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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Your liberal cities are broke ,they suffer from high crime and all the racial crap is in liberal cities please tell me how you are so much better off than us country people, we get along fine with the blacks and Mexicans our small city is not broke and our crime rate very low, what have you got to offer that is better ??? the Democrat party stands for corruption and lies, your entire we love America is BS, you are the KKK you are the party of you have to vote for it to see what's in it, Obama said the most open and honest Government then went on to use the IRS against Conservatives, your party used the FBI to spy on a duly elected president you are the party of Mayor Daley and Marion Barry convicted doper, how about Chappaquiddick, how about Waco when your AG burned down a building with children in it, yes you have a lot to offer, like I have said you are a taker a user not a builder you have built nothing you need to be seen not heard.
  2. After reading this again I am shocked that you put this forward as fact, hardly anyone reports cases of flu and yet you claim .1 death yet somehow every death in America is attributed to the virus now and it's 4% either you really think we are that stupid to believe this BS or you have a severe case of head up your ass syndrome, on another point please explain how you come with idea that your way of Liberal thinking is correct, every major city in this country is controlled by the left liberal democrat party and every major city is broke or near, has out of control crime, poverty, misery, racial problems and basically poor living standards compared to us living in nice crime free(mostly) conservative regions, how you can you think that your grand plan is better than ours, why would anyone wish to live in shit hole like you do without some sort of mental defect ????? 60+ shootings in Chicago and how many dead this 4th of July weekend, this is what you think I want in my town ? you are sick if you think so, so take some time and explain how you think your way of life is better than ours and why we should vote for your man so we can lower are standard of living and send our jobs overseas again, I await a intelligent response.
  3. Once Again quotes from fake news, please refrain from spewing fake news.
  4. Really big difference WWII was REAL the virus is liberal BS along with Russia giving bounty on soldiers, that is nothing new just sounds good today, I back this country 100% but I am not going to bend over for a blatant Liberal snow job, like I said elect Biden and see how fast the Virus disappears, the only reason that the left is so scared of Trump is they know he won't be worried about reelection and he can concentrate on putting them all behind bars, why do you think Clinton is so not there, and Bill that poor bastard is really hiding now that they got Epsteins girl chum in jail, can you imagine what she has to say, oops heard they are sending her to the same jail as her buddy, oh well she won't get to talk either, wonder how she will kill herself ? maybe she will fall hitting her head on toilet seat ?
  5. I say leave it alone if you start getting rid of people just because you don't like what they say then your no better than those we complain about, I like to think I am better than that.
  6. why argue about the virus we all know that this is another BS crisis created by the left and if Trump lost the election within 2 weeks the virus would be a non story.
  7. Funny thing while in Iraq I got my balls busted by some pencil pushing General or what ever rank he was, lots of stars , no brains anyway I was wearing my favorite orange jumpsuit and looked like a pumpkin in the middle of the desert and there was reason for this but it's now secret but did involved a plane anyway after getting scolded my senior Iraq commander informed the General that the sniper could see the General very well in his no see'em outfit and that me being a pumpkin was more of interest and I was safer off than he was, my point being with all the proper PPE witch is great for idiots is really just a feel good rule and does squat, remember we had to wear orange and then lime green and now I wear a blue shirt with some orange stripes ?? and yes I keep one eye on traffic and the other 2 or 3 on what I am doing cause I don't care if your wearing a flashing neon jumpsuit you would still be target for some soccer mom texting her way to the gym. and I thought this car would make a great escort ride
  8. I don't like most people so I guess that will work for me, I just avoid them.
  9. And we too have real ones and they still will not stop the Virus so the little Masks are a joke plain and simple. We have P100 respirators and some others and SCBA when around Ammonia. even got the ones for tear gas and I don't even know where those came from, saw them the other day during inventory.
  10. And the masks do not meet any OSHA requirement ?
  11. Because all the welfare moms and illegals are moving there, it's not the amount it's the quality of the amount, god you don't pay attention to facts at all, all you do is spout off CNN talking points, stop spewing fake facts. and you must live in some crap whole, where I live our crime rate is not so bad and I know places where there is no crime to speak of, you just assume that the crap whole you live in is how the rest of us live and the USA used to be the best place in the world to live until Liberals decided that we should not have it so well and decided to lower the standard of living in the USA, remember your shit for brains president wanting to share our wealth with the world ??? because we should not be better than anyone else, you know make America last at everything. you built nothing you have been a taker not a giver you should be seen not heard, when you build a business and put in the really long hours and sweat out payroll then come tell us how to do it till then listen you might learn something.
  12. 880 Million in debt, YRC will never make it, you cut your loss and move on, the drivers will be absorbed by other carriers like always, you guys love to make it out like they lose their job and cannot get another, the reason the Government is lending them money is no bank will touch them they know their failure will soon arrive, YRC is dead no wants to admit it.
  13. Look it up the TAXPAYER lost 10.6 BILLION on the GM bailout that is not paying back the money, stop sniffing your own exhaust.
  14. First off get off this GM paid back the money, they did not they filed and the Government sold the stock they got for pennies on the dollar the US taxpayer got screwed and the small investor got nothing, get your shit straight, and how can a abundance of work help to make another carrier fail if YRC goes under the strain of more work will somehow cause a carrier to lose money, that does not in compute no matter how you look at it your just trying to make a excuse to save your union brothers job and GM would never have gone away it would just be called Amazon/GM.
  15. Isn't it strange that all the problems in the country like crime, poverty and racism are all in places run by Democrats, one would think that with such epic failure that they might try something different ???
  16. I cant go fast enough to worry about that crap.
  17. Why does everybody else get the cool stuff
  18. And the mob will run NYC shortly and they will end the protests because it's bad for business.
  19. Wait for Autocar to build a tractor and buy one of them, the president of Autocar told me they are hoping to have this happen by late fall but that was before the fake virus. If I buy a new truck that is what I plan on doing, the Museum the C119 we just finished with is run by all retired Cummins management and they are willing to help get a engine over to Autocar as long as I sign off on advertising rights to Cummins for Aircraft moves, so with a X15 on the books to move next year for the Smithsonian it makes great business to be able to use that in a ad campaign. get the drift X15 engine X15 plane ??? maybe they could paint it black with with white letters.
  20. And YRC is asking for 700 million to keep it's doors open and fund it's union pension, why should taxpayers bail out union pensions ?? if the union didn't rob it blind the money would be there, that money is invested and the returns pay the pension, if your union and you trust crooks with your retirement then I guess you learn to eat dog food.
  21. So here is a thought god forbid Biden wins I will bet 15 days after his swearing in that the virus will be cured and gone and not a word will be on the fake news except how fast Biden got rid of it ??? I got a thousand dollars that is how it would go down.
  22. Funny they now requiring masks that do not meet any OSHA requirement, how do ticket/fine someone for not wearing a costume because if they do not meet any OSHA requirement then it has to be listed as a costume garment.
  23. Moving to the right when threatened, that is why this country need to reelect TRUMP we are threatened by lawless liberal loons
  24. YO Quicky your state is writing tickets for not wearing masks ?? I was called out for reporting that when I went to pick up the Pete we bought, it is what I was told while there and now I see it on the news, SCREW CA. your state should call them selves a member of the Soviet Union. $300 for first ticket ??????????? your state has been taken over power hungry dirt bags.
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