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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. From the album: New Zealand trip

    The valley before the tunnel through the Mt. to get to Milford sound.
  2. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Max thought it was great too!(Under the watchful eye of his Mother!)
  3. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Ah enjoying a handle of beer at the Hermitage at Mt. Cook.
  4. From the album: New Zealand trip

    After delivering Milk tank we took a trip to Mt. Cook.
  5. From the album: New Zealand trip

    View from the KW on the way back to Christchurch from Hokitika.
  6. From the album: New Zealand trip

    A view from the KW on the way back to Christchurch from Hokitika.
  7. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Mike delivering milk tower on the west coast in Hokitika.
  8. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Max directing traffic on the way to Hokitika. Good job son!
  9. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Delivering a milk tower from Christchurch to Hokitika with Nigel, Ray Mike and Glen. Kristen and Max too!
  10. From the album: New Zealand trip

    Max and I with Nigel and Ray's KW towing a Merc
  11. From the album: My Trucks...

    Diamond T, one of the classiest trucks ever made!
  12. From the album: My Trucks...

    Bill Richardson's Museum, Ye olde Bulldog!
  13. From the album: My Trucks...

    Bill Richardson's Museum, Max and I with nice Superiner
  14. From the album: My Trucks...

    Bill Richardson's Museum, Texaco Dodge NICE!
  15. Yes I have a lot of pictures and spent a day at Bill Richardson's truck museum in Invercargill. One word WOW! I also have some video driving Nigel's Superliner and I'll try to up load these. My new job takes up much of my time and it may take a little while to post them. I would suggest a trip there to everyone and driving on the left takes a couple days to get acquainted with. Trucks there are awesome too! Tim
  16. Hi Everyone, It's been a long while since I've been on. Sold the cows in April and headed to New Zealand with the family and stayed with by good friend Mr. "Road Use Charges"Nigel. What a great host and country. Everyone we met treated us very well. Got to drive the CAT SHAGA Superliner and that was AWESOME! Went on a few wrecker calls with Nigel and got to go with the crew transporting a milk tower from the east coast to the west coast. This was very cool through the mountains and valleys at 4.5 meters wide and 20 ft tall,80 ft long. Saw the most magnificent sights I have every seen and Christchurch is a beautiful City where we stayed. Three weeks was not enough time to enjoy these great people and country. We will be going again in the near future. Tim
  17. I've never seen a 20 speed in a road tractor here in the states but P&H used them in the cranes I drove and that is one great trans. Would have been awesome in a low bed tractor,Tim
  18. Jocko, in the truckpaper.com there are a few dk64b's for sale at Adelman's truck parts. They look like there are from the same company. Big red and heavy! Tim
  19. Looks like a sterling.....good luck with that one,Tim
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