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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thanks for noticing the chickens. I bet your wifes Vermont chickens and mine have the same roots! They would nest on anything and lay eggs on my baler.
  2. I have a 1967 JD 4020 with m&w turbo, synco range trans. very good condition. Have to many and need to make room in the shed. The tractor has 10,000 hours and has had new injectors two years ago. I use it from April till Dec. and always have been a great tractor and parked under cover. Looking for $8,500.00
  3. On the job training, Dad's way......the best way.
  4. Saw on just like this one for sale today in Jeffersonville, Vt. I think the sign side $5000.00
  5. A lot of towns here had R models and then went to international. I've been told by many they wish they still had their R models. Turn the key and go.
  6. Thank you Pawel for the info. These trucks look pretty tough and must be to survive harsh weather conditions.
  7. Yup, just watched some on u tube. Kamaz are pretty cool cab overs. They are amazing to watch.
  8. She better be careful, she may get some grease on her.
  9. Thanks for sharing your photos.
  10. As a boy I ran one just like this pushing up silage.....no brakes!
  11. Is Kaz the company that makes the off road race trucks?
  12. Well you got me there.....1st in the nation for same sex marriage. Ba Humbug
  13. Sounds great unclebilly, I didn't have any trouble snaping photos. I was worried but no problem. My cousins husband is chief of police in Minsk and I was told not to share family photos with anyone. I guess for security reasons. He is another truck in Minsk.
  14. My words exactly. Do like the Titan but the jar of vaseline will get pretty dry.
  15. Fuelfuel01 has a number of Macks that would make a good dump. Send him a message. He is in Quebec.
  16. Hey Boss,We'll take the R700 with the crane and load em up on the MH. Laurentien will know what to do and he can ride with me, Beef Cake
  17. Shusters from Colchester, Ct. Where I grew up. They had Whites with 903 cummins.
  18. I don't think the larger models are allowed here do to competition and our laws. Here is a old Nissan.
  19. That is interesting to know about trucks from other countrys. What side of the road does Japan drive on? Here is a photo of a Merc.
  20. Oh....I wasn't thinking......get ready!
  21. Here is a Mitsubishi Fuso low bed in Dunedin,NZ from Fulton Hogan. I didn't relize that they made trucks this size till I saw them in NZ.
  22. Here is another scraper, this one was in NZ at a park where a major water project took place.
  23. This truck is in Quebec.
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