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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. OK let's finish this, I've run lowbed trailers for 24 years and a non ground bearing trailer puts no pressure on the ground when detacting or hooking up the goose neck. A ground bearing puts pressure on the ground when hooking up or dropping the goose neck. That's what it is plain and simple,Tim
  2. Ground bearing the rams push on the ground to pick the deck up and non ground bearing the rams work the deck and goose neck to pick up the deck,Tim
  3. I ran a ground bearing for years and it was great till you loaded something on a spring day in the rain and you couldn't find enough rocks to fill the hole you were punching in the ground when you were trying to hook up agian,Tim
  4. Paul Lyons at just trailers is a pretty nice guy...I've talked with him for a few years and he always calls or e mails me when he has something he thinks I might want,Tim Great little trailer!
  5. Hey Thad, I think it's worth rebiulding the E-9. I guess what dosn't cost an arm and a leg now a days. But if you were going to replace it I'd put an E-7 in and go for dependable engine and get some fuel mileage, Tim
  6. Hi Mike, boy what a combo. I like the tri axle tractor. Red is the best color too, Tim
  7. Hey Bob, You can say that agian....and I've never had a problem using oil since my e-9 has been rebiult, Tim
  8. Up here in Vermont there are a lot of E-9's still on the road. I can at least think of a dozen just in my area. I had mine rebuilt at about 17,000 hours and she's running great. I don't put a lot of miles on any more(10,000 to 12,000) but some of the other guys run them 6 days a week pulling 110,000lbs loads of logs. Just watch your gauges as I'm sure you do and maybe run lower temp thermostats to help keep her cool. We've got some big hills here and I found that helps a lot, Tim
  9. Hello Macks, it's nice to hear that you run macks in your business. I ran a "83" RD with those specs. for years and I loved it. No better combo than a 350 and a 12 speed. My superdog would be better with the 12 speed than the 15 I believe. Enjoy everybodys insite,Tim
  10. I looked at your album, nice old truck. Good luck with her. I bet you'll have her on the road in no time,Tim
  11. Hey Rob, I bet your wife thinks your priceless and wouldn't trade you for all the longaberger or pampered chef stuff in the world,Tim
  12. Steve, looks like a great combination. I had a 1960 JD 440 dozer I had for years and was in exellent condition but got to small for my business. Welcome, Tim
  13. A lot starts at home. If you can talk to your parents about drugs and school life it would be easier for young people to make the right choices. As you all know that dosn't always happen if the home life stinks and you have no one to turn to. I make sure I talk to my boy about drugs and things that happen in school and go to functions with him to help him down the right path,Tim
  14. Hey Thad it sounds like we need to find you a woman, (one that likes trucks), Tim I didn't realize that the air was denser in the rain. So it's not a good thing to bang out a dirty filter? I guess I'll put in a guage and go from there. I've got to price out an out side set up before spring (she's still parked in the shed), Tim
  15. Thad, nice daigram....you always come up with some neat stuff. I should put a couple snorkels on the super dog...I must clean the filter twice a week in the summer or replace it once a month. The pits around here get pretty dusty and the under the hood filter I believe isn't as good as two out side filters,Tim
  16. Hi everybody, years ago before the dream of owning my own truck I started by collecting toy trucks and equipment. I've got a Marx lazy day farms rack truck, ny-lint Michigan t-24 crane with a clam shell. Marx sparkling hot rod( I took from my father so the little brother wouldn't destroy it)25 years ago. a big structo 91 and a bunch of JD tractors and Lesney in England made the best matchboxs. I always made sure my son played nice with them now he wants to run the big truck,Tim
  17. Try running a 160 thermostat, I run 160's in the V-8 and it dosn't get over 185 now,Tim
  18. Are you sure it's a jake? Maybe it's a dynatard which is like pissing in the wind. I'm not sure on the cut out my dog stalls if I'm dumb enough to forget the dynatard is on( and it's happened more than once!)
  19. Yup, The abs box on the side of the frame next to the rear X went to crap last week and the guy who owns the freightliner chased the problem for two days. I think the goverment has really squeezed the truck makers and they have to meet all new guide lines and it's worse every year. For me I think I would totally rebuild my old dog from top to bottom and not have to worry about the electric stuff and she'd be good for another 10 years. Friend of mine bought a 90 superliner new and pulls 110 thousand pounds of logs 5 days a week has rebuild her twice and is way ahead of the game,Tim (not putting new trucks down, it's the new regs.).
  20. Hey guys I got pulled over last year in NY and I was empty and the truck was only three years old. It was a freightliner though. The cop passed by me and whipped it around stopped me and asked if I knew why he was stopping me....I said no sir and he said as soon as I saw you were driving a new freightliner I knew I had you. He said freightliner uses braided air hose and I bet they'll leak. I didn't believe him and he was right. He had me step on the brakes and both left and right front leaked ever so lightly...it leaked around the fitting where it was crimped. He said every freightliner he stopped had the same problem and 432.00 dollars later and 4 hours of my time I was back on the road. Freightliner said they've never had any problems with the braided hose and would not pay the bill or the ticket,Tim
  21. Yea, your better off agreeing with the man than pissing him off. Bob, that R model was bullet proof. The crane was under it's own power. I used to run them all over the state, a 40,50,70,80 and a 140 ton P+H. I bet you worked pretty hard to get your truck clear off the road and sometimes things work out your way when your in a bind. At the scale house years ago when I'd pull in with the low boy they would always wave me through because they knew the truck was 100% and they had better things to do. Got a few more stories too,Tim
  22. One mans junk....another mans treasure! Tim
  23. Bob, it was sitting at Hartford Mack as a cab and chassis ready for a dump and was bought new and made into a tractor really miss that truck. There was a place in Brooklyn you better have something other than matches in a pack too or you didn't get unloaded for hours. I got lost in brooklyn once and found myself going down a one way street the wrong way....a cop walking the beat stopped me and said...what the hell a yyou doing? I said I didn't know Rockaway Blvd. turned one way and he said see that left? Your taking it....well it was a tight squeeze and every body on the block made sure I didn't hit thier cars. Let's say I was still lost for another hour,Tim
  24. A sound system is nice(best if your a head banger), but even to this day I'll take the passenger window down and the V-8 thump'in,Tim
  25. Bob, the R had 58 rears triple frame 12.00x24 rubber 350 and a 12 speed. It was a great truck but would kill you bob tailing! Another time with a state trooper was when I was moving a 80 ton P+H crane and pulling a big hill the front rear blew. I pulled over as much as I could and had the flag girl that was following me wave by traffic. A trooper stopped and told me I couldn't leave the crane there.....I said it's done till we get a tow. He said you got to move it off the road and couldn't understand if the crane runs why won't it go! I shrugged and he took off. Got a wrecker to come out....a little brockway ten wheeler and that's another storie in it's self, Tim
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