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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Bob, sounds like you got yourself a keeper. That old dog is just like mans best friend faithful to the end,Tim
  2. Great pictures! Once I get some more pictures of mine scanned I'll put my tractors in too. When it comes to tractors I was always taught to drive the green and pull the red,Tim
  3. That will be very nice when your done Barry. I think you're going to make the old autocar jealous! Tim
  4. Brad, My friend Jeff has a LT with the supercharger. I've been to shows with him and I drove his B75 and couldn't keep up with him. It sounds great and he knows alot about it. I'll e mail you with his info. I drove a P&H 70 ton crane with a supercharger in the lower,wow it really went well,Tim
  5. Scott, I've seen Bob Dennis with his truck back in the early"90"s, Pretty neat. I know some of the boys at Aborio and I thought they parked there B's a few years ago, it's great that they're still on the road. That B in Bridgeport my be a part of Anthony Julian's old trucks. Once in a while Mike's truck and trailer in New Haven get some older stuff in the yard for sale,Tim
  6. Hey guys, It's nice to hear the younger generation talk trucks. My son Maxim loves my old superdog and runs the 490 shovel and skidsteer. I let him run the truck on the road the farm is on(not alot of traffic) and he's 10 going on 16,Tim
  7. Well that looks like a pretty heavy truck. I like the look of a axle forward alot more than set back,Tim
  8. I ran my "58" B64 for a couple years till I got the superliner. It ran great and would pull any load I could put in it. I was always very careful not to scratch it too. Scott, was that one of O&G's trucks on that road job? Tim
  9. It's nice to see a true military truck being restored as part of our past. I figured what was brought over seas stayed overseas and this unit made it back. Thanks for the picture,will be nice to see one of it all done,Tim
  10. Farm plates also work if you have any land or you could haul farm products once in a while to make it legal.I see it all the time in VT. and now actual farm trucks do not need to be reg. you only need insurance and a yearly inspection in VT. Tim
  11. Once the local boys in your area know you, you shouldn't have any problems. The'll see your not running junk and wave you through after the first time. I don't take my big dog out of state and in Vermont they're very strict on trucks and they have never crawled under mine and it's a "92",Tim
  12. Thanks guys, we currently run a FL112 4 door and are looking into something different(freightliner blues) cat C-12 and a 10 speed. I've always been Mack and would love to look into it,Tim
  13. Hi everyone, I haven't checked with Mack yet but didn't know if you could get a sleeper put on a granite with a set back axle. I'm looking into new trucks and would like to see if this could be possible. Because of the lenth of the frame a set back is needed and to bring displays to shows the sleeper is needed,Tim
  14. Van, your 100% right it's a passion your born with. I knew what I wanted to do when I was five years old and we come from all walks of life for the thrill of the big steel and black smoke,Tim
  15. Well it depends on your state. If the sign says ALL TRUCKS, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES then you may want to just roll in there. They can get picky on there use of the word truck. They'll probly just wave you through and give you a thumbs up on you truck. Also if you put on you truck not for hire that would help you out too. Don't take a chance on going by, if the lights are flashing you r best bet is to go into the chicken coop,Tim
  16. Hey Barry, I like the gold bulldog! Tim
  17. Jeff, really nice job and love the colors. It's going to be a real head turner,Tim
  18. I started driving on the weekends when I was a sophmore in high school and got"on the job training". When I got my class 2 I was working full time driving triaxle dumps and took the truck to the state yard with my friend and met the inspector there and all we had was a driving test. Ace'd that and had my class 2. When I got my class 1 I was running lowbed and all we had was a driving test too. Then years later had to get grandfathered and took the written.....wow hated that I tell you. Now I think in my opinion they've gone overboard with the cdl...I've meet young drivers that needed a lot more in the seat time than book work(espcially in the snow),Tim
  19. Look forward to what the truck looks like,Tim
  20. Ok so the B stands for Bonney, Thanks I like to know what I have and I hope to find more to add to my collection. Thanks Superdog,Tim
  21. Hi everyone, years ago I picked up some mack tools. I've got a ball peen hammer with a mack stamp on the head and a williams #75 7/16-1/2" mack wrench,9/16- 5/8" no name but a B inside a triangle and on the other end 2012-79S mack stamped. 1 1/8USS-1 1/4SAE on one end and 7/8USS-1SAE mack stamped. 7/8 -3/4 and a williams 9/16-5/8 #79S. Did tool makers do this for Mack dealers or could individuals purchase them? Also dose anyone else collect tools too? Tim
  22. Hey fullfuel, Your bothers pipe out the side of his R is pretty neat too. It would scare the car next to him,Tim
  23. Hi Dan, Would love to see some pictures of the magnum. If you can get the truck at a reasonable price that would be great. Can't wait to see some pictures and I like your web page,Tim
  24. That's pretty cool but I that stack would drive me nuts looking though the window Tim
  25. Just like Trent said and looks like your old girl had a bit of crome too.Welcome and enjoy your new truck,Tim
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