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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. The 15 percent of the population has now decided that Stone Mountain GA. stone carvings are/is racist and want it demolished, in it's place they plan to have a carving of MLK. giving his I have a dream speech. I think maybe I would like to find a country to live in that fits my believes ??? Maybe there should be a open season on the 15 percent. (just kidding, don't want have the Obama police on my doorstep). How about needing a tax return receipt to vote, no pay, no vote that seems fair to me.
  2. Forward to Hillary
  3. Contact local gang member they tag everything and it does not fade, ask what they use
  4. Every one complains but no one does anything about it, Block the voting entrance from the welfare and minority voter, take back the country, the black panthers can do it why can't we ?????
  5. If you ever have the chance to use a MAN truck you will like them, well built and all kinds of cool stuff to work with, had them in Iraq, loved them. used them in other places too, but they performed really good in the hot weather, extra cooling package, just great trucks. that's my thought, now Obama not so good.
  6. I don't see a heater/AC box ?? nice looking truck
  7. I agree, look at what walks around a truck stop claiming to be a truck driver, I would not stop at camera, might put another person in there just to observe the idiot in action. but look at the labor pool in general, we have a problem, I don't know a company of any kind that is not looking for qualified help, not just a welfare check collector, be government or corporate. We have a serious problem when anywhere you go all you here about is people complaining about having to work, heard clerk at Dollar General telling other clerk she did better on welfare than working, that is the problem. Democrats grand plan, everyone works for big brother. they just have not seen it does not work.
  8. Sounds like a EPA induced nightmare
  9. Been idling a lot ????
  10. Not a lot of theft in the middle east, they cut your paws off for stealing, we did some jobs over there, never had a problem with losing anything and the people were great, the work force actually wanted to work and did good work with what little they had. Oh by the way the paw removal was not done by a medic, man with a oversized hatchet, 2 seconds all over but the pain. Really works well at deterring crime. Now if Obama would only put his head on the block ????
  11. Eat your hearts, out 676 miles 76 gallons 8.89MPG 03 CX 460/13 with 3.55,11R22.5 dedicated run 4 times a week 76 to 78 gals. @ Loves $2.549 per gallon every trip. Can't wait for some smuck to come along cut rate and lose good gig.
  12. UPS has macks running around here everywhere with there new clean trucks
  13. Zero say's he is not at fault on ripper deal because he was in the cab, I want to know what you guys think of his denial of fault. I would have fired long ago but my Buddy thinks this guy's some Heavy Haul guru even though biggest trailer he ever pulled was 55 ton. our payloads don't even start till 100 ton plus. I think even JB Hunt would fired this guy. I have no skin in the game, I don't like wanna b's because they screw up and give everyone a bad rap. I want to show my Buddy that other people think zero is just that, a zero.
  14. Buddy in tow biz. decides to open Heavy haul div. (first mistake) hires zero (I mean hero) to run it. zero (I mean hero) takes 50,000lbs dozer to Texas from GA. Dozer has 3 shank ripper, zero(I give up) gets to destination unchains, unhooks neck and pulls forward and sits in truck smoking cig. equipment co. employee hops on dozer and proceeds to rip up deck of 2 week old trailer with the ripper, gets to end of trailer drops onto ground and ripper breaks into deck catches last crossmember and tool /chain box. equipment co. agrees to pay for damage(their operator) I maintain zero is just as guilty as operator because it is his job to oversee loading and unloading ??? last trip out caught siderail on ?? and made a mess, driver side no less, oh by the way trip before damaged side rail on pass. side. any thoughts??
  15. Bridge beam movers in Salt lake city have a similar setup.
  16. Ya but down here the in south they all seem to want to put heavy gear oil in the trans then bitch in the winter about slow shifting, with heavy loads we have used heavy oils but the lucas seems to stop the boiling over best, yes we have had trans. puke oil out the breather in the summer especially out in TX, rears too. Lucas stops the problem.
  17. Just elect Hillary and you won't have to worry about it.
  18. And you wonder how Obama got elected ?????
  19. How much $$$$????
  20. I must have missed something, no price ?
  21. went by and got pics. call me @ 678 428 9651 truck is for sale or cab. David
  22. I know of one in AL. I will going by it Mon. morning and check it out, I deliver trailers to the northeast and should be able arrange a ride for you. it is a whole truck and see it every couple of days. I will see what they want for the whole thing or just the cab. call me Mon. morning 678 428 9651 David
  23. When was the picture of the red and white RD taken, that truck was owned by Alexander Towing, Lagrange GA. Have pictures of it holding up some of our trucks so we could steam the bottom side,
  24. 1995 RD688 12/44 on spoke 24.5 @ 85% 350 mech. jake. fuller 9b basic Rd 46973 orig. miles 2504 hours. have documents on mileage and hours. faded paint, single stack, really nice truck, no rust between frame rails, get pics. out soon as possible. $$ a lot David 678-428-9651 $26,000.00 Or Best Offer
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