, a investigation pushed and demanded by the left the saviors of the world, well the saviors relied on a phony story written by a dishonest seller of BS, millions were wasted to investigate nothing which produced a paper known as the Mueller Investigation upon which innocent people were to be sent to prison for not telling truth, the catch is how do you tell the truth in a investigation that was truthless to start, in a phony investigation any answer would be a lie because there is no way to answer a question that is a lie in it's self, see what ever answer you give will be wrong because the question was set up to be unanswerable, so we ask what is wrong, once again it goes back to a political party that is corrupt and buried in dishonesty, now we all know that Clinton lied to Congress and we saw nothing done so prosecution of lying to congress is only reserved for conservatives just like the IRS only investigating conservatives, the left took over the school system to reeducate and rewrite history to their liking, the Blacks complain about the lack of being able to be educated which could be a genetic thing or it could be a left agenda driven thing but the end result that instead of lifting the education level of Blacks they lowered the playing field thus producing a new age of real stupid White kids who also at the same time were reeducated to believe the new narrative, the one promoted and pushed by the left, as you see the seeds to what is wrong were planted and the harvest is proceeding, the ugly truth the Democratic party and the loons on the left are worse than Hitler ever was, see he was very open about his plan whereas the left is covert, never the less the end game is the same, truth is and what is wrong is the left is promoting a health cause to further their cause they used a phony investigation to try and destroy a President put innocent people in prison and are behind current protest not for the benefit of anyone but themselves, so we wonder what is wrong ???
  23. So by now we all know that Mr Stone will not be going to prison, Trump said it right how can you send a man to prison for a crime committed during a fake investigation ??? 2 men in the UK sued Mr. Steele who wrote the fake story of Trump and the Russians they both won proving that the whole thing was fake and now a man in Russia is also going to court, but the left wasted millions and they need to pay back the taxpayer the used in their 100% BS fake accusation of wrong doing and they stop spewing off about the MUTT report, MUTT is what I call it cause it was a MUTT, mixed bastard of nothing that was true.
  24. If the true numbers were put forth I would have no problem and would not challenge your post but they are not, a person dying from lung cancer but aggravated is listed as a virus death and that is wrong, remember AIDS and how it was going to wipe out people from all groups but today AIDS is not very much of a concern, seems like you hear that some person has it takes meds and moves on, I have no problem with any one talking about the virus but at least admit that if Biden was President it would be a minor news story and real fair reporting of deaths from just the virus and you would see the numbers cut in half, I just want honest conversation not hyped up hysteria.
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