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Timothy Maikshilo

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Timothy Maikshilo last won the day on April 24 2020

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About Timothy Maikshilo

  • Birthday 02/14/1965


  • Location
    Central Otago, New Zealand

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  • Interests
    Trucks, Farming, Heavy Construction,
    New Zealand
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  1. Rest In Peace Ed, loved your banter.
  2. Jim that rock can been seen for many miles away. Pretty interesting.
  3. Jim found this rock 1800 meters on top of a mountain.
  4. As far as I know yes and his house on the mountain turned with the sun!
  5. Hang in there Jim I think you’ll get there! I wonder if it was my old mill you saw.
  6. I enjoy everyday at work. I truely love my job. Thanks!
  7. Bullheaded, Thank you very much 8000 employees and one big happy Family. As far as the covid we are one level 2 which means pubs and restaurants open and you sanitise and sign in before entering. Work for me is 4 ten hour days. Three days off woot woot! Winter hours. Glad you are working and keeping the ball rolling. Hang in there. Hopefully it will get better soon.
  8. Jim, that was a very unusual find. Normally the biggest rock would only be 2 feet around.
  9. Mean looking!
  10. Ha Jim, stop leaving your stuff everywhere! Well we are at the Luggate quarry now. No steel in this raw feed. Found this rock that my 27 Ton loader did not like.
  11. Thanks Bob, it was very nice. Wish they used one of the other pics I sent. This one was after 70 hour week and a 6.5 hour drive. Was pretty nackered. This one would have been better! Ha
  12. Last bit of steel I found before moving up to the Luggate quarry. This would have made some music.
  13. Geez Jim, that is team work!
  14. That’s for sure! Nice loader too.
  15. I was asked to be in the latest addition of Fulton Hogan’s magazine. Didn’t see this one coming!
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