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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Vinny, The man who owns this may have bought it new. He is now near 90 years old. If I see him I'll ask, Tim
  2. You just need to think in the right state of mind:) I though I was going to have a hard time too but it was all good except for the round abouts......that took alittle extra thought along with intersections.
  3. Boy, sounds like some good ole memories. Glad to have helped!
  4. He had a junk yard but got rid of a lot. Not much in the way of Mack but I'll see what else I have for photo's.
  5. Don't no anything about scrapers but thought it would be neat to share. I bet it was uncomfortable to operate.
  6. Here is a F 700 that an old friend of mine has and used it for moving house trailers. It has seen better days but would be some good parts.
  7. I'm flying to NZ to steal them off yours bugger!
  8. Yes sir Boss Man! There she is! Le plus beau camion du monde. BAD ASS!
  9. Chume' who owns the truck changes something on it every year. Like the new bumper in the magazine and new fenders over the rear tandems.
  10. Here is a photo of the trophy winner with the old bumper. What a R model this is!
  11. I think it's more a superliner hood to an R cab with a set back axle. It was definitely odd but would be neat to see here.
  12. Survey says.....Metroliner. This one is in New Zealand at NZ trucks getting some work done to it.
  13. Best looking U out there. Love the colors and the care put into it. Would make someone a great toy hauler, Tim
  14. It's not an R or a off beat Superliner with a set back axle.....So who can guess what it is?
  15. Solid looking Mack. Is a coal truck?
  16. It would be easier to find an old R model with a long frame. Lot of old trash trucks out there and here in VT. Farm truck needs to be insured and inspectable but you don't need to register it or need a CDL.
  17. What is that white cab over?
  18. The military used the E 9 in tanks. There must be a warehouse somewhere full of them. Friend of mine just picked up a marine V8 and plans to use it. I was told the marine V8 was heavier biult than stock E9.
  19. A Mack man for sure to spot that B model in the back. Good eyes!
  20. Looks like a green RL in the front line with a flat bed. Great pictures and you never know when you'll stop something.
  21. Do they still have any Macks? I know they were running Internationals. Been 12 years since I've been down there. Friend's of mine with a truck garage near the Q bridge, Mike's Truck and Trailer. Good bunch of guys.
  22. Old farmer! All your missing now is some bale twine. Every farmer uses that!
  23. The flames on your trucks are a nice touch and eye catcher.
  24. There is an old name from New Haven,Anastasio. They had a lot of trucks for sure. I like the Superliner in the back ground.
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