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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Went to Bryce Canyon AZ looking for a place to hideHere is a good spotStayed a few days till it was safe to leave
  2. Thanks for sharing your pics Tom. All great trucks and cars! Love the Dam info and picks too! Very cool!
  3. Perfect idea! Just might want to have your spill kit ready too!
  4. The plan thickens Paul.... Yes Vlad Max is still there and planning on staying. We will fly him home for Christmas with the next shipment of Marmite!
  5. Welcome! Pete's aren't the end of the world Love for trucks, now that is important!
  6. All true!!! Damn, was found out and sent packing back to the states. I appreciate our worldly reporter keeping everyone informed and on top of this issue. The 15 state tour back to Vermont had no effect on fellow Americans...I was told;"Damn whats that smell? Put the lid back on it!" I guess the dream of integrating a bit of down under and over a wee bit isn't gonna work....But there is one more MAIKSHILO in New Zealand! The dream isn't over!Grand Canyon north rim, the Condors were the only ones interested in the Marmite.Truck stop in Idaho they used it for fifth wheel grease.
  7. Thanks Ed! We had a wonderful time with amazing folks and enjoyed as much of the great outdoors as possible. No regrets and will be going back ever other year to see Max and get a little right hand driving in!
  8. Ed yes we are do the fact the farm didn't sell by Sept. and was not going to leave it empty through the winter. So back in Vermont and getting ready for winter again! Loved NZ and Fulton Hogan, left on a good note and we'll see what the future brings. Do miss my boy something fierce! He'll be here for a visit at Christmas
  9. How long were you there? Looks like a great time, Thanks for sharing!
  10. Well finishing up the year driving a nice little RD that nobody wants to sit in, I really enjoy it and it pulls great. 350 8LL and get's there the same time as the BIG roadies!
  11. Awesome! Looks like a well though out load. One of the best looking R models too
  12. Tom, Hope you get one of those new KW's! Does Charlotte have a walmart near by? Gonna get herself some more leopard PJ's!
  13. Glad you got it sorted and back up and running. Thinking about how you could make it work and finishing it. Awesome!
  14. Thanks for the web site! I'll have to settle for Molson Dry!
  15. Thank you! We are in Harrisburg and headed up to Fairport NY tomorrow!
  16. Thanks slpwlker! Now I know what you go through weekly with all the traffic and weather. We were just north of Flagstaff AZ and got caught in a hail/rain storm from the twilight zone!The hail was so bad we ouldn't see the truk in front of us and then the road got icy from so much hail
  17. Thanks Vlad, Back in the states now and headed to Vermont. The farm has not sold so we are staying the winter there. Here is Tropic Utah, I could live there!
  18. I haven't seen any Superliners at all on our trip? Lot's of freight shakers on the big road and then saw some new Pete'sand a new Cat
  19. Awesome! Great work, keep the pictures coming!
  20. Well we picked up the jeep and went to Bryce CanyonThen to the Grand Canyon
  21. Welcome!
  22. Great topic and great pictures Gentlemen!
  23. Thanks Jim! I'll be talking to myself to get it right! Boss, you know that it is! I'll let you know when we leave Oregon!
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