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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. rebuild older trucks, you will be money ahead.
  2. OK children let's calm down and remember who the real jerk off in America is, crap happens, tunnel that anger toward sh-t for brains president it will be utilized better. gotta go, one of the pups just came back in the yard.
  3. Obama really thinks that a piece of paper will stop bombs, ?? if they want they will do what ever they want.
  4. What is funny to me is that Bush attacked Iraq on bad intel, and Clinton is the one that destroyed the CIA, so who is to blame for the bad intel (Clinton) but Bush takes the heat and goes on. sign of a true man not a sex pervert. Obama is a f--k off and should sent to prison for what he has done and the lies he has told to the taxpayer.
  5. I think we should march upon their small town and burn it to the ground ??? bet we all would go to jail ?? then Obama could let us all go free, oops my mistake, we are the wrong color and we go to prison.
  6. Heard Obama wants to nominate them all for mother and father of the year, his kinda folks
  7. Did you call Rochester Injection ??? the man there say's he can make AI engines run as good as any pre sh-t engine, but then again we don't much stuff with weight so we might not know(not really) last year we crossed the scale in MN. @ 414,000lbs with our 460 Mack, it runs great, dealer will only do what Mack will allow, that is why guys like Bruce Mallison (Pittsburgh power) and others do so well at making things go better, but with more power comes more expense, It costs money to run with the big dogs, if you know what I mean ???
  8. Stone Mtn. and Mt.Rushmore were carved by the same person or at least most of it, he had a association with the KKK, they paid the bulk of the cost for Stone Mtn. to that I say so what, I find that every city in this country there is a road named MLK, I find MLK offensive, should we rename all roads, will the liberals want the Ronald Reagan parkway renamed. This goes along with wanting to change the names of the football/ baseball and all other sports team names, personally I bet dolphins like having something named after them. How about we change them to HO and thugs and homeboy, will that make everyone happy. The most discriminated person in the USA today is the white, straight, married or not, male. and there will not be a civil war it will be a race war and it will end as fast as it gets started. If there is one thing that most whites are really good at, that is shooting guns and being able to hit what they aim at, something that blacks have still yet to master..
  9. And isn't wonderful that the liberals blame the conservatives for all our problems, they need to look in a mirror, there is the problem, as a white male married to a woman you know what I get, to pay more for those that do nothing. I should divorce my wife, put on skirt and sell my story of crap to some TV network, then I could have it all.
  10. Seems I'm just not the right folks, Osama/Obama calls his people the folks, isn't that nice, folks, is that the ones with free health care, my wife tells me that BC/BS (blue cross/blue shield) that's for liberals that didn't know, that my health ins. will change again this fall because our current policy will not meet the 2016 requirements, I now pay $14,400 per year, we are 57/52 don't smoke, don't drink and have no health issues. BC/BS tells me that my health ins. has gone up 146% since sh-t for brains health care has been in effect, luckily the folks have not had theirs go up or they would have voted differently. The man who does our 2 way radios say's his cost is $2,000,00 per month, him, her and 2 kids and he already got his increase for next year 24%. We are on a 80/20 split with 6500 ded. for $14400,00 and it will rise next renewal. That is not a cadilac plan, that is a sh-t plan but paying 20 grand a year just does not sit well with me, the lady at BC/BS says my costs have gone up so that the folks who get free health care can have dental and vision too. now isn't that nice for the folks. What happened to keep your plan, keep your doctor and the cost will not go up ??? For you Liberals Eat Sh-t and die, if making welfare a career move for the folks is what you want then you pay for it and leave the rest of us alone. and no welfare is not a safety net anymore it's a way of life for most, stop living is fantasy land and come back to earth. Yes Trump may be a little different but he has not lied to me yet, unlike bozo the clown who does nothing but lie, how will this country ever recover if from the top down they do nothing but lie ????
  11. Not funny
  12. Call Rochester Injection, Rochester MN.
  13. We had a N10, little underpowered but nice driving truck, had a pedal to push to make engine brake come, if you gave it fuel and pushed the engine brake you could stop traffic, made tremendous amounts of thick smoke and stopped all traffic behind you. Obama would eat his shorts if he saw that. just that feature alone made it fun to drive.
