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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. And every Friday night all the flights are full going to off shore sites from Kuwait so that the Muslims can practice their degenerate passions, while over there I was told women were for breeding and men for loving ??? sounds like a bunch of wackos to me, but I will admit that I felt very safe walking around the city and late at night at the bazzar. but that still does make it alright to put man in cage and burn him to death, or make the gays jump off the roof of abuilding and I'm no supporter of the gays, but they take things way to far.
  2. Hey Vlad is it true some of the crew on a Antonov 124 or 225 were killed by Muslim jerk offs ??? Read they were In a motel and it was attacked. ?? Spent many hours on the 225 and got to know the crew real well, did not make it to Russia but went to Kiev many times, 225 greatest plane in the world.
  3. We use PAI all the time have had no problems what so ever, doing in frame on N14 right now, all PAI parts.
  4. What we need are laws to protect us from the crazy people, if you have a mental impairment you need to be watched, no gun created the problem, only people with mental problems, take away guns and they will find something else to do their harm (car bomb, jetliner, hand tools) my personal safety is more important than the stigma of mental health problems and that is what this is about, that a problem with a mental health issue is looked upon poorly, and we are more concerned with ones self esteem than my safety from that same person.
  5. That's just the difference between north and south, I moved to GA. 20+ years ago, I thought they were trying to give me a heart attack, then I learned they just do not move faster than a snail down here, used to it now, talk slow, move slow, hell, pay slow.
  6. How about the old VW diesel pick up, those were great.
  7. That's the way we like em, big and round, tires that is.
  8. I'd treat her nice, you may not find another.
  9. I don't like him and if the chance came to shake his hand I would decline and make a rude comment to boot, I have NO respect for him and he has disgraced this country, I went to Iraq in 03 and would go again, but not for O crap for brains. He is a traitor to this country and should go back to HIS homeland. and I hope his goon squad is watching and I hope they are fearful of the people that will stand up to them if the time comes. suck on that libs.
  10. We use PAI parts and have not had a problem with any of them.
  11. Problem with O crap for brains is his brains are to close to his poop hole.
  12. should have looked closer, Mack motor, you might have a problem there, seems Vulva does not like to stock old Mack parts, buy the best truck company around then don't support the loyal followers and then complain sales are down ?????
  13. Doing a N14 inframe right now best part a bout Cummins is the parts are priced very well, cam and followers won't be that bad.
  14. Once again the Government is out of touch with main street, they see a rosy economy, main street sees gloom, Have you tried to hire a worker today, should not call them worker because that is the farthest thing on their mind, can't call them help, they cannot help themselves never mind you, how about person demanding money because they can breathe air. I like that, oxygen thief. Anyway O crap for brains has the lowest fuel prices in like ever (recent memory) some people are trying to get ahead and still the economy can't even get out of bed, and the clown in charge is clueless to what is going on, we can't bomb the bad guys because it will be a environmental disaster, we can't build the pipeline because Buffets trains need to haul the oil so they can derail and spill oil but that is not a problem, we can't mine coal because we might make pollution and our engineers are too stupid according to the loon in charge to build a clean coal plant while the world is full steam ahead on building coal plants. but we can lie to the public and tell them how great wind and solar are, but forget to mention they can't survive with out heavy tax dollar support, and the 30 million uninsured, 8 million bought insurance the other 22 million disappeared, but hey we killed Bin Laden but then it seems we knew his hiding spot for quite awhile but it was good PR for the reelection bid, I call that murder, not justice. and Trump comes along ruffles a few feathers and he is called a Nazi, if he is a Nazi what the hell is O crap for brains ??????? Don't be a lump on the log, speak up, be heard or at least walk around the house nude, your wife might like it or then maybe not.
  15. O shit for brains needs to tried for treason and put in prison till Allah comes for him. I cannot wait till he is gone and his stench has evaporated, he and the libs are clueless to what is happening in the world, one brain dead leading another.
  16. You complain about the Hunts and Swiftys and you want to turn them loose with more power ???? Makes me wonder how we moved Cats around with 237s and 300s ?? and yes for you wet behind the ears and needing 1000 HP we moved 235 cats everyday with 300 Macks. Wasn't the biggest load of logs moved in Maine done with a F model with a 237 ???
  17. Picture looks like it was taken in Wayne Hamel's yard in NH ????
  18. Before Nalley in ATL. went out of the truck selling biz, I went to get a 13 speed shift knob, parts man said he needed vin # to my truck, left him piece of my mind and never went back, if your that stupid for a non vin part, you don't need my biz.
  19. I have finally come to the conclusion that O crap for brains is correct or I understand why is does not use the word radical when speaking about the Muslim problem, the true radical Muslim is the Muslim that is willing to live in peace with others, all the others Muslims are just living according to their believes, so when a Muslim does a act of terrorism it is not radical, it's just the norm, but when a Muslim speaks out against it, that is radical, therefore our Muslim commander of loons is correct in not describing a terrorism attack as a radical Muslim act. I have not heard much condemnation from the Muslim community about the CA. incident, I can only assume that their silence is because they truly condone the action, the only ones that spoke out must be the radical ones. the rest are the true Muslim problem.
  20. I said before we need to sue Obama personally, he lied and that is not covered on presidential protection, he knew what he said was false and he knew costs would go up and coverage would suck, he is personally liable for what he lied about. but if you file suit his gestapo police will hound you to death, IRS, EPA, DOT and ??? can't get any worse I say go for it.
  21. Never saw a broken bucket until one day in central Texas on a well travelled heavy haul route on a bad corner I found one in the middle of the road, appears while turning the bolts broke and split the bucket, I kept it and still have it today, thought of painting gold and putting on display. probably never see another.
  22. Don't expect O crap for brains to lift a finger to stop the scum, he is one of them, actions speak louder than any word, watch his actions.
  23. What is the 3 speed aux ??? most low, low low, direct and over is in a 4 speed aux, 2 speed fuller 1202 is a low and direct, low is a 50% reduction same as 4 speed in low low, spicer is or has built a 3 speed aux that is/was low, direct and over. if your referring to a Mack late model 2 stick trans then it should be reverse, low and direct. so it depends on what you have ????
  24. Saw 3 CHs go to auction all 3 had repair bills of $15,000 each for EGR related failures, some included turbos, buy some old N 14s or pre 03 Macks, tell the help I'll pay more if you will drive a truck that runs, fuel mileage increase will offset driver pay raise.
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