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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Sent truck to the border to pick up new trailer, on 87 alone 3 DOT checks, last one near the top they spent 1 1/2 hours tearing truck apart, only to find no violations, cops kept commenting to driver they will let him go as soon as they find something, went over log for second time at same stop, Driver did not fill in commodity, driver answers that he is bobtailing, no commodity. still a violation, driver free to go. Is the DOT for safety ?? what is the safety issue with the no commodity, just chicken sh-t. I watch unsafe trucks all the time, when I ask DOT here in GA. why the driver is not stopped the answer is that 1 he is black and becomes a racial thing, 2 they have no money won't pay fine lose lic. end up on welfare. better to unsafe truck than another welfare case, and then wonder why I have a bad attitude, I hope Trump does win. at least I feel I can then get even. and yes for you liberals there are unsafe trucks with white drivers but they don't play the chicken crap race card, just get a ticket and move on.
  2. Just more of the Obama train sucking up to every corrupt piece of crap, but then again birds of a feather tend to flock together.
  3. Send Bill with her, then they can spend some alone time together.
  4. Our 460 runs 35 to 40 lbs. of boost also. We pull 400,00lbs all the time with no problem, if your pup can't handle 95,000 you got a sick dog. all so depends on gearing but I'm sure know that.
  5. I thought that the 300 was a Maxidyne and the 300 + was a Thermodyne, Maxidyne had 5 or 5 with low stick and all Thermodyne has multi gear trans.????? anyway back when we drove them that is how it was explained to us.
  6. Need better pricing, coal biz is dead, take bodies off and sell as heavy tractors, done this with some RD800s, sold fast.
  7. I guess this was a case of Superliner tease
  8. I guess black don't matter after all, Oh that's right only if a white person might be involved.
  9. I'll bet the parents are dems. and they will sue next month in the mean time, one of the parents is doing one of the kids or the neighbor or on drugs, I always worry about the holy roller types (Duggars) do as I say not as I do, the kid will be fine and if my son I'd pat him on the back and tell what a fine score he made, now that would not happen with a daughter. not a double standard just boys and girls lead different lives. boys should be boys, that's what makes them into men, not pussies. men fight wars, men do the stuff others can't and won't, men are the ones who step and do what's needed, so a mature woman is a much better way to become a man. Good for him and screw the liberal parent wanting raise another limp wristed left winger. GO TRUMP
  10. leave your Dads old place and turn up Cotton RD. More clues later
  11. Hot and Humid, Hmmmm maybe go for ride at night when cool and see if problem still persists, I remember when you 2 were in diapers. ??? now you can figure out where I'm from
  12. Motel room looks great to me.
  13. EPA will be by later to visit for dumping gas on mother earth
  14. Black smoke, black soot, coal, CA. wanted to out law black cars, seems black is bad unless your black.
  15. Swift steering wheel holders need something to ride in.
  16. So how much, who built ramps ?? do they slide ?? miles ?? pics. of engine, interior ??
  17. ??? don't have that crap
  18. I agree with all
  19. Finally some spine on BMT I have been egging you guys on for 6 months and little responce
  20. Moved to the south 20 plus years ago, found chew and spit on truck floor, fired the pig, now known as hard ass but still have people asking to get hired on, no chew/spit and no smoking. trucks stay nice now.
  21. Why is that most hard working white people have a bad attitude ??? or better yet seems the harder I work the worse my attitude gets ???
  22. Most people who read what I write might think that I am a racist, I am not, I have worked both in Ghana and Tanzania, I was the minority, I got along great with everyone, do you know why ?? because the Africans that I worked with work and work very hard, they told me they are ashamed of the way the American Blacks act and they tarnish all the hard working other black people, I believe they are right. I like Ben Carson and would vote for him, but there are very few Ben Carsons around.
  23. I wear my Dysarts stocking cap and put my phone under it, works great.
  24. How about a Clinton/Fonda ticket
  25. only want to know one thing, you like Obama ???
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