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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. For any of you guys or gals that have a Western built Mack in the mid 1975 range I have all the unsold chassis inventory spec sheets as of August 12,1975, there were approx. 214 unsold Macks on the ground from Hayward (all appear to be Hayward built) at that time, I may have the original spec sheet for your truck printed in 75 and sent to all Mack dealers at that time. They are FS,FL,WL,RL and RS I got these from Al Wheeler in Las Vegas, he used to be the Mack dealer in that area, sadly AL passed away a while back but I was able save some of the old info. Letter was sent out by Garner L. Davis at that time. along with spec sheets and stocking location.
  2. And no I do not drive on a highway funded by the Government I drive on a highway funded by the TAXES I pay, where do you think the money for all the Government funded crap comes from ??? The people, the taxpayer not the Government, that's the problem with Libs, they do not know where the money comes from that pays for all their wants, and remember there is a huge difference between want and need.
  3. Does not take a brain surgeon to understand that if the truck makers had worked on increasing fuel mileage that would have had a better effect on air quality, Double MPG cut in half pollutants and lower need for imported oil, not to mention less ships floating around burning bunker oil, instead less MPG, more fuel burned, more imported oil, more drilling in less developed countries with no pollution controls and somehow that was the answer the libs came up with. XL pipeline would be built if the owner of the railroad that hauls all the oil now would buy into the pipeline but then his railroad would not have a monopoly on the oil transported from the tar sands. The EPA is needed to protect the environment not become a political tool of party in office, that is what O crap for brains has done, just like the IRS, you go against the great leader and see what happens to you. If you can't win your argument fairly than resort to being the biggest bully on the block, that's the liberal way. shove it down your throat then tell you how good it is even when it is a complete failure, prime example our now pure crap healthcare insurance system. LIKE I SAID YOU LIBS MAKE WANT TO PUKE
  4. TeamsterGrrr sounds like a liberal, it's Congress fault. NO it's Obama, like it or not he is pushing the sky is falling crap as hard as he can. wake up and smell the roses. If being Liberal, Democrat and Progressive is so right and wonderful and the way we should all live, then explain why all big cities are run by Democrats and they are all broke, somehow that's the conservatives fault all so. You Liberal commies make me want to puke.
  5. YO, He asked about swapping heads not welding, do you not read what he asked ??????
  6. Free old Mack of choice, that will get me elected, Free housing, food, medical care, birth control, transportation and education that will get her elected, is just matters who you pander too.
  7. Yeah, but some one voted for the ass that made all this possible. and it did not start with O shit for brains, but he sure sped things along.
  8. You people are mean and hateful, what happened to love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek, oops my mistake I thought this was the Rachal maddog show or Lawrence I'm a idiot, First thing the libs call for is gun control, how about lock up the looney tune mental case jerk off that pulls these stunts, oops once again I'm wrong, we would not want to offend someone with a mental defect, we might hurt their feelings, that's in the constitution, you can not pick on whack jobs. but we can propose the end to your rights that are protected. another Obama and a Hillary and it's all over, you just walk around like a mindless runt and mumble to your self because that is all you will have left. If your white and straight in this country, you are screwed. Shoot a Black or Muslim and the media would be 24/7, shoot a whitey that goes to church and no one cares. The libs will some how blame the dead, you'll see.
  9. The only reason your steering wheel is on the wrong side is because we the yanks started building cars first and the mother country (England) started second, so they cannot stand that the rebels were ahead of them so they had to be different even if wrong, everyone else in Europe is left hand drive.
  10. All those nice Macks and they are ruined by putting the steering wheel on the wrong side
  11. One of the worst things I ever did was sell a fella with one arm my B61 with a factory sleeper, after he could not shift the triplex he had a 300 and 5 speed put in it, after he went swimming one day and didn't do so well, his widow sold the truck and I lost track of it.
  12. I am a member of the holy church of pussy and pray as often as I can.
  13. should a bought a FORD
  14. Ford is still the best work truck on the market
  15. You should try a treggar grill you will never use anything else.
  16. Need and Want are totally different, I tell my wife buy if needed and look if wanted.
  17. Well still nice to see a spineless America, talk a great line of BS but then never stand and be counted, unless you fear that turd in the WHITE house (not peoples). he will be gone and real Americans will take over and the feel good BS will go away
  18. The AR2 is a great product, deflate when using with high CG. loads, and still works great off road.
  19. Since my health care insurance has tripled, and I do remember Oasswipe telling me that my cost would go down and I would get better coverage, how about we all get together and sue him with a class action lawsuit before he leaves office that way he will have something to look forward too. Should be very simple case to win, play all the press coverage of him wagging his finger at the TV telling us all his lies, present that evidence and then have him personally pay us back and pay for any future losses we incur due to his lies. Case won, then he can file bankruptcy because he can't pay the claim. we get nothing, either way I'm happy if I have made his life hell like he has done to so many others.
  20. Mack with tanker looks like Red Hook dock ??
  21. Depressing to think that you cannot find parts for a 96/97 truck, I know Volvo is behind it but I bet the EPA is behind it all, NO parts, NO run, buy new clean(BS) running crap.
  22. I think that since Allah is so wonderful that we should help ALL Muslims meet him, every last one of them. I think they all lie, first to go OBAMA and the rest can follow shortly. Do the Muslim women get little virgin boys ?????
  23. If there is any global warming caused by man, the airline industry should be one of the number one culprits, subject airplanes to what trucks have gone through and not a plane could fly. Think about how much fuel is burned by the airline industry and where, right there at the ozone level, watch a truck in the winter and see what the exhaust does, it goes to the ground, just watch the vapor trail. airlines are never discussed when talking about air pollution.
  24. If being GAY is not learned behavior and it is truly the way you are wired than the BLACKS acting the way they do is also then a born in behavior ???? why is it that GAYS act the same all over the world and the BLACKS act the same way yet have never met each other or seen how the other acts. Cats and Dogs act the same all over the world, Sooooo if it is born in behavior than how can most blacks be equal if they cannot act like a normal human, their actions along with the gays is abnormal behavior. All I want is the Gays and Blacks to admit is they are abnormal, keep their crap in the closet and let the normal people enjoy life without being subjected to their behavior. another words don't expect to be treated like a human when you cannot act like one.
  25. Plan on being at GATS this week end, if the propaganda safety patrol is there I plan on letting know my unhappiness.
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