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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. 3P, thanks for sharing and I really like the 600's paint jobs and the steelnose RD. I've never seen 800's as flat beds before,thanks Tim
  2. I had the lowbed you see in my album(back in "85") and had a dynahoe series 200-4 and just started up a steep hill from a stop sign. It was slow going and had a trooper come up behind....I got to the top and he pulled me over and wanted to know why I was going so slow? I tried not to laugh and said there's a reason for all the gears in a very nice voice,Tim
  3. Very nice! thanks for sharing,Tim
  4. I got pulled onto some portable scales in Willimantic, Ct. back in "86" with a 1964 autocar ten wheel dump with 20 tons of class 4 black top. The DMV guy said pull onto the scales and shut it off...I said I can't shut it off and he said NOW...ok bud and I did. Well he said a minute later start it up and move forward. It wouldn't start....boy was he mad! get off my scales before you brake them! They were able to rock it enough to get it off....barely. I had to go get the low boy and haul it to the job site. The ticket was almost worth the trouble they had,Tim( I've got more too).
  5. DW, I'll speak to my friend in the morning to line something up for you,Tim
  6. DW, what series machine do you have? Is it and old gas or diesel? My friend owns a dealership here and sells bobcat and tool cats and I could possibly get a copy of something you need,Tim
  7. Hey Thad, thanks for the pics. of the 800's I think the one for 45,000 sounds a bit hi even though it only has 19,000 miles on it. It looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet and I'd like to see the hour meter. The 888 for 14,000 sounds pretty good if someone had a dump to drop on it, Tim
  8. Hey Trent, it's almost like a foot massage while your driving Tim
  9. I'm going to have to replace mine soon. when you stomp on it, it squeals bad and the're expensive. Always something to keep you busy and your pocket lite,Tim
  10. Mack also put them on superliners with the E-9 after 1990,Tim
  11. Thanks guys, I'll try these products, I like to know whats out there that I haven't found. We all like shiney trucks but want what's easy to apply. There's nothing better than being on the road and a fellow trucker pays you a compliment on your rig,Tim
  12. Well I tell my wife men are two things, either hunger or horny and driving truck is the second best thing I do! She's never complained. Jim, what do you use for polish for the paint and for the aluminum? I use mothers 3 step for the paint and lazy mans(the one with the rabbit on it) for the aluminum. It works well but I'm always open for suggestions,Tim
  13. Hi Mark, sounds like you have a great collection already. I bought my son a "79" bronco and hope to have it ready for him by the time he's 16(5 1/2 years from now) It may end up being a field car for him to drive, welcome Tim
  14. Jim, as you've heard....NICE TRUCK....I bet mr. dot has never had to creep under it. It pays to keep them like new. My "92" in the warm weather gets waxed once a week and washed after any use. I've never had any dot issues.(the wife wishes she got as much lov'in)....remember boys it's almost valintines day,Tim
  15. I've always loved the 12 speed, I'd split every gear pulling a 50 ton low boy and it worked great. On the nob you have rev. neutral direct and hi. 5 rev. gears were great too. My superliner has a 15 which to me is a just a 10. I'd rather have a 12 speed maxitorque any day, Tim
  16. Ed, this happened to me to. Ran a new CH with a 400 back in "93" and damn thing would shut down when ever it felt like it. Coming off the top of Tilcons plant in North Haven, had a euclid behind me when it shut down and came close to getting pushed off the mountian. The truck went by by and it only had 75,000 miles on it. Mack scratched their heads on that one. Had the east coast manager ride with me too. I'm Mack and always will be, some body must have had a bad week when yours was being built. The best of luck with it,Tim
  17. Robert, there is a 1979 superliner in truckpaper.com with a 350 cummins in it for 7,500 dollars,Tim
  18. Hey fullfuel, just go out to your garage and go look your DMM and that should make you feel better Tim
  19. Barry, some old B model that's earned it's wieght in gold deserves a face lift too. I hope we see an old dog,Tim
  20. Hey Trent, I could have used some training wheels in the past too! Tim
  21. Try www.truckpaper.com, they always have one or two with a non mack engine,Tim
  22. Jake, like any tractor you my bring home if something catches your eye and the price in your opinion is good you'll buy it then start looking really good at it after it's in your yard. Those old B's are pretty rugged but you can figure if it sat....brakes and seals, jack it up check your king pins and check rears and tranny oil levels and check for fines. I never restored one just bought and used them and never had any thing major with one other than hoses and brakes,Tim
  23. On the farm back home I had JD's and my older brother had IH's. I'd buy my son JD's for Christmas and my brother bought him IH's.....I told my son it was ok to smash the IH's together Shifting a IH 966 is like going to you mother inlaws and trying to say your enjoying yourself. My JD2950 you could shift it with out the clutch...real smooth :thumb:Tim
  24. Jake, a nice B or R model with a short fixed drop deck trailer would work great for shows and could come in handy moving some hay or wood. Some thing with big rubber to match your 5020,Tim
  25. Great pictures, your engine is coming along nicely and I like your massey tractors. Boys and there toys,Tim
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