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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Found a 1974? White Constructor mixer cummins with a jake ran when parked 15 years ago....Any ideas what it maybe worth? Scrap price? Hate to see it get cut in half!
  2. Great week i pictures!
  3. From OK into MOHeaded to West Plains to see the "King Pin" cousin of the family Ronniewho had us stay at his 1200 acre hunting campand saw this B model on the way
  4. Welcome and congratulations on a great find!
  5. Tom it works well!This is from Sunday
  6. Great set of pics!
  7. The 1996 RD I am using 70 hours a week nowHas 10500 hours and 560,000 miles. Still goes good!
  8. Need some good ole junk yard dogs to help save the old dogs Mike!
  9. Royale nessee, Me and Marsellus Wallace like this one.
  10. Your not kidding! The older models are sweet az!
  11. Paul, turbo will be the next installation Jim note the high roof too? Easier for the foot prints on the dash board upside down! Very cool Vlad!
  12. Here is my boy's newly lifted 1988 Safari4 inch lift with 35 inch tires. He is a happy boy!
  13. Awesome!!! My bother took my 350 home with him but I'll be getting it back
  14. I hope you can find something Mike! Hope someone local can help you out.
  15. Great pics! Montana is on my bucket list! Have fun on your Vacation!
  16. Paul not sure about OK. I always thought it would be flat as a board but rolling hills where we were. it was very nice! Did see a few interesting loads tooNice CH pulling a CAT and some Pete's that were breadingand a long ass loadWe had fun through Oklahoma!
  17. Great set of pics Tom. Find a girl with a chain saw, now that's a keeper!
  18. Welcome! Would love to see some past and present pictures!
  19. Good eye Vlad! Never really noticed this. Both these trucks are in the southern hemisphere.
  20. Paul no big hat but we did sing the song;"Deep in the heart of Texas" all the way through! Unfortunately we did not get to see anyone. Not a lot of planning on my part. We do plan another trip and then get to stop along the way! Then into OK we wentPassed a Dune buggy pushing a truck
  21. Great DM! Now that's a truck! Nice straight trailers. Pulled some like that for Federal Paper back in the "80"s into NYC and NJ Will make awesome storage units!
  22. Damn Paul! You Ozzie's have all the answers! Paul a lot of turnpikes here allow doubles. We stopped on Rte 66and headed out of NMinto Texas
  23. Welcome! Nice truck! My Grandmother lived in Vero for many years. I enjoyed visiting there.
  24. Nice for sure Vlad True! It works well at dust control and is environmentally friendly!They bought a tankfulThen head to our next destinationand enjoy the sunset
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