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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. You better go hide in the woods someplace off the beaten path if O crap for brains reads your thoughts, he will declare you a enemy of the state. I on the other hand agree and support your thoughts, O crap for brains will never raise a hand against his fellow Muslim brothers. When he speaks of the Bible it is no big thing but when he speaks of the Koran he speaks with reverence, watch him next time, He is a Muslim, he hates us, and soon let's make sure he is gone and pray that Hillary implodes. I personally can't stand O crap for brains and I wish him misery, he ruined many lives with his anti American crap, I would personally have no problem in exacting as much pain on him for what I believe he has done to many Americans. He is a traitor to this country and should be punished for is acts, The Libs follow him because they are baffled by his BS. there is a agenda by him and the media, and that is to bring our great country to it's knees.
  2. Fix it right, Fix it once and be done with it.
  3. Liberal government knows best, just ask them.
  4. Well that leaves Hillary out.
  5. Well, Well, here we go again, it's the guns fault, not the user, how many people die from drug overdose, or falling off ladders or pools, how about in car accidents, should we outlaw every thing that causes death, let's outlaw tornados, how about we lock up the sickos that do this, Oh that's right, that would violate their right to being a sicko, and lord know that we don't want to violate a sicko. O crap for brains now thinks this could be terrorism ????????? is he really that stupid and the people that voted and support him are that stupid ?? God help us. You Libs need to wake up and stop living in dreamland, you think we are better off now than when this country was conservative, if so you are stupid, someone here posted about Jimmy Carter being so great, he was moron, 21% interest at the bank ?? yeah he was a real brain surgeon, move on up the line, Clinton, I'm impressed with a guy getting head in the oval office and he didn't do it ?? the economy that he takes claim for was a result of Reagan policy, every major city run by Libs is broke. and Bush relied on intel from a broken CIA and Clinton did that. You libs don't get it do you, all you have is a history of failure covered up by one lie after another.
  6. To all, even the libs have a happy and safe Thanksgiving, enjoy your friends and family.
  7. Had many Pete's, many Mack's, expected Mack to ride rough so that is OK, Pete rode like crap and got rid of them, keep Mack, grass is not always greener on the other side. Besides there is nothing cooler than a RD or Super.
  8. Boy are you in trouble now, you can call a Mexican Hispanic and the Polish have thick skin, but Negro ?? even they don't know what they want to be called anymore, used to be Negro, Black, Afro, but not anymore, how about privileged or spoiled or you got it made and still complain ??? Just had to comment because down here in GA. we put up with their crap all day every day. They are the most unhappy race on Earth, Mexicans play circus music, listen to what the blacks play and you wonder why they are the way they are. and if you comment that I am picking on them you either live on a planet with out them or you are Lib and drink the same Kool aide as your fearless leader who has made race relations worse, you would have thought that a Black president would have made things better for his own kind but has made things way worse, just another failure for the chosen one.
  9. I don't know about supers but our RD required rear engine mounts instead of trans mounts, Mack trans hold up engine and trans, with Fuller engine is held up and trans hangs off.. about my comments on Mack trans holding up better, 3 countershafts work better than 2.
  10. That's because they all came south, Fitzgerald in TN has plenty, Kerns truck parts in ATL. has many, rebuilt or take out your choice.
  11. Cool your jets, If you said you wanted it for your pulling truck that would have helped, 99% of the freight haulers want a 18 when they really need a super 10 or 9 speed, putting a fuller behind a Mack is normally more work than Mack to Mack if your truck came with a Mack trans, We have found the Macks hold up better to the high torque than the fuller 18 or 13, the 8LL have stronger bottom ends and 13/18 have stronger top ends, we many times gross over 500K and the fuller 13/18 seem to chew up the bottom side of the trans, we have had better luck with the Macks, but the lack of power has all ways been a problem, but 2 Mack 350s will do pretty good job and they don't eat up tires as fast, if we can get 20,000 out of a set drives we have done good. You need to pick a overdrive ratio and torque rating. Have you thought of putting a set of DT hubs in your pulling truck ?? 3 to 1 gear reduction at the flip of a switch, you would need to speed your truck up to make up for the reduction but the planetary would help with traction and lower your needed torque. a little pricey at 40K per set of 4. but you can spin the tire on wheel if not careful. is that better ???
  12. And why do you want a 18 ?? is it is needed or a want item. love freight haulers that need 18 gears when 9 do great. unless you love to exercise your right arm while listening to Convoy.