  14. Seems someone does not like pete rims ?? For you guys that don't like the way your mack mirrors are mounted on your r type cab try some loops from a vintage pete (1990 work great) they have tabs and mirrors don't move anymore, some of have made comments about the little orange superliner out there but have you noticed the mirror loops ???? pete, nice when the mirrors stay where you want them even if they are not made by mack.
  15. Just got our permit from MS. dot to move tank for DuPont, hope to get pics. of our Mack Vision moving the tank. 20' dia 21'8" high on trailer. just another day in the sunny south. If your on I-10 in MS. around Gulfport Mon/Tue you should see us. You don't want to be behind us, blue light dudes won't let you by.
  16. Just had same problem in a Vision we have, had to remove both A/C and heater core and clean it all out, not fun but everything works great now, we tried poking things up the drain tube, blowing air up the tube, nothing worked for more than a day or two, take it apart, you will be amazed at the crap you'll find.
  17. I have a brand nos mack a/c unit brown cab but can be painted any color NEW never used or installed cell 678 428 9651
  18. Ya'll don't get it
  19. Well not to hurt your feelings dear liberal but our company went to Iraq in 03, we were under contract to GE/ Corps of Engineers, we worked on a project called Project RIO (restore Iraqi oil) and yes we fought and had people die for oil, we lost military and civilian people and we there for the oil, personally I had a great time and would go back in a heartbeat, the Iraqi people we worked with were great and we got along with them just like were at home, in fact some are still my friends today and we communicate whenever possible, and yes I stood on a mass grave and I saw what went on so don't bother with the world peace lecture, if you were not there then you do not have the right to talk about something that only saw on your liberal news channel. we do nothing for world peace it is always about financial gain. that is what really makes the world go round not that warm fuzzy feeling you so desperately desire.
  20. Reports now say there were tweets 15 min. before the attack ?? Obama expresses his sorrow for the marines, BULLSH-T he has nothing but contempt for our military, if he had any balls he would do something. But when you are a gutless wonder you just sit around and talk all the things you could do instead of doing them, What I want to know is why we the USA cannot be the best nation on earth, why do we have to lower our standards so we are like everyone else, why can't we be better, what's wrong with being better, why do we care how any one else views us, I don't care how any other country does it's crap so why do they care what we do, take care of your back yard and I'll take care of mine. If you like it here get on the list and come here legally and leave your crap where you come from. If you come here you should respect our laws and our way of living and we will tolerate yours. if you don't like it don't be here. Obama needs to lay off the estrogen and grow some hair, his wife's bulge is bigger than his. There will never be another civil war, there's no one to take the first shot. but if ever does happen it won't last long, here in GA they more than well prepared and eager.
  21. Those that voted for hope and change only have wanted one thing, that the US would be brought to it's knees to pay for the wrong we have done to others, mainly slavery, Obama and his followers should look at their own history, it was blacks that sold blacks into slavery, in Ghana they are proud of their slavery trade history and have preserved the slave camps, when working over there were asked many times if we wanted to visit them, we declined. Until this country is turned into a third world crap hole like the rest, Obama and crew will not stop, the bleeding heart liberals have done it everywhere, look at NH. and MA. all the democrats vacationed in NH. then moved into NH. and presto it's a bastion for liberals even though the reason they liked it on the other side of the border was because of no taxes and little government intrusion into your life, not so anymore. Take away the right to vote from people who do not pay taxes, let those who pay decide how our money is spent, then you will see responcible government. The democrats would hate this because most of their support comes from the needy, and they are only victims of liberal policy.
  22. And who do think really cares ?? Obama, the young people of this country, all they care about is the next app for there phone. America the land of sell outs.
  23. And one other thing for you that praise the peanut farmer with the big smile, you don't remember paying 21% interest at the bank for money, yeah he was a real brain surgeon.
  24. I would have preferred his brother Billy, the comment of spineless is right on, the world is not a fun happy place, Americans were respected or feared on how you looked at it, never the less we could travel with out fear of harm, now we are the main target, we no longer take work over seas due to the lack of safety and having no back up from the US government. The young people of this country need a lesson in what other countries will do to us, then they will figure it out, till then they will go on there merry way with heads in dark area. If you are our friend then we should be there for you, if not then fear us and fear us well because we were and once again could be your worst nightmare.
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