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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thank guys for the information. I will spend some time with him looking at different schools and picking out what interests he has. Right now it's his football team and girls....geez....oh and his pick up with stacks.
  2. My son has one more year of high school and is interested in Diesel mechanic school. Does anyone here have a a son or daughter in one of these schools now? Ideas for schools would be very helpful. Thanks,Tim
  3. There are no more long hoods on the road. The Superliner and LTL's were the last of their kind.
  4. Brad you are 100% right about these gentlemen. They live eat and breath Mack from the time they were born. Their first word was Mack. They spent ever waking hour in a Mack or under one. From B models that have been there since new to the DMM's and R models to the Cruiseliner and Magnum Superliners and MH Magnum.
  5. Yes, the long hood of the LTL has always been very nice to see and no, this wasn't a tilcon truck, I know what you mean seeing the WATCH THAT CHILD on the hood. Old Castle owns Tilcon and Pike Industries so it over lapsed from Tilcon. Most Pike trucks never see salt. They are parked before snow comes. WE have a 1984 RD that still looks like new and so does the frame, Tim
  6. This former low bed tractor was made into a water truck for my cold plane crew. 475 with 18 speed. Goes good for a non Mack. Same driver since new and well taken care of. Plenty of power for tanker pulling skid steer package!
  7. Hey Boss, Is this Stoke fire truck from the same place the truck pull with the CL is?
  8. The Beef Cake looks better than Chume' in this bad ass truck!
  9. This truck was rebuilt from the ground up. It was in primer when it was purchased and slowly over time made into a show truck, a R model that beats out the Pacars and F shakers and any other truck type out there is pretty remarkable in this day and age.
  10. Great drawing, They look as if they would from Mack. Love this F model, Tim
  11. Here is a 1989 R model with 350 and 12 speed that has won many shows last summer. Lowered to the ground and lots of custom chrome and paint. On the cover of Pro Truck Magazine and will be in the center fold of the next issue with the story behind it. Congrads. Chume' and Jeff!
  12. Congratulations, On my second date, when she jumped up on the ole JD 4020 and drove around....I knew she was the one and a year later we were married.( She lets me by toys too).
  13. Congratulations, It's funny how different we all are when it comes to women. I married mine exactly 1 year after meeting her and it's been 20 years now. ( She lets me by toys.)
  14. There is the show winner. Need to strengthen my knobby knees for that clutch!
  15. Thank you Pawel, Here is another I took in Lida,Belarus, Tim
  16. Here's one a friend of mine is selling in Vermont.
  17. I like to wear my Fulton Hogan stubbies most of all.
  18. Yes, 6.0 and 550 springs on the back, she's a little heavy! Tim
  19. From the album: My Trucks...

    Pike VT. Division 2011 MP8 with 18 speed.
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