  13. And after all this, O crap for brains wants you to know it's all our fault that no one likes us. If you would just open your arms and hug a Muslim all will be fine, peaches and roses, and the Libs suck up to this like a bee to honey. Oh and it's not O crap for brains fault because the Libs point out that he is Black when in fact no one else does. Stupidity know no color boundary, white, black, stupid is stupid and OBAMA is the poster child for stupidity.
  14. most likely drove for Swift and was let go.
  15. Call Sparr truck parts in FL.
  16. If you don't want tire kickers put out the price saves a whole lot wasted calls. Obama makes me puke
  17. Looks like it's been in the CA. clean air too long
  18. Little short muffler under can works great, have had several that way, only way to go, drives DOT in Colorado nuts, even keep receipt that say's muffler, they will argue resonator is not a muffler.
  19. Once again the scum have struck, and somehow the left will claim that if they had even more stricter gun controls this would not happen, how about if more people had guns at their disposal the scum would have been dead before causing anymore harm. Gun control does not stop a bomb, I find it funny that the police who have all the guns lock themselves in a bunker at night and speak to you through a bullet proof glass wall, what are they afraid of ?? yet they want us to sit in our homes unprotected while they hole up in their bunker, what do they fear ?? The O crap for brains want you to believe that if we are nice to the scum they will like us, they don't and never will, the only thing they understand is strength and power and if that means that we need the ability to wipe them off the earth then that is what we need . If being nice and pleasant is the way to win the scums hearts then why does the DOT and all the rest of the Gestapo need to write such large fines for basically small things, don't you think if we can be nice to Iran we could talk nice to the local trucker and get him to get into compliance. Oh that's right, it is does not work, the trucker would ride off and laugh at the dumb cop and do as he pleases, just like the scum. We should treat the scum like we treat our own people, you never stop your puppy from peeing on the floor by telling him NO, a slap on the but get's the job done. Wake up poop for brains president and act like a man with a spine and not a VJJ I feel bad for the dead and injured but they and their Government allowed this to happen and soon it will be at a Mall near you America. Liberals make me want to puke
  20. see no snout
  21. We never reuse hardware even if a 1/4 20
  22. The biggest problem with the colleges is they sell the student on a degrees that means nothing, 4 years of college and you graduate with a degree in basket weaving. I battled with my step son for 5 years about his chosen path and degree, now he is 31 and his degree that his college counselors sold him on is worthless and he now admits I was right, does he go back or move on, luckily he like the Heavy Transport biz and may carry on. To bad I did not like it anymore.
  23. What I don't understand is how the nit wits in Government cannot figure out is that if you have hamburger slingers making 15 per hour how we are going to build anything here with higher cost and then export it and compete in a global market with people who work for less, build for less and sell for less, what magic allows you to spend, more cost more and compete with a less costly product. I need to know the magic that allows me to pay more for my fuel, my insurance, wages, repairs and taxes yet still makes me a profit when I compete with the the rate cutting scum who steal fuel, don't fix their trucks and do not pay taxes and get free health care.
  24. Now for the real answer, North American drivers just have not been smart enough to operate them, if it is not stupid proof than it just will not fly, those of us who driven in Europe and other destination understand how they work and are fine with them, now they have been tried and those that have learned to use them love them, in fact at the local KW dealer there are new trucks on the lot set up that way. back in the 70s and 80s Winn Dixie ran a punch of single axle trucks equipped with a belt that drove the rear axle, Salyer ran a KW with pusher set up, that would have been in the early 80s, been a bunch Canadian trucks that have had them for years and yes they do go better in the snow if you know how to operate them. so they have been around but you need qualified drivers and we have a lack of those. I wish we could get MAN trucks imported here but the pajama wearing flip flop hero steering wheel holders here would be lost in a real truck and if it does not have a snout no one will drive them, been told it's a penis thing or lack of.
  25. By the way how come Libs defend their man by bringing up that fact that he is Black, I did not say a thing about him being BLACK, in fact I could care less, I would/will vote for Ben Carson if he gets the nomination, Carson/Trump or Trump/Carson fine by me. Now that you brought up the Black issue, are you saying that we should give him a pass on his failures because he is Black ?? does that mean that I should expect less from my Black employees, can I pay them less if they produce less ?? your excuse for failure is crap and you know it. grow up
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