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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Very nice and a short little dump is easy to get around. It's great to get to use them!
  2. Paul that is for what they call here "Boy Racers" the kids with the lowered cars and tin can mufflers. If they catch them running down these marked roads they get fined.
  3. Here is an example of how some roads are marked here in NZStop signs are a rarity, here there are give way signs. End of the road and there are 80K signs and right after a give way at a T in the road Crazy!
  4. Great pictures! Love to see that part of the country!
  5. Yah Yah Boss! Well I tell you winter here is easy compared to Montreal or northern Vermont! It was 55F here today with beautiful sunshine! Thanks MACKS! Today it was frosty in the AM then up to 55F
  6. Welcome and great nick name!
  7. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. Thanks! Pictures don't do it justice. Went back today with the wife and son so they could check it outThree graders and two loaders took care of the snow
  9. Paul in the states it's TGIF Thank God it's Friday and we call it Beer thirty!
  10. Thanks for the link Paul lots of snow in OZ! Yes but pretty mild compared to northern Vermont!
  11. Paul it was beautiful and will not last very long. Had a great day going up there and spending some time in the snow. Does it snow in OZ?
  12. Once back from Porters Pass went and picked up a new John Deere 670GVery nice unit and is going to AkaroaI wasn't going to be the first to scratch itBack to the yard
  13. West Coast Road Route 73 was shut down due to snow fall last night and we hauled out wheel loaders and graders to open Porters Pass It was beautiful!
  14. Paul Volvo does make a comfortable truck and it is enjoyable to drive! Jim there is snow coming but it wont stay more than a day at sea level. The mountains keep it.
  15. Thanks Paul, Nice to get to do different things when transport is slow do to winter, but the weather is still mild compared to Vermont
  16. Moved a Cat diggerthen helped them build a retaining pond with 2 A40F trucks16.1 litre engine and this thing has all the bells and whistlesA little bigger than my ute
  17. Quite a few in Vermont good little tractors. They are known to jump out of third gear so keep that in mind.
  18. Heavy it's a 360 stop at every gas station engine and I am a good brother only to that brother though, the other two can kiss my ass Thanks Mike, gonna miss the farm...been there 16 years and two herds of cows. Bitter sweet but my boy loves the farm and did offer to make him my partner if we went back milking but he loves welding and his weekends off. Vermont dose have some nice old places. You are 100% right! I have over loaded that truck with hay, sawdust, gravel, wood, trash and anything else related to the farm and she never let me down. She will now live the cushy life in Connecticut
  19. Great set of picks and gotta love Boston!
  20. Big Brother Mark came up to Vermont while I was back getting things cleaned up and took home my old 92 Dodge 1 ton for his farmThe old girl has been a great truck for years and glad he's taking her. Hope that 2011 he has pulling her will last as long
  21. Ooouuuu.....Shiny Superliners are the best!
  22. The GM market in NZ which is called Holden sells the Canyon P.O.S. like they are in the states and there are many around but the Ford is now top dog here. Ford gives the Cockey's (Farmers) a great discount on them. Lots of room and the diesel is great.
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