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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. For sure don't want to forget that!Here is the new Superliner.
  2. I've been trying to keep it cleanIt is a grunty little truck!
  3. Paul, it sure is windy and the trees that are there grow side waysThis morning work.
  4. Gone all week and hauled wind mill power units up to the job site in Bluff,NZ. Started at the warfThis ship getting loaded with wood chipsthis truck unloading wood chipsCrane loaded up the partsSteep incline and had to pull the truck up the hill each timeTop of the hillSteward IsalndNew Zealands southern most point.Having a great time here and learning new things!
  5. Wow Mike all good trucks for excellent deals!
  6. Well, Took off on Sunday and my good friend Bob drove me to the airport where Fullfuel01 and his lovely lady saw me on my wayQuebec women are hot!There were some cool Oshkosh trucks tooLanded on Teusday and started work on Wednesday but left my camera in Christchurch while I worked in Dunedin. Training and meet and greet the folks in heavy haulage. Flying back to Dunedin on Monday and will have the camera.
  7. Ed you can all me a wanna be I guess! Don't know if that can even happen. I've been in Vermont 23 years and still considered a flat lander.... Thanks Vlad, the Kenworth is nice but it's not a Mack and I will drive the Superliner any chance Tim B gives me!
  8. It's amazing the glass is still in it too. The Grandson looks like one content little Mack man.
  9. Thanks Vlad! Maxim has met a young lady from Russia, go figure! He said she is very nice. I'll keep you posted thanks Jim! Here is Tim B's new truck and my trailer
  10. Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new addition!
  11. Would love to see some pictures of your project.
  12. Two things Dad taught 4 boys, Respect your elders and a work ethic and you will go far.
  13. GG Kristen is staying behind till the farm sells and her Mom is coming up to help sort things. Friends are helping finish cleaning out the sheds and barns(I've run out of time to do so!)My brother Marksmagneto is coming to help too. Friends and Family I can count on! I'll be taking pics from the airport on! Your tan weather will be here soon! Al, it will be awesome and the boy can't wait to see his old man!
  14. Thanks! I appreciate that! I don't want to look back on my life and wish I had done something. It also helps having a lovely caring wife that will allow it I will definitely keep everyone informed as the days pass. Talked to Tim # 1 and he was on his way home from the north island with his Superliner and my trailer. He said it was going to take some time getting use to the Superliner and I suggested I drive it! True! and I did get burnt at Christmas time. The sun is very intense and one needs to cover up.
  15. Perfect! I'm outta likes!
  16. Quebec trucks are sideways
  17. Most definitely need a work visa and there is a lot required to get it. It is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. Takes a long time and plenty of patients. There has to be an area of need and skill required to get it. Now we are very much looking forward to it!
  18. FWD the T404 is an Australian KW and the three rows of eight is the 50 ton trailer.
  19. Thanks Gentlemen! You've seen pics of the truckBut it will have a new trailer.
  20. Paul, when we get settled in I'll be taking the trip over to see you and the farm!
  21. Thank you Gentlemen! I've always been one to think whats over the next hill and have done what ever I've wanted to do in life. Growing up in Connecticut I always told my Grandmother I was going to buy her farm and did. Pulled a low bed for 18 years. Bought a farm in Vermont in 1992 and milked cows from 2000 to 2010. Road Foreman for Pike Industries for 5 years and now to the next adventure! There are people who think we're crazy and I just smile and nod...
  22. Well Kristen and I decided to try something new and I've taken a job in New Zealand and headed out on Sunday landing Tuesday and starting Wednesday. Looking forward to the change and a new challenge. It will be awesome to be with my son again. The Superliner will return home to it's God Father Uncle Jeff for safe keeping. I'll be working for Fulton Hogan heavy haulage driving the T404 with a new 3 rows of eight trailer. Life is an adventure and I'm looking forward to it!
  23. Welcome and pictures please!
  24. Welcome!
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