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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. My first truck was my grandfathers 1950 GMC 350 flat bed. The old girl made many trips on the farm hauling hay and silage and sawdust. Many fond memories riding in it and going with Dad to get sand for his boys' sand pile was the best. I took her over when I was 13 and painted her green agian with a brush and changed a couple tires with the help of my big bother and even painted the GMC logo on the rear axle in silver to stand out. I drove that truck to work on all the area farms and would trade time for gas. I loved the foot starter and the five speed with the to speed alxe on the dash. My bother has her now and will restore her someday, Tim
  2. Well J.J., you know nothing sounds better than a mack V-8 and your old sugar shack was a great sounding truck. Tim
  3. At my friends saw mill they just installed a new cat V-12 generator and fired it up today. Twin turbo and a really nice sound(for a cat). It really bellows the black smoke when they start up the hammer hog which turns the chips into a bedding material. They mill 30 to 35 thousand board feet of pine a day, love that fuel! Tim
  4. Another classic B model saved....very nice job and great location for the pictures,Tim
  5. Jeff,I think you should park this one next to the DMM and Alex's super cool R model, Tim
  6. I found a "62" autocar in an old friends junkyard....I'm planning on bringing her home, when the wife isn't home that is. Glad your wife supports your habit! Tim
  7. Mike, love that long frame on the LT. It would look awesome fixed up with tall straight pipes. It must be nice finding trucks that aren't rust buckets,(not like New England). Great finds,Tim
  8. What a way to change the tires! I wonder why they're smiling? Thanks Barry ,Tim
  9. The 12 speed is a great tranny. I've enjoyed it in most Macks I've run and wouldn't want any other. I'd always split from the bottom to the top and even when I was bob tailing. It's just a fun to run tranny and with 5 reverse's who would want anything else?, Tim
  10. I can't tell from the pictures if the RD has panetary rears or 58's? But they ends do look flat. A steel nose all decked out is the meanest looking truck on the road(next to a superliner)! Tim
  11. Hey Trent, I bet it was hard leaving the show that day with so many great trucks. Nice job on the pictures,Tim
  12. Barry, great pictures and thanks for finding them. There is something about those big steel nose Macks that are very appealing,Tim
  13. Hey Nigel, hook her up to the tanker and float her on over, that 500 will keep the nose up! Tim
  14. Sounds steep, my insurance though farm family runs 1400.00 a year and I think that's to much. Keep looking I say,Tim
  15. Hey Doc, dhs is a member here and has it listed in the for sale area. I drove a few different B's but no nothing about different series. I bet there are a lot of guys that will help you with that,Tim
  16. Some long hours and hard work....well done! Tim
  17. Barry said he can get anything someone needs for an E-9, so I'd talk to him and go from there. Good luck,Tim
  18. Hey Jeff, sounds like a good idea...I just need to add a couple wheelie bars! Tim
  19. Hi, I had a in frame done for 6500.00 two years ago and she's running strong,Tim
  20. I like that Diamond Rio. I bet it's got a cummins and a 10 speed,Tim
  21. Hey Bob and J.J., thanks I have looked at the adj. and cannot be tightened anymore. Today I take her out of winter storage and get things tip top. It was 70 degrees here yesterday...crazy but I'll take it and get to work, Tim
  22. Graham, there are a lot of V-8's still on the road in northern new england and the guys who have them don't want anything else. I've seen a number of them in Canada too. They're still pretty popular and I too wouldn't want to part with mine,Tim
  23. Thanks guys, I honestly don't know what I have. It's a "92" superliner with a 14,000 lb front X. I've avoided it all winter and now it's time to get r done,thanks Tim
  24. Hey everyone, I'm going to replace my kingpins in a week or two. Any suggestions would be very much appretiated, Tim
  25. dhs just listed one for sale and it sounds great. Nothing like a heavy hauler to add to someones collection,Tim
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