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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. I like the green and red. That is a clean truck.
  2. Were do you put the urea in that? Looks like they picked it up from the panel beaters shop and probly will use it for a condo.
  3. Rob,your wife let you put that on a beautiful white table cloth? Oh wait, it's a pepper shaker, yah that's it!
  4. I thought it was the little man in the canoe....
  5. Take to driving a GM for a day, then you'll probly change that tune
  6. A woman with a TRUCK? and a Mack to boot? Lord I feel faint......somebody catch me!
  7. They need lots of butter and onions and side dish of Polish meat.
  8. O.K.--here is the pierogie recipe: Dough: 4 tbs melted butter 1/2 cup milk 1 egg, beaten 2 cups flour Mix all these ingredients together. Place on floured surface and knead for 2 minutes (do not over knead or the dogh will be tough). Place in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. While dough is in the fridge, make the stuffing. 3 potatoes 2 tbs butter 1/2 small onion-finely chopped 1 cup shredded cheese 1 tbs vegetable oil 2 heaping tbs flour Peel and boil potatoes, drain them and mash. Saute onion in butter and add to mashed potatoe. Mix in cheese and add oil and flour. Roll out dough thinly. The thinner the better. Cut out circle (an empty and washed tuna can is the perfect size). Fill 1/2 of circle with a teaspoon of the potatoe mixture. Fold over and press the edges so it is the shape of a half moon. Do this until all the dough is used. Place them in a pot of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. take them out with a slotted spoon. You can eat them now. We prefer to fry them slightly in butter with onions. Serve with sour cream. There you go, Kristen typed it because I'm no cook. Enjoy!
  9. I need a vomit bag quick! Here is my cousins 1985 Russian thing from Belarus.
  10. June says to Ward;" Ward I think you were a little hard on the Beaver".
  11. Drove a DM400 with the ppppssstttt pppsssttt steering. OMG WTF was my first thought.
  12. Maybe he meant "With Dawn" to make us jealous.
  13. Olivetroad,As soon as I come in for morning chores I'll have Kristen go through the operation step by step. Don't want you to go on a hunger strike!
  14. Well if you eat to many you may have to get your prostate checked.
  15. Yea, this is even talked about in the New Zealand news. Pigs on police cars.
  16. Rob.......Turn and cough.......turn and cough
  17. I've been ripped off twice here by morons that will spend more time casing your place and figuring when your not home than looking for work.
  18. Don't see to many "barn finds" like this one.
  19. What's really nice about this is you will look at this truck and remeber seeing it with your Dad which is priceless.
  20. Thank you Green Dash, Love the picture of dancing perogies! Looks like something from south park!
  21. Here is Fullfuel01's crane truck that is used to get more Mack stuff and has a V8 too.
  22. You may feel like polka dancing after a great dinner of perogies and you need really good kabasa to go with it. Surprised the guy with your truck found a can with a string long enough to call you.
  23. Leave a message for fullfuel01, this is his fathers truck. He can help you out.
  24. If you bring your wife you may want to include some sights that she is interested in seeing, trust me on this one.....
